3 research outputs found

    The influence of fibrotic factors on the expression of microRNA in mouse kidney - the role of heme oxygenase-1 and trascription factor Nrf2.

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    Wsp贸lnym objawem przewlek艂ych chor贸b nerek, np. wielu rodzaj贸w zapalenia czy nefropatii, w tym ba艂ka艅skiej nefropatii endemicznej w wyniku dzia艂ania ochratoksyny A (OTA), jest zw艂贸knienie nerek. W procesie tym dochodzi do nadmiernego odk艂adania element贸w macierzy zewn膮trzkom贸rkowej, g艂贸wnie kolagenu, fibronektyny czy elastyny. MikroRNA b臋d膮ce ma艂ymi niekoduj膮cymi RNA, s膮 regulatorami transkrypcji gen贸w. Ich dzia艂anie niejednokrotnie ma znaczenie dla proces贸w zachodz膮cych w chorobach nerek. Szczeg贸lnie interesuj膮cymi grupami mikroRNA s膮 te wykazuj膮ce dzia艂anie anty-zw艂贸knieniowe jak rodzina miR-200 czy rodzina miR-29, oraz mikroRNA wa偶ne w procesach zapalnych, m. in., miR-146a i miR-155.Badania ostatnich lat wskazuj膮, 偶e nefroprotekcyjne i anty-zw艂贸knieniowe funkcje mo偶e wykazywa膰 oksygenaza hemowa-1 (HO 1), enzym o dzia艂aniu antyoksydacyjnym, anty-apoptotycznym i antyzapalnym oraz reguluj膮cy jej ekspresj臋 czynnik transkrypcyjny Nrf2. Czynnik ten, poprzez regulacj臋 szerokiego spektrum bia艂ek antyoksydacyjnych i cytoprotekcyjnych pe艂ni funkcj臋 w ochronie przed uszkodzeniami zwi膮zanymi ze stresem oksydacyjnym. Praca mia艂a na celu zbadanie wp艂ywu ochratoksyny A (OTA) na ekspresj臋 mikroRNA i gen贸w prozapalnych i profibrotycznych w nerkach myszy. Ponadto, badano potencjalny wp艂yw aktywator贸w protekcyjnego szlaku Nrf2/HO-1 na odwr贸cenie obserwowanych efekt贸w. Badania na myszach o r贸偶nym poziomie HO-1 pokaza艂y, 偶e OTA wywo艂uje zw艂贸knienie nerek i silnie indukuje ekspresj臋 genu p21 szczeg贸lnie u myszy z brakiem funkcjonalnego genu HO-1. Ponadto, zaobserwowano hamuj膮cy wp艂yw badanej toksyny na ekspresj臋 przeciwzw艂贸knieniowych mikroRNA z rodzin miR-29 czy miR-200.Ponadto wykazano, 偶e aktywacja szlaku Nrf2/HO-1 (przez sulforafan) zmniejsza zw艂贸knienie nerek wywo艂ane przez OTA, odwracaj膮c jego wp艂yw na ekspresj臋 mikroRNA, gen贸w profibrotycznych i zapalnych.. Protoporfiryna kobaltu (CoPPIX) w odpowiednio dobranej dawce terapeutycznej, poprzez umiarkowan膮 stymulacj臋 ekspresji HO-1, wykazuje dzia艂anie podobne jak SFN. Co ciekawe, cz臋stsze podawanie CoPPIX prowadz膮ce do silnej, oko艂o 50-krotnej indukcji HO-1 (a tym samym do wydzielanie wolnych jon贸w 偶elaza) promowa艂o w艂贸knienie nerek, poprzez hamowanie miR-200a czy miR-192. Przeprowadzone badania wskazuj膮, 偶e regulacja ekspresji mikroRNA mo偶e by膰 jednym z mechanizm贸w odpowiedzialnych za toksyczno艣膰 OTA a regulacja ich ekspresji przez Nrf2 i HO-1 mo偶e otwiera膰 nowe mo偶liwo艣ci w leczeniu chor贸b nerek.A common symptom of chronic kidney disease, such as nephritis or nephropathy incuding Balkan endemic nephropathy as a result of ochratoxin A (OTA) toxicity is renal fibrosis. In this process an accumulation of extracellular matrix, mainly collagen, fibronectin and elastin takes place. MicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNA that regulate gene expression. They play an important role in many different disorders, including kidney diseases. Very interesting are microRNAs which have anti-fibrotic activity, such as miR-29 and miR-200 families, and microRNAs regulating inflammatory processes, for example miR-146a and miR 155.Recent studies show that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), an antioxidant, anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory enzyme, may have the nephroprotective and anti-fibrotic functions. Moreover, the regulator of HO-1 expression, Nrf2 transcription factor may show the same function. This factor, by controlling many cytoprotective and antioxidant proteins, acts as a guardian against oxidative stress-caused damage. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of nephrotoxin, ochratoxin A (OTA) on the expression of miRNAs and proinflammatory and profibrotic genes in mouse kidney. In addition, the potential impact of the activators of Nrf2/HO-1 pathway to reverse the observed effects was checked.Studies on mice with different levels of HO-1 showed that ochratoxin A causes kidney fibrosis and induces expression of p21 gene, especially in the absence of functional HO-1 gene. Importantly, inhibitory effect of OTA on the expression of anti-fibrotic microRNAs, miR-29 and miR-200 families was obsevrved.It was also shown that activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway (by sulforaphane) reduces renal fibrosis induced by OTA, by reversing his influence on the expression of microRNA as well as profibrotic and inflammatory genes. Cobalt protoporphyrin (CoPPIX) in a therapeutic dose, by a moderate stimulation of the expression of HO-1, has a similar effect as SFN. What was interesting, more frequent administration of CoPPIX leading to a strong, about 50-times higher induction of HO-1, caused renal fibrosis by inhibiting miR-200a or miR-192.The study shows that the regulation of the expression of miRNAs can be one of the mechanisms responsible for the toxicity exerted by OTA. The regulation of miRNA expression by Nrf2 and HO-1 can open up new possibilities in the treatment of kidney diseases

    Native Sheep Breeds in Poland—Importance and Outcomes of Genetic Resources Protection Programmes

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    The sheep population of native breeds, despite their unique features and the ability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions, has significantly decreased in recent years. Due to the low profitability of breeding, many local breeds of sheep in Poland were exposed to the risk of extinction. Many years of crisis in sheep farming have exacerbated this situation. The aim of this paper was to present the current situation of native sheep breeding in Poland, in terms of significance and effects of genetic resources protection programmes. The conservation of genetic resources of sheep aims to maintain and increase the population size while striving to maintain the greatest possible genetic variability. There are 17 native breeds included in the Polish sheep genetic resources conservation programme. A positive element of the implementation of the conservation of genetic resources programme for sheep is the accompanying measures which are based on the use of the non-productive role of the species. Extensive sheep grazing, as a form of nature conservation, serves to preserve valuable natural landscapes and the culture of local communities associated with sheep farming. Production and promotion of quality products, especially using niche markets and short production chains, are essential to ensure the economic viability of farms. These activities must be accompanied by raising public awareness of indigenous breeds and their alternative use in environmental activities, as well as their role in preserving the cultural heritage of local communities, for example through mountain grazing and the production of traditional products