9 research outputs found

    The potential of photogrammetry for object monitoring in undermined areas

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    Listed buildings and objects of general and historic value located in the Ostrava-Karvina Coal Basin were significantly affected by mining during the coal extraction era. Most of the buildings show damage while some of them have been renovated and others still wait for their turn. The essential aim of photogrammetric surveying is to define the geometric shape and create the visualizations of objects. Photogrammetric documentation of the current building condition can be used for renovation planning or for advertising purposes.Web of Science16426926

    Využití technologie GPS při sledování projevů poddolování v hornické krajině

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologick

    Influence of the mining works on the roads in Ostrava-Karviná´s district

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    The paper deals with problems of monitoring of technical conditions of the roads on the undermining area. It informs about the eventuality of using of the up to date geodetic instruments and summarizes results of several-years measurements which were done in Karviná part of OKR

    Influence of the mining works on the roads in Ostrava-Karviná´s distrikt

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    The paper deals with problems of monitoring of technical conditions of the roads on the undermining area.It informs about the eventuality of using of the up to date geodetic instruments and summarizes results of several-years measurements which were done in Karviná part of OKR

    Verification of movements and deformation by the measurement on observation station

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    Příspěvek shrnuje výsledky dlouhodobého měření poklesů a posunů na pozorovací stanici Žolnov v karvinské části OKR. Porovnáním skutečnosti s v OKR používanou metodou prognózních výpočtů, která v daných podmínkách neodpovídá skutečnosti, autoři představují hypotézu postupného rozvolnění podrubávaného karbonského nadloží. Postupné vícenásobné dobývání slojí mění pevnostní charakteristiku podrubaného nadloží tak, že se vytváří poklesová kotlina nového tvaru. Současně autoři upozorňují, že pro výpočty posunů je třeba uvažovat naklonění jak karbonského hřbetu, tak i sloje i při plochém uložení slojí. Výsledky výzkumu jsou doplněny řadou grafů, které vhodně podporují uvedenou hypotézu.By the contribution results of long-term measurement of mining subsidence and movements (hereafter „displacements“) by the observation station in Žolnov in Karviná part of Ostrava-Karviná coalfield (hereafter OKR) are summarized. Based on comparing of reality with the results of prognostic calculation method used in OKR which at given conditions are not quite coincident with the reality a hypothesis of gradual destruction of undermined Carboniferous roof strata is presented by the authors. Due to gradual multiple exploitation of coal seams the strength characteristics of undermined overlying strata is reduced so that a new shape of mining subsidence depression is formed. At the same time the authors call attention to the fact that it is necessary to take into consideration the dip of both Carbon ridge and coal seams even at conditions of flat deposition of coal seams. The results of research are complemented with many graphs by which the above-mentioned hypothesis is supported

    Ott's system

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    Before the introduction of JTSK coordinate system, traditional mining maps were designed in their own coordinate systems. In each allotment, there might have been a different coordinate system with an arbitrary coordinate origin - usually an important point of a particular allotment. Coordinate system orientation of allotment corresponded with secondary meridian or with cadastral meridian for area concerned. Cadastral system in Ostrava mining district was implemented by Ing. František Ott and was named after him “Ott’s system”

    Geodetic monitoring of roads as a tool for determination of hazard zones in areas influenced by deep coal mining

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    The main objective of this study is to equip engineering geology with a new, independent tool of determination of zones of potential hazard in the linear direction in order to assess the influence induced by underground coal mining on future development. Currently, geodetic polygons, maintained by mining companies, are used to monitor subsidence and their evaluation results in how mining damage is assessed. However, the problem lies in the fact that the mining company is both the authority to monitor the conditions as well as the entity that compensates mining damage on buildings. The aspect of novelty in the paper is the proposed exploitation of regular geodetic monitoring of roads as an independent tool in the determination of zones of hazard in foundation engineering. The geodetic monitoring is carried out because of road maintenance in subsidence basins. However, so far, such monitoring has not been used to identify ground deformation parameters, on the basis of which building site categories could be determined and that could help to distinguish the zones of potential hazard before any buildings are constructed in subsidence basins. In the study area, a 9-year geodetic measuring identified radically altered conditions, i.e., from more suitable building site group (category V—87 %) in the actual year of monitoring to less suitable ones (categories I and II—34 %) actual year. This methodology was found to be valid generally and may be applied in areas with subsidence basins induced by deep coal mining worldwide.Web of Science7531044103

    Subsidence measurements in roads and implementation in land use plan optimisation in areas affected by deep coal mining

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    This paper presents a study of 12-year monitoring of ground subsidence along a selected road affected by subsidences trough induced by underground black coal mining in the largest mining district in the Czech Republic. The major scientific contribution of this study is that it suggests a new methodology that involves independent observation of a subsidence trough in the linear direction (a road), permitting determination of the ground deformation parameters and related building site categories. In areas affected by deep coal mining, it is vital to update the current status of the building site categories, which represent the zones of potential hazard posed to the existing structures or future development. It is possible to identify the actual conditions in the localities using systematical measurements along roads which are in any case required for periodical maintenance in areas of underground mining . Prognoses may be subsequently optimised in this way and investors, property owners and mining companies may benefit through saving on costs associated with subsidence damage. In fact, there are two eventualities, i.e., the conditions either improve or deteriorate. The latter occurred in the case of the study area. In the beginning, the majority of the study area, i.e., 91 %, belonged to the most suitable category of building sites, which means that development was possible without any restrictions. At the end of the observation, the measurements showed a prominent fall of the subsidence trough, and as much as 19 % of the area fell into the least suitable categories I or II, where development is prohibited. The publication recommends that mining companies use road monitoring as an independent monitoring tool to determine the hazard in regions affected by deep coal mining. It is possible to conveniently verify the prognostic maps in land use planning in this way.Web of Science751art. no. 6

    Effect of climate and air pollution on radial growth of mixed forests: Abies alba Mill. vs. Picea abies (L.) Karst.

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    Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) are main tree species of Central Europe that are currently highly vulnerable in times of global climate change. The research deals with the effect of climate and air pollution on radial growth of silver fir and Norway spruce in mixed age-varied (56 – 146 years) forests in the Jeseníky Protected Landscape Area, the Czech Republic. The objectives were to evaluate biodiversity, structure and production, specifically interaction of radial growth of fir and spruce to air pollution (SO2, NOX, tropospheric ozone) and climatic factors (precipitation, air temperature). Concentration of SO2 and NOX had negative effect on radial growth of fir, while radial growth of spruce was more negatively influenced by tropospheric ozone. Fir showed higher variability in radial growth and was more sensitive to climatic factors compared to spruce. On the other hand, fir was relatively adaptable tree species that regenerated very well when the pressure of stress factors subsided (air pollution load, Caucasian bark beetle, frost damage). Low temperature was a limiting factor of radial growth in the study mountainous area, especially for fir. Fir was significantly sensitive to late frost, respectively, spruce to winter desiccation and spring droughts with synergism of air pollution load. Generally, older forest stands were more negatively influenced by air pollution load and climatic extremes compared to young trees