3 research outputs found

    Riadenie aktuátora s pneumatickými umelými svalmi v antagonistickom zapojení

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    The actuator based on pneumatic artificial muscles in antagonistic connection was designed and realized on the author’s workplace. The pneumatic artificial muscles are acting against themselves and resultant position of the actuator is given by equilibrium of their forces according to different pressures in muscles. The pressures in artificial muscles (and in this manner muscles contraction too) are controlled by four solenoid valves (two for muscles filling and two for emptying). On the theoretical and experimental basis the block diagram for position control of the actuator arm (with possible slave velocity control loop) was designed. The new algorithm based on simultaneous pressure control only in one muscle was designed too. This algorithm reduces requirements for control of such actuator.Aktuátor na báze pneumatických umelých svalov v antagonistickom zapojení bol navrhnutý a zrealizovaný na pracovisku autorov. Pneumatické umelé svaly pôsobia proti sebe, pričom výsledná poloha aktuátora je daná rovnováhou ich ťahových síl v závislosti na rôznych tlakoch vo svaloch. Tlaky vo svaloch (a tým aj kontrakcia svalov) sú riadené pomocou štyroch solenoidových ventilov (dva pre plnenie svalov a dva pre vyprázdňovanie svalov). Na základe teoretických východísk a realizovaných experimentov bola navrhnutá bloková schéma riadenia polohy ramena aktuátora (s možnosťou podriadenej rýchlostnej slučky). Taktiež bol navrhnutý nový algoritmus riadenia aktuátora založený na súčasnom riadení tlaku iba v jednom svale. Tento algoritmus znižuje nároky na riadenie takéhoto aktuátora

    Automatic Thermal Control System with Temperature Difference or Derivation Feedback

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    Automatic thermal control systems seem to be non-linear systems with thermal inertias and time delay. A controller is also non-linear because its information and power signals are limited. The application of methods that are available to on-linear systems together with computer simulation and mathematical modelling creates a possibility to acquire important information about the researched system. This paper provides a new look at the heated system model and also designs the structure of the thermal system with temperature derivation feedback. The designed system was simulated by using a special software in Turbo Pascal. Time responses of this system are compared to responses of a conventional thermal system. The thermal system with temperature derivation feedback provides better transients, better quality of regulation and better dynamical properties