472,330 research outputs found

    Milanā€™s Cycle as an Accurate Leading Indicator for the Italian Business Cycle

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    A coincident business cycle indicator for the Milan area is built on the basis of a monthly industrial survey carried out by Assolombarda, the largest territorial entrepreneurial association in Italy. The indicator is extracted from three time series concerning the production level and the internal and foreign order book as declared by some 250 Assolombarda associates. This indicator is potentially very valuable in itself, being Milan one of the most dynamic economic systems in Italy and Europe, but it becomes much more interesting when compared to the Italian business cycle as extracted form the Italian industrial production index. Indeed, notwithstanding the deep differences in the nature of the data, the indicator for Milan has an extremely high coherence with the Italian cycle and the former leads the latter by approximately 4-5 months. Furthermore there is a direct relation between the amplitude of the cycle and the leading time of the Milan indicator.Leading indicator, unobserved components model, structural time series model, local business survey

    Ambrose of Milan\u27S Method of Mystagogical Preaching

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    Author: Satterlee, Craig A. Title: Ambrose of Milan\u27s method of mystagogical preaching. Publisher: Collegeville: Liturgical, 2002

    Man, a wide garden: Milan Kundera as a young Stalinist

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    This article analyses early Stalinist poetry, written by writer Milan Kundera, published in his collection Clovek, zahrada sira (Man, A Wide Garden) in 1953

    Linear probing with constant independence

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    Hashing with linear probing dates back to the 1950s, and is among the most studied algorithms. In recent years it has become one of the most important hash table organizations since it uses the cache of modern computers very well. Unfortunately, previous analyses rely either on complicated and space consuming hash functions, or on the unrealistic assumption of free access to a truly random hash function. Already Carter and Wegman, in their seminal paper on universal hashing, raised the question of extending their analysis to linear probing. However, we show in this paper that linear probing using a pairwise independent family may have expected logarithmic cost per operation. On the positive side, we show that 5-wise independence is enough to ensure constant expected time per operation. This resolves the question of finding a space and time efficient hash function that provably ensures good performance for linear probing

    Bureaucratized management of paid care-work

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    Paid elderly care-work in Italy: the case of not-for-profit private organizations, social cooperatives which provide domiciliary services and employ mainly migrant women in the cities of Milan and Reggio Emilia
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