158 research outputs found

    O izvorima za istraživanje etike jugoslavenske revolucije

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    The socialist revolution in Yugoslavia, being created in the conditions of World War II and the People\u27s War of Liberation, enriched the Marxist theory of revolution, which constitutes a historical service of the Yugoslav Communist Party. The People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution affirmed the Marxist ethic and revolutionary mora.ls and enriched them with new moral values. In the People\u27s War of Liberation and in the socialist revolution all the basic issues of Marxist ethics were presented: the relationship between social beings and moral consciousness, social-economic and moral phenomena, freedom and necessity, common and personal ideals, personalities and collectives, ends and means in morality and many others. In addition, issues of moral judgments and moral sanctions, and relationships, between legal, religious, and political and moral norms were considered. With regard to all of these questions there exist rich moral funds, which with actual examples of real values give concreteness to values and a scientific basis to facts. The sources also make possible an ethic of the revolution based on rich factual materials. The Yugoslav Communist Party with its revolutionary practice, transformed individual values in one part of Yugoslavia, and made common values of the people and nationalities in our country. The sources relating to the People\u27s War of Liberation and the revolution indicate that revolutionary humanism was universally manifested, that conditions of dehumanization in the individual and society were successfully overcome, and that from the conflagration of war man was saved. These are values which enrich Marxist humanism. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia, the Union of Communist Youth in Yugoslavia, and other revolutionary organizations demonstrated great concern for the development of proletarian morality and humanism in the class struggle between the two world wars and during the People\u27s War of Liberation and in the socialist revolution. Basic moral values resulted from their activities, and we ascertain this from the sources which relate to the People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution. Carrier of these new moral values was the working class with its levels of workers and revolutionary intelligentsia, and it represented them in the name of the whole society. As a progressive class it inherited the moral progressive values which it further enriched and developed. The sources demonstrate that in all the period, of class and liberation struggles, concern was shown for proletarian morality and humanism, which became the material strength behind the revolutionary transformation of the Yugoslav bourgeois to a new socialist society. The sources deal with general moral values: man as the highest moral value, freedom, proletarian solidarity and internationalism, brotherhood and unity, revolutionary Yugoslav patriotism, equality and equal rights, and others, as well as with personal values such as: revolutionary persuasion, humanity, courage, trust, comrade-ship, discipline, responsibility, self-initiative and many others. The sources are divided into periods of class, revolutionary, and liberation struggles: those between the two world wars and the sources from the People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution. Important sources for the revolutionary ethic include: Pany documents, documents concerning the Union of Communist Youth in Yugoslavia and the United Federation of Antifascist Youth in Yugoslavia, military orders, materials concerning the activities of the revolutionary government, newspapers, brochures, and other publications. Besides these significant sources, other, arising after the war and dealing with the People\u27s War of Liberation and the revolution are: memoir materials, chronicles, biographies of revolutionaries, scholarly works, articles read at scholarly meetings concerning the People\u27, War and the revolution, magazines, films, literary works and others. It is necessary to consult enemy sources as well, which speak indirectly about the moral, of the revolutionary fighters and the behavior of the people. A constantly critical attitude with regard to the sources and scientific verification are demanded, so that subjectivism and simplification are avoided-taking individual examples as being typical and on that basis reaching conclusions and making evaluations. Hence the sources must be approached from the standard of historical and philosophical science and with scholarly responsibility without which there is no foundation for the ethics of the People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution on the basis of Marxism. Thus, the sources make possible research and creation of ethics of the revolution. Until now, results have begun to appear in this area, but the demands of contemporary movements in the Yugoslav socialist revolution seek more diversified and responsible work in the creation of an ethic of socialist self-management

    O izvorima za istraživanje etike jugoslavenske revolucije

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    The socialist revolution in Yugoslavia, being created in the conditions of World War II and the People\u27s War of Liberation, enriched the Marxist theory of revolution, which constitutes a historical service of the Yugoslav Communist Party. The People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution affirmed the Marxist ethic and revolutionary mora.ls and enriched them with new moral values. In the People\u27s War of Liberation and in the socialist revolution all the basic issues of Marxist ethics were presented: the relationship between social beings and moral consciousness, social-economic and moral phenomena, freedom and necessity, common and personal ideals, personalities and collectives, ends and means in morality and many others. In addition, issues of moral judgments and moral sanctions, and relationships, between legal, religious, and political and moral norms were considered. With regard to all of these questions there exist rich moral funds, which with actual examples of real values give concreteness to values and a scientific basis to facts. The sources also make possible an ethic of the revolution based on rich factual materials. The Yugoslav Communist Party with its revolutionary practice, transformed individual values in one part of Yugoslavia, and made common values of the people and nationalities in our country. The sources relating to the People\u27s War of Liberation and the revolution indicate that revolutionary humanism was universally manifested, that conditions of dehumanization in the individual and society were successfully overcome, and that from the conflagration of war man was saved. These are values which enrich Marxist humanism. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia, the Union of Communist Youth in Yugoslavia, and other revolutionary organizations demonstrated great concern for the development of proletarian morality and humanism in the class struggle between the two world wars and during the People\u27s War of Liberation and in the socialist revolution. Basic moral values resulted from their activities, and we ascertain this from the sources which relate to the People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution. Carrier of these new moral values was the working class with its levels of workers and revolutionary intelligentsia, and it represented them in the name of the whole society. As a progressive class it inherited the moral progressive values which it further enriched and developed. The sources demonstrate that in all the period, of class and liberation struggles, concern was shown for proletarian morality and humanism, which became the material strength behind the revolutionary transformation of the Yugoslav bourgeois to a new socialist society. The sources deal with general moral values: man as the highest moral value, freedom, proletarian solidarity and internationalism, brotherhood and unity, revolutionary Yugoslav patriotism, equality and equal rights, and others, as well as with personal values such as: revolutionary persuasion, humanity, courage, trust, comrade-ship, discipline, responsibility, self-initiative and many others. The sources are divided into periods of class, revolutionary, and liberation struggles: those between the two world wars and the sources from the People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution. Important sources for the revolutionary ethic include: Pany documents, documents concerning the Union of Communist Youth in Yugoslavia and the United Federation of Antifascist Youth in Yugoslavia, military orders, materials concerning the activities of the revolutionary government, newspapers, brochures, and other publications. Besides these significant sources, other, arising after the war and dealing with the People\u27s War of Liberation and the revolution are: memoir materials, chronicles, biographies of revolutionaries, scholarly works, articles read at scholarly meetings concerning the People\u27, War and the revolution, magazines, films, literary works and others. It is necessary to consult enemy sources as well, which speak indirectly about the moral, of the revolutionary fighters and the behavior of the people. A constantly critical attitude with regard to the sources and scientific verification are demanded, so that subjectivism and simplification are avoided-taking individual examples as being typical and on that basis reaching conclusions and making evaluations. Hence the sources must be approached from the standard of historical and philosophical science and with scholarly responsibility without which there is no foundation for the ethics of the People\u27s War of Liberation and the socialist revolution on the basis of Marxism. Thus, the sources make possible research and creation of ethics of the revolution. Until now, results have begun to appear in this area, but the demands of contemporary movements in the Yugoslav socialist revolution seek more diversified and responsible work in the creation of an ethic of socialist self-management

    Concerning the Security Activities of the Peoples\u27 Liberation Councils during the Peoples\u27 Liberation War and Revolution

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    In the course of the Peoples\u27 Liberation War (NOR) and socialist revolution, the country was liberated and the Yugoslav bourgeois society transformed into a new socialist society. The government, which consisted of the army of occupation and counter-revolutionaries, was overthrown and a revolutionary government of the armed masses, in the form of the Peoples\u27 Liberation Councils (NOO) was put in its place. The NOO were responsible for every phase of government and thus developed an intelligence and counter-intelligence service. The Fascist invaders (Germans, Italians, Bulgarians and Hungarians) and the counter-revolutionary forces, having failed by military means to destroy the revolutionary forces and crush the armed uprising, took to the use of espionage and subversive means of combat. All organized revolutionary forces therefore made use of espionage and counter-espionage with the aim of resisting the enemy, preserving the purity of their ranks and protecting human life and property. In this the NOO played an important part. They secured order in the ranks and organized guards in the villages. They introduced registration and issued passes to travellers. They took active measures against enemy propaganda, limiting trade with enemy occupied towns, stopping the spread of rumours and false information and opposing smuggling. They instructed the population in matters of security, thus increasing watchfulness while they worked on the development of brotherhood and unity and showed practical concern for the people

    Phenolic content and antioxidant properties of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seeds

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    The contents and antioxidant ability of various classes of phenolic compounds present in the seeds of twenty soybean hybrids were evaluated. Total phenolics, tannins and proanthocyanidins were determined spectrophotometrically, after extraction of seeds with 70% aqueous acetone. In addition, the flavonoid contents were determined. The antioxidant activity of aqueous acetone extracts was evaluated by the 1,1-diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity assay. The highest contents of total phenolics were found in Serbian cultivar 1511 and Chinese cultivar LN92-7369, which also displayed the highest total antioxidant activity. Conversely, genotypes poor in phenolics also showed low levels of DPPH-radical scavenging activity. The results suggested that besides protein and oil contents, the phenolic contents should be also considered as an important characteristic feature of soybean seeds, and as a potential selection criterion for antioxidant activity in soybean

    Sunflower Genetics from Ancestors to Modern Hybrids-A Review

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    Domestication and the first steps of sunflower breeding date back more than 4000 years. As an interesting crop to humans, sunflower underwent significant changes in the past to finally find its place as one of the most significant oil crops today. Substantial progress has already been made in understanding how sunflower was domesticated. Recent advances in molecular techniques with improved experimental designs contributed to further understanding of the genetic and molecular basis underlying the architectural and phenotypic changes that occurred during domestication and improvements in sunflower breeding. Understanding the domestication process and assessing the current situation concerning available genotypic variations are essential in order for breeders to face future challenges. A review of the tools that are used for exploring the genetic and genome changes associated with sunflower domestication is given in the paper, along with a discussion of their possible implications on classical sunflower breeding techniques and goals


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    U radu je dan prikaz mogućnosti i ograničenja s aspekta promocije kao jednog od elementa marketing miksa u vinogradarsko-vinarskoj proizvodnji u Istri. Osim pregleda postojećeg stanja vinogradarstva i vinarstava u Istri dan je i kratki osvrt na povijesni razvoj vinogradarstva i vinarstva te na pojedine proizvode koji su kreirani upravo radi isticanja važnosti i skretanja pozornosti na vinare u Istri, kao Å”to su primjerice, vinske ceste i udruga Vinistra. Istraživanje je provedeno intervjuiranjem 5 vinara iz Istre koji su ostvarili uspjeh u proizvodnji vina. Zaključno se može istaći da su postojeće promotivne aktivnosti zadovoljavajuće za sadaÅ”nje potrebe promatranih vinara, ali da svakako treba pratiti promjene na tržiÅ”tu te se prilagođavati željama i potrebama potroÅ”ača kod kreiranja proizvoda kao i promotivnih aktivnosti u cilju povećanja prodaje.Paper gives an overview of possibilities and limitations in terms of promotion as an element of the marketing mix in viticulture and wine production in Istria region. In addition to the review of current state of viticulture and wine production in Istria a brief overview of the historical development of viticulture and winemaking has been given and on the development of some products that are designed precisely to highlight the importance and to draw attention to wineries in Istria, as for example, wine roads and associations Vinistra. For the purposes of the paper 5 wine producers from Istria were interviewed who have achieved success in producing wine. In conclusion, it can be noted that the existing promotional activities were sufficient for present purposes of the observed vintners, but that they should follow market changes and adapt to the preferences and needs of consumers by creating products and promotional activities to increase sales


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    Venous leg ulcers represent a significant public health problem that will increase as the population ages. Numerous herbs and their extracts are potentially conducive to wound healing, including the ability to serve as antimicrobial, antifungal, astringent etc. The aim of the study was to establish the in-vivo antimicrobial effects of herbal hydrogel formulation DermaplantG. The major components of the DermaplantG were the extracts of Allii bulbus, Hyperici herba and extract of Calendulae flos. A total of 12 patients with non-infected venous leg ulcers were treated twice daily, for 5 weeks, with new hydrogel formulation. All ulcers showed clinical signs of contamination or colonization without signs of systemic infection. Premoistening the swab with sterile saline was considered when the surface of the wound was dry. The tip of the swab was rolled on its side in a zigzag pattern for at least one full rotation. Standard methods for isolation and identification of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were used. On baseline assessment, a large number of different types of bacteria were detected in all venous leg ulcers. S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were isolated from almost all controls.On baseline, mixed bacterial flora (50%) was isolated in six venous leg ulcers (five ulcers with S. aureus-P. aeruginosa and one ulcer with E.coli-Enterobacter spp-P.aeruginosa). At the end of the treatment in DermaplantG group in 8 venous ulcers were detected S. aureus (66.66%) and P. aeruginosa (16.66%), and one venous leg ulcers was detected as sterile (8.33%). The number of different types of isolated bacterial species decreased significantly (P<0.05) after the use of DermaplantG herbal preparations. Therapy in DermaplantG group was administered without any side effects.The preliminary results of this pilot study demonstrate potential antimicrobial effects of herbal therapy on non-infected venous leg ulcers


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    Venous leg ulcers represent a significant public health problem that will increase as the population ages. A wide variety of agents are available for the treatment of venous leg ulcers, including ointments and dressings. Numerous herbs and their extracts are potentially conducive to wound healing, including the ability to serve as an antimicrobial, antifungal, astringent and etc.The aim of the study was to establish the healing effects of herbal therapy on non-infected venous leg ulcers. The major components of the DermaplantG were extract of Allii bulbus, Hyperici herba and extract of Calendulae flos. In the study were included 18 patients with venous leg ulcers treated by DermaplantG herbal therapy. Our investigation focused on the five controls (baseline, 1st , 3rd, 5th 7th weeks) of the parameters changes important for ulcer healing: wound surface area and reduction of venous leg ulcer score (fibrin deposits, exudation and eczema). Within-treatment analysis showed that, following DermaplantG herbal treatment, there was a significant decrease in surface leg ulcer and venous leg ulcer score after 7th treatment week (P < 0.05). The results of this pilot study demonstrate healing and antimicrobiologic efects of herbal therapy on non-infected venous leg ulcer

    Direct and indirect effects of morphophysiological traits on kernel protein content of confectionary sunflower

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    The most important criterion for introducing new confectionary sunflower hybrids into production is high protein yield. In the breeding process it is important to identify traits which could be used as selection criteria for increased kernel protein content. Increase of kernel protein content results in increased protein yield. This research was conducted during three vegetation seasons on 22 NS high-protein two-line confectionary sunflower hybrids produced within the breeding program at IFVCNS, Novi Sad, Serbia. Strong and very strong correlations were found among the largest number of examined traits. Based on the analysis of simple correlation coefficients, strong negative correlation was determined between kernel protein content and kernel ratio (-0.516*). A weak negative interdependence was determined between head diameter, seed protein content, and kernel protein content. Positive but weak correlation was determined between kernel protein content and thickness of seed, length of seed, width of seed, and 1000 seed weight. Path coefficient analysis for kernel protein content at phenotypic level showed that the thickness of seed had a strong positive direct effect on kernel protein content (DE=382*). Kernel ratio and width of seed had a very strong direct negative effect on kernel protein content (DE=-0.990**; DE=0.600**). A weak direct positive effect of head diameter, seed protein content and length of seed was established, whereas 1000 seed weight had a weak direct negative effect on kernel protein content. Path coefficient analysis indicates showed that the thickness of seed has high great influence on kernel protein content, and an important selection criterion for breeding for high protein yield
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