Paddy Distribution system and the Commercial Capital in Rice Production Area in Thailand


商業資本の機能は、基本的機能と副次的機能に大別できる。基本的機能は、需給の整合と売買の接合という流通過程に与えられた社会的役割を果たすためのものであり、副次的機能はそれを補う機能である。農産物取扱商業資本の場合、農産物の商品としての独自性から、この2つの機能が独立して行われることは少なく、特に発展途上地域においてはその分離が困難となる。また発展途上地域の社会環境では、機能は本来の役割とともに「前期的」性格をもちやすい。タイでは社会環境の整備が進み、籾市場における商業資本の機能から「前期的」性格が払拭されつつあり、商業資本は機能本来の役割の遂行に存立基盤を移している。この変化は産地集荷市場の形成によって体現されているといえよう。The purpose of this paper is to examine the change in paddy distribution system in Thailand, with a special attention to the functions of commercial capital in the assembly stage. The functions of commercial capital can be classified into two in main groups; fundamental and subsidiary. Their fundamental function is to unite supply with demand, both in value and value in use. It can be appeared as acts of commercial capital, such as buying for selling and assembling for dispersion. Subsidiary function includes transporting, storing, standardizing, financing and risk-taking. For the commercial capital dealing with agricultural products, these two groups of functions are closely related. In the developing economies, especially, it is almost impossible to separate them. Thus, it remains a chance for commercial capital to be unjust in transaction. In a case of paddy market in Thailand, the distribution channels of paddy have become diversified with the expansion of market. The functions of commercial capital dealing with paddy, however, has become more simple and justified by the development of social surroundings, e. g. motorization in rural area, generalization of market information, complicated standardization and indirect intervention of government. This transformation on their functions is embodied in the formation of assembly market in producing area (than khao ptuak and talaat claartg khao Pluck)

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