343 research outputs found

    Razrada proizvodnog procesa tiska za pisače velikih formata

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    Razvojem tiska proširuju se mogućnosti realizacija grafičkoih idejnih rješenja. Pojavom pisača velikih formata omogućeni su novi oblici oglašavanja na različitim formatima i materijalima. Cilj ovog završnog rada je istražiti načine i mogućnosti razrade proizvodnog procesa tiska za pisače velikih formata (engl. plotter).Za potrebe rada napraviti će se komparativna analiza razrade proizvodnog procesa tiska za različite pisače i za različite proizvodne situacije. Biti će istraženo i prikazano za realizaciju kojih se sve grafičkih proizvoda koriste pisači velikih formata. Koje se tiskovne podloge najčešće koriste te koji formati

    Fundamental physics and cosmology using astronomical laser frequency combs

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    Timeless Modernity, Shifting Ideologies: a Vibrant Street in a Distorted Reality?

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    The focus of the paper is on the relation between a traditional and a modern concept of street design and regulation, which have been overlapping and upgrading/degrading for decades. The case of the Boulevard of Jurija Gagarina in New Belgrade will be used as an interesting example of a street constructed during the 1960s. The original modernist idea, reflecting the socio-economic background of the socialist epoch, is still recognizable in impressive prefabricated housing blocks, shaped according to the ideas of the Athens charter and the Modernist movement. The street, originally planed as an important transit artery with surrounding housing and green areas, started to transform its landscape during the period of transition (1990s). The position, available empty space and already provided infrastructure have directed a new tide of changes, attracting attention of city authorities, investors and entrepreneurs. The intensity of activities has increased, new office/commercial/housing units were constructed, but all these transformations have not been supported by the planning concepts which would improve the overall condition and quality of life in this area. Driven by the logic of economic efficiency and profit, the transformation of the Boulevard of Jurija Gagarina has also tackled the sensitive issues of spatial organization, social cohesion, redefined urban needs and questionable sustainability. Therefore, the paper will discuss recent changes and trends which opened some new questions of urban durability, modernity, efficiency and environmental awareness, simultaneously emphasizing a need for an integral approach, adjusted to a new dynamic and multiplying demands of/for the future

    Should network structure matter in agent-based finance?

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    We derive microscopic foundations for a well-known probabilistic herding model in the agent-based finance literature. Lo and behold, the model is quite robust with respect to behavioral heterogeneity, yet structural heterogeneity, in the sense of an underlying network structure that describes the very feasibility of agent interaction, has a crucial and non-trivial impact on the macroscopic properties of the model

    Cyberbullying among Children and its Comparison to Traditional Forms of Peer Violence

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    In addition to traditional forms of peer violence (physical, verbal, relational, sexual, economic and cultural), children are increasingly involved in cyberbullying through electronic media. We present a literature review on peer violence in order to determine the similarities and specifics of cyberbullying, in comparison with traditional forms of peer violence. Similarities of these forms of bullying are manifested in the overlap of core elements in most conceptualizations of peer bullying and the correlation between being involved in the electronic and the traditional bullying perpetration, as well as in the correlation between both types of bullying victimization. On the other hand, some studies suggest that cyberbullying utterly differs from traditional forms of peer bullying in crucial elements of conceptual definitions of bullying, possible anonymity of perpetrators, wide audience and high spatio-temporal accessibility of violent content. In addition, we compare risk and protective factors for the involvement in traditional and electronic violence among peers (on individual, family, school and peer level). Despite the fact that the prevalence of traditional forms of peer victimization still exceeds the electronic forms of violence, both worldwide and in Croatia, due to cyberbullying specifics, it is essential for the current bullying prevention programs to implement certain activities specifically aiming at reducing cyberbullying among children

    Networking of spa resorts: the case study of Serbian Central Region

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    Report on the development of Serbia in 2009 indicates that the main feature of the regional development is distinct territorial unevenness caused by numerous factors of economic, demographic and social character. Supported with the fact that Serbia lies on the lakes of mineral waters, the analysis also showed it has potential in natural resources, suitable for development of continental tourism. However, the Serbian tourism products are not adequately developed or commercialized on the international tourism market. Contemporary flows in world tourism industry define new profile of tourists, with a focus on visitors who belong to the leading development category of the population. Thus, users are representatives of the creative class. This implies instant holiday for the purpose of conferences, team building or just exchange of views in an informal setting. In accordance with that, this paper examines contents and activities that will have the power of attracting and networking them. In addition to that, the paper will examine new ways of treating and promoting spa tourism and possibilities of its improvement.Peer Reviewe

    Networking of spa resorts: the case study of Serbian Central Region

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    Report on the development of Serbia in 2009 indicates that the main feature of the regional development is distinct territorial unevenness caused by numerous factors of economic, demographic and social character. Supported with the fact that Serbia lies on the lakes of mineral waters, the analysis also showed it has potential in natural resources, suitable for development of continental tourism. However, the Serbian tourism products are not adequately developed or commercialized on the international tourism market. Contemporary flows in world tourism industry define new profile of tourists, with a focus on visitors who belong to the leading development category of the population. Thus, users are representatives of the creative class. This implies instant holiday for the purpose of conferences, team building or just exchange of views in an informal setting. In accordance with that, this paper examines contents and activities that will have the power of attracting and networking them. In addition to that, the paper will examine new ways of treating and promoting spa tourism and possibilities of its improvement.Peer Reviewe

    Balint Groups as a Driving Force of Ego Development

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    This paper gives an overview of one of the main components in the process of Balint groups. The paper is based on the authors\u27 research on the work of Balint groups and the study of literature which deals with the development of ego and the role of Balint groups in the development of participants’ ego. This field is of great interest to the Balint movement and education in medicine. The special place in the discussions on the Balint method is given to the issue of benefit and the nature of influence of the Balint groups on participants. The Balint movement is of special interest for Croatia since it was perhaps among the first in the world to introduce Balint seminars as an official part of education of family doctors. The Croatian Society of Balint Groups as early as in 1970\u27s became a part of the International Federation of Balint Groups. Professor Betlheim was Michael Balint\u27s friend and his followers introduced the method not only in medicine but also in other professions: social work, pedagogy, psychology, sociology etc. The Balint’s method is also very interesting and useful to stomatologists, orthopedists and physiotherapists. Croatian dentists joined the Balint Groups in 1983 and orthopaedists in 1987. These were the unique cases in the European context. The Balint groups are very efficient and necessary in the process of strenghtening ego and selfawarness of these professionals. The paper also discusses the increase of the doctor\u27s self-awareness and selfconsciousness during the process of training in the Balint Groups. The Balint Groups only insist on the doctor-patient relationship and do not interfere with the unconscious of the doctor’s preoccupations. The approach of Enid Balint strives to find harmony between the Balint’s approach and the psychoanalytic approach to the object of the research. According to her understanding, the development of the group atmosphere is similar to the one in the family. The authors reach a similar conclusion in their research