19 research outputs found

    食糧安全と貧困軽減のための籾処理システム : バングラデシュを事例として

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    この論文ではバングラデシュのクシチア地方カザナガル村の籾処理システムの事例調査をもとに食糧安全と貧困軽減との関連で把握して経営課題を整理・検討することを目的とする。分析の具体的手順として2つの点を検討した。(1)農村家庭による籾処理システムを解明する。(2)伝統的企業による籾処理システムを解明する。分析結果は(1)バングラデシュにおける籾処理過程の変化では、農村家庭による籾のパーボイル(精米の前の煮沸)は現在も行われているがデキ(足踏み精米機)による精米は急速に減少している。かわって小規模ライスミラーのハラー(精米機)による精米が普及している。(2)商品化される籾は、ファリ(産地商人)を経て、ベパリ(籾処理業者)に買い取られる。ベバリはパーボイルした籾をライスミラーで委託加工し、その精米を小売商や都市の卸業者に販売する。(3)籾処理作業はほとんど農村婦人労働者によって行われ、日雇い労働者の主な職業先となっている。(4)ファリアやベパリはインフォーマルな金融に依存している。そのためベパリは乾燥など施設の近代化が困難である。これらの結果から次の2点を結論づけることができる。(1)小規模なメンバー、例えばベパリ、ファリア、クテイアル、小売業者の事業拡大及び施設の近代化のために制度的サポートが与えるべきである。このことは農村地域での雇用機会の拡大によって食糧安全及び貧困軽減に影響与える。(2)米の質及び籾の安全供給のために生産者と購買者(産地商人又は籾処理業者)の間で契約販売システムの導入することが必要である。The study was based on the observation of paddy processing systems used by bari (home) based firms and rural parboiling firm cum rice mills in the study area named Khawaza Nagar which belonged to the union of Gagati under the district of Kushtia. The objectives of this study were: (i) to pin-point the salient features of bari based paddy processing system; (ii) to comprehend the managemental systems of parboiling firm cum rice mill. The findings revealed that: (i) Small scale and labor-intensive paddy processing firms dominate the private rice markets in Bangladesh. (ii) bari based paddy processing system, the entire works from paddy soaking to products separation are managed by women and it is the main source of local employment in the study area. (iii) Every parboiling firm has two distinct parts: paddy parboiling firm supervised by three beparis (marketing functionaries) and rice mill administrated by miller himself though the proprietorship of total parboiling firm cum rice mill belongs to the rice miller. Activities of parboiling firm are contingent on the availability of paddy and rainfall distribution pattern of the study area as the technology and equipments used in the parboiling firm are very traditional in nature. The formation of bepari group depends on mutual trust and belief, honesty, dignity, hardwork and working capital. Each parboiling firm is highly generative of female employments. Some rice millers have access institutional credit from local commercial banks but beparis, farias, kutiats and retailers faced the rigid institutional difficulties in gaining access to benefits being distributed by the commercial banks. On the basis of the findings the following recommendations are put forward for policy implications: (i) Institutional credit support should be given to a small group of like minded beparis, farias, kutials and retailers for the expansion of their business activities as well as for the improvement of technology and equipments used in the paddy processing system. It may reduce poverty ensuring household food security for the poorest of poor of the local area through the expansion of labor market. (ii) For the quality and ensured supply of paddy, contract marketing arrangement between paddy growers and parboiling firm or rice mill can be considered. In this regard, experience of the existing four major contract marketing arrangements in Bangladesh can be taken as guidelines for formulating an effective strategy to implement the contract marketing arrangement

    Paddy Distribution system and the Commercial Capital in Rice Production Area in Thailand

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    商業資本の機能は、基本的機能と副次的機能に大別できる。基本的機能は、需給の整合と売買の接合という流通過程に与えられた社会的役割を果たすためのものであり、副次的機能はそれを補う機能である。農産物取扱商業資本の場合、農産物の商品としての独自性から、この2つの機能が独立して行われることは少なく、特に発展途上地域においてはその分離が困難となる。また発展途上地域の社会環境では、機能は本来の役割とともに「前期的」性格をもちやすい。タイでは社会環境の整備が進み、籾市場における商業資本の機能から「前期的」性格が払拭されつつあり、商業資本は機能本来の役割の遂行に存立基盤を移している。この変化は産地集荷市場の形成によって体現されているといえよう。The purpose of this paper is to examine the change in paddy distribution system in Thailand, with a special attention to the functions of commercial capital in the assembly stage. The functions of commercial capital can be classified into two in main groups; fundamental and subsidiary. Their fundamental function is to unite supply with demand, both in value and value in use. It can be appeared as acts of commercial capital, such as buying for selling and assembling for dispersion. Subsidiary function includes transporting, storing, standardizing, financing and risk-taking. For the commercial capital dealing with agricultural products, these two groups of functions are closely related. In the developing economies, especially, it is almost impossible to separate them. Thus, it remains a chance for commercial capital to be unjust in transaction. In a case of paddy market in Thailand, the distribution channels of paddy have become diversified with the expansion of market. The functions of commercial capital dealing with paddy, however, has become more simple and justified by the development of social surroundings, e. g. motorization in rural area, generalization of market information, complicated standardization and indirect intervention of government. This transformation on their functions is embodied in the formation of assembly market in producing area (than khao ptuak and talaat claartg khao Pluck)

    Development of Organic Farming by Agricultural Co-operative in Cooperation with Consumers' Co-operative

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    This paper attempts to clear the development of organic farming by the agricultural co-operative in Iwami-cho, mountain areas of Shimane pref., in cooperation with a consumers' co-operative, "coop Hiroshima" Iwami agricultural co-operative has attempted to make sound for agricultural environment more than 10 years ago. For example, it has made a lot of composts of dung and bark, both are regional resources, and used agricultural medicines made from natural resources instead of agricultural chemicals. Iwami agricultural co-operative first traded organic products directly with "Coop Hiroshima" in Hiroshima city in 1982. Coop Hiroshima has set a high value on reliable organic products, because, in urban dietly life, amount of reliable agricultural products, with less used agricultural chemicals and good taste vegetables in season have decreased in gradually. The betterment of dietly life in urban area is linked with the development of the organic farming, which makes use of regional resources. And both of them has been carried out by the cooperation of agricultural and consumers' co-operatives

    The Function of Systematic Agricultural Cooperative Association in the Pork Market of Okinawa

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    従来、沖縄県内の肉豚を取り扱う主な商業資本は家畜商であり、なかには、と畜処理、小売までも営業する家畜商が多く存在していた。これらの家畜商は豚肉流通の各段階に深く介入し、価格決定についても多大の主導力をもっていた。ところが、系統農協の豚肉関連事業の展開と大型小売業の台頭は県内の豚肉流通構造を変化させ、家畜商の独占的な地位を弱めつつある。それによって、沖縄の豚肉市場は系統農協主導型と商系資本主導型という2つの流通システムへの二極分化の傾向が見られる。その中で、系統農協による肉豚共販事業及び第三セクター方式を導入した食肉センターの開設は、養豚農家の出荷パターンに影響したのみならず、農家自身の肉豚生産計画の向上にも貢献した。また、生産環境の悪化による県内の豚肉供給力の低下に歯止めをかけ、養豚生産者の再生産を維持するために、系統農協主導のインテグレーションを推進している。The purpose of this paper is to find out the structural changes of hog breeding and the trend of reformation of pork market in Okinawa. According to the above objectives, the variety of functions of Okinawa's systematic agricultural cooperative association (agri-coop association) would be considered. The pork dealers who also held slaughterhouse had led the pork market of Okinawa strongly up to 1980's. Because they controlled all the paths of the market from hog purchase to pork retail. On account of enforcement of appointed slaughterhouse project after Okinawa's reversion to Japan, the dealers lost their position as a powerful role in the market. Moreover, two types of contribution system are forming in the market. One is organized by systematic agri-coop association of Okinawa, the other one is connected by the group of commercial capital. The systematic agri-coop association has started many marketing programs in 1970's to assist individual breeders for selling the hog. But these programs are fixed and enlarged after the agri-coop association merged some slaughterhouses into its own one, and reorganized the slaughterhouse to be a semi-government (daisan) sector. Especially, wholesale market system is not adopted in Okinawa. So, this semi-governmental slaughterhouse is acting as pork dealer in the same time. Besides, the agri-coop association extended its marketing strategies continually such as cooperative feed plant, breeding yards, supermarkets (A-coop), etc. Hence, it can be said that the agri-coop association of Okinawa is promoting integrative management in pork market, and try to oppose the contribution system of commercial capital

    The Formation of Livestock Marketing System and its Re-organization : Viewpoint on Pork Sector.

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    今日の農業生産は、高度に発達した資本主義的生産様式に包摂されることを余儀なくされた。農産物はその生産過程と生産物の特質により、農産物の商品化、すなわち、生産物の価値実現過程において、商業資本の役割は重要である。農業生産のなかでも、畜産部門は他の農産物との相違から、流通構造は以下の要因に規定される。すなわち、第1に、生産物の規格化及び標準化が不可能である、第2に、飼料に火きく依存する迂回生産である、第3に、整形加工と分割販売を必要とする、第4に、生産長期性による不利な資金調達、第5に、ふん尿処理にかかる費用は生産コストを増加させる、などである。したがって、商業資本の機能のうちに、とくに資金供与、整形加工、保管の3つの機能は畜産の再生産過程における役割は他の農産物より大きく、畜産物の流通構造にも強い影響を与える。豚肉を具体的な研究対象に実際の流通過程を見ると、生産、集出荷、と畜、仲継、分散の5つの段階が存在することが分かる。前期的商人資本はこれらの諸機能を掌握することにより、閉鎖的市場のもとで豚肉流通を支配した、これに対して、市場の近代化は主として国家の市場介入や、生産者と消費者の組合運動により、従来の閉鎖的、独占的市場を公開、公正、自由競争の市場に導いた。しかし、加工型畜産と畜産インテグレーションの急速な進展により、少数の大規模資本による寡占的競争が強化され、豚肉の流通構造も再編されつつある。その結果、第1の生産基盤の脆弱化、第2の集出荷の不透明化、第3の公的と畜施設の遊休化、第4の卸売市場の機能後退、第5の小売秩序の喪失、などの解決すベき課題が提起されているAgriculture nowadays tends to be subsumed by the producing models, which have grown rapidly under the capitalism. For the characteristics of producing process and products, the role of commercial capital is very important to the commercialization activities of agricultural products. Furthermore, in the section of agricultural production, the marketing system of livestock seems to be regulated by some factors, which are different from other agricultural products. Consequently, these factors make the functions of commercial capital; especially shaping, storage, and financing to be particularly necessary for maintaining livestock producing cycle, and have great influence on the marketing system. While observing the marketing system with a viewpoint on pork, it could he found out that the system is composed of five divisions, i.e. breeding, shipment, slaughtering, intermediating and retailing. In early stage, commercial capital ruled the pork market by controlling these stages. In order to adjust the market to an open and a fair one, the modernization of pork market is promoted mainly by nation's policies, cooperative activities of farmers and consumers. But the high development of livestock processing industry and integrated management, which are operated by a few large capitalists afterwards, has brought oligopoly competition to pork market and try to reorganize the market system by it's own ways. Accordingly, the prime problems of present stage are: (a) losing of farm potential, (b) unclearness of shipment structure, (c) low running of public slaughter-house and wholesale market, (d) disorder of retail market, which needs be solved pressingly

    養豚産業化と農業協同組合 : 鹿児島県を事例として

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    養豚生産が産業化する過程には,市場規模の成長と資本の積極的参加は不可欠の要素である。本来、多くの養豚生産者は自家消費のために養豚を開始した。ところが、豚肉市場の展開にともなう消費需要の増加に応じるために、生産者は生産規模の拡大と恒常的かつ安定的な再生産を図らなければならない。したがって、外部の資本系統に依存することによって、経営体質の改善を資本側に協力してもらい、生産を続けるか、自主性を保ちながら、自力で経営問題を解決し、生産を続けるという2つのパターンがある。日本では、商業資本のインテグレーションによる養豚生産の系列化が進む中、零細規模の生産者は数多くの経営課題な抱えるようになっただけでなく、それらを解決する能力さえもほとんど有していない。そこで、農業協同組合は組合員生産者を守り、豚肉市場における独占資本の支配力に対抗するという立場に、数多くの個別農家から構成した組織に対して、養豚の関連事業を推進しはじめた。本研究では、養豚産業化の条件を整理したうえで、鹿児島県における農業協同組合の養豚事業の展開過程を事例に、さらに農協インテグレーションの意義を明らかにした。The majority of hog breeders started the breeding originally just for their own consumption. However, if the pork market develops, breeders who want to sell hog into the market must have larger scale and stable reproduction project of hog breeding to meet the increasing demand of consumers. So, breeders could choose the road to depend on a Commercial Capital to strengthen constitution of management, or choose the road to hold independence of outside control but solve the problems of management by one's own exertions. In Japan, because Commercial Capital has expanded the integration in hog breeding, small scale breeders are facing heavy problems in breeding management, and perhaps hard to overcome. In order to protect partner breeders from such problems, Agri-Coop began advancing some connected projects on hog breeding toward its partner breeders. We could find out the projects of Agri-Coop by viewing the case of Kagoshima, further, clarify the meaning of the "Agri-Coop's integration"

    Beef Production and the Present Distribution Structure in China : The Case of Inner Mongolia

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    中国では、1998年の牛の飼養頭数と牛肉生産量は1.47億頭、580万トンであり、前年度に対してそれぞれ5.0%と7.4%の増加を見せている。このように中国の肉牛産地において牛肉の増産意欲が強まっており、その商品化が展開しつつある。中国は広大な地域において牛肉が生産され、経営形態もさまざまである。中でも、内蒙古自治区は、肉牛・牛肉産地として農作地帯への役畜と素牛の供給地となっており、また、都市への牛肉供給基地として重要な地位を占めている。放牧地域の内蒙古の錫盟においても、改革開放以後の経済体制の変化と市場経済導入のもとで肉牛生産は人民公社主体の経営から生産専業戸と集団経営へと著しく変貌した。畜産インテグレーションによる企業経営も出現しつつある。牛肉の流通機構は単一の国営企業経営形態から国営企業、私営屠場、家畜市場など多様な形態への変化が見られる。しかし、個人経営の屠畜商が増加したことから、品質の低下した牛肉も市場に流入している。国営の屠畜場は大きな負債を植え、食肉産業発展の足かせとなるなどの問題が起こっている。In China, the number of raising stock of cattle was 147 million and the beef production total was 5.8 million ton in 1998. Compared to the previous year, the number of cattle increased 5% and the production quantity raised by 7.4%. In this way, it is observed that the Chinese beef production is getting stronger trend and the processing industries is developing gradually. There are various shapes of beef production and management systems in China as if is a very big country. The Inner Mongolia has become a place of beef raising with the production of meat and draft animals. It has gained an important status of supplying beef to the towns and cities. In the pastural area of Shimon in Inner Mongolia, the remarkable change occured in beef production due to shift of enterprise from public control to special producers' group and community approaches. This happned afterthe large economic reform and the opening of market economy. Due to the integration process, it is also observed that the animal industries have been developing fast. Thus, recently, the public enterprise, private slaughter house, animal markets, etc. have been developed instead of only government structures and facilities previously. But due to privatization, the private managed products have been observed more in the markets with the increase of lower grade products in the distribution channels. But the state controlled facilities are now heavily indebted and thus, the meat industry development has been irnpedded with other associated problems

    農業の発展とその持続性 : 必然的な関連性

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    農業の発展と人間活動の他の分野との間の密接な関係は、環境保全、人口増加、食糧供給と世界貿易など地球規模の諸問題と数えきれない関連性を規定している。この広大な背景は、利害関係の異なるグループによって、持続的農業に関して異なった理解をもたらしている。主要食糧の過剰生産からの有利な他の手段への転換や環境圧力集団の活動は、主に先進国に集中している。他方途上国では、主要な関心事は将来の食糧の安全保障など、生産の拡大を維特することである。これを達成するためには、農業資源基盤の維持に決定的に依存している。投入と投入代替は重要な相互関係問題であるが、持続性の焦点は、将来の生産のための潜在力のどんな縮小も避けることにある。それはロスや破壊に対して、土壌と水の質、種のプール、自然資源基盤の保全を求めるものである。大部分の資源の衰退と潜在力の破壊は、経済的、社会的、政治的問題に起因している。主要なこれらの諸問題は呼びかけられ、認識されることなしには、解決されることは少ない。我々は農業発展とそれが自然と社会へ与えるその影響との矛盾を考慮すべきである。食糧生産システムを安定化させるために、農業における発展の代替可能な道を同時に見出していく必要がある。発展は必要であるが、それは将来のために持続的でなければなれない。そのため、研究と普及の計画は、タイムリーで必要性に基づいた方法を考慮することが求められる。政府や関係機関が、持続的農業は人口対策、雇用・経済計画、技術研究、普及計画、国家投資などの総合的結果として起こることを認識すべきである。Intimate relationships between agricultural development and other areas of human activity determine countless linkages with global issues of environmental protection, population increase, food supply, and world trade. This broad background leads to different perceptions of sustainable agriculture by different interest groups. The profitable diversification away from overproduction of basic commodities and satisfaction of environmental pressure groups are major concentrations in developed countries. Elsewhere, the main concern is to maintain a trend of increasing production: food security with a future dimension. Achieving this depends crucially on protecting the agricultural resource base. Input and input substitution are important correlated issues, but the core of sustainability is avoidance of any attrition of the potential for future production. It demands safeguarding soil and water qualities, gene pools and the natural resource base against loss and degradation. Most of the resource degradation and eroding potential are rooted in economic, social and political issues; few such problems will be Solved unless the primacy of these issues is addressed and recognized. We should consider trade-offs between agricultural development and its probable impact on nature or society. In order to stabilize our food production system, alternative paths of development in the agricultural sector are to be sought concomitantly. There will be development but it should be sustained for the future. The research and extension agenda, thus, are required to be considered in a timely and need-base fashion. Sustainable agriculture will probably remain illusive until government, and concerned agencies recognize it as arising only as the aftermath of a synthesis of strategies on population, employment, economic planning, technical research, strategies of extension and national investment