36 research outputs found

    薬について考える授業 : 実験を伴う授業の効果について <第2部 教科研究>

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    生徒の「くすり」との関わり方を調べてみると,関心や知識はある程度持っているものの,その実際の使用においては,「安易な行動」が見受けられる。このような実態を改善するための授業には,何が必要であろうか。「医薬品は,あくまでも,人の持つ自然治癒力を助けるものである」という前提のもと,形状のもつ意味・体内での働き方• 主作用と副作用,等の内容を,科学的に理解することは当然重要なことであるが,それを実践力につなげるためには,生徒自身の「なるほど」という確かな納得が必要となる。今回の授業においては,そのための工夫として,生徒の身近に存在する実物の医薬品を使い, 4つの実験を行った。生徒は実験に興味を示しただけでな<, 実験を通して知識・理解を深め,確かに納得したと言える。が,何よりも,「くすり」と向き合う「意識・姿勢」を新たなもの・確かなものにできたことで,セルフメディケーションの本旨達成に近づけたことがそれ以上の成果ではないかと考える


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    広義の骨髄腫関連疾患には,古典的なmyelomaを始めとして,plasmacytic leukemia,plasmacytomaさらにmacroglobulinemia,lymphoplasmacytic lymphomaなどが含まれる.一般的には特徴的検査所見の一つに,血清総蛋白の高値がある.ところが,今回我々は血清総蛋白がむしろ低値であった骨髄腫関連疾患を経験した.症例は85歳女性.貧血軽度,黄疸(-),肝脾腫(-),リンパ節腫大(-),骨病変は軽微であった.検査所見:末梢血WBC4370/μl,RBC242万/μl,Hgb8.1g/dl,Hct25.6%,PLT6.2万/μl,Neut70.7%,Lym23.6%,Mono5.0%,Eos0.2%,Bas0.5%.生化学:TP5.3g/dl,Alb2.0g/dl,Glob3.3g/dlそのうちIgG532mg/dl,IgA79mg/dl,IgM2,035mg/dlで,免疫電気泳動にて明らかなM-bowを認め,IgM-_K型と判明した.骨髄:採取した標本では低形成で,Mgk10/μl,赤芽球15.6%,顆粒球系60.3%,リンパ球系23.8%,そのうち形質細胞1.9%であった.形態学的には,マクログロブリン血症の際にみられるリンパ・形質細胞様の所見であった.細胞表面マーカーの検索では,リンパ球全体ではCD7 33.5%,CD138 0.7%,CD19 7.0%,CD20 32.8%,形質細胞ではCD7 21.8%,CD138 57.7%,CD19 21.1%,CD20 39.7%であった.病理検査では,N/C比が高く異型性のある核を持つ細胞のシート状の集簇が認められた.腫瘍細胞の透過型電顕所見では,核は偏在し,大型のゴルジ野を有し,粗面小胞体はよく発達し,蛋白合成の盛んなことが推測された.細胞によっては,分化度が低く核クロマチンは繊細で明らかに芽球様の細胞も認められた.染色体分析:46,XX.末梢血生化学所見では総蛋白量の明らかな減少が認められたが,その病因は腫瘍細胞によるIgMの過剰産生にあり,その腫瘍性性質のため正常免疫グロブリン特にIgGおよびIgAの著しい産生抑制を生じたものと考えられる.細胞学的にはマクログロブリン血症と多発性骨髄腫とにまたがる境界領域に位置付けられるBリンパ球系悪性疾患と推定される.It is known that myeloma-related disorders include classical myeloma, plasmacytic leukemia, plasmacytoma, macroglobulinemia, lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma and others. Increased serum protein is one of the characteristic features in these disorders. We have recently experienced a case of myeloma-related disorder with hypoproteinemia. The patient (a 85 year-old female) demonstrated hypoproteinemia (total protein 5.3g/dl, Alb2.0g/dl, Glob3.3g/dl) with increased IgM 2,035mg/dl contrary to decreased IgG(532mg/dl) and IgA(79mg/dl). The presence of IgM-_K monoclonality was detected by immunoelectrophoresis. Peripheral blood showed slight anemia(RBC 2.42×10^6/μl) and thrombocytopenia(62×10^3/μl). Peripheral lymphocytes were 23.6% with lymphoplasmacytic appearance. Bone marrow examination revealed that lymphocytes were 23.8% with 1.9% of plasma cells: CD79a(+), CD138(+/-), CD20(+/-), CD5(-), cyclin D1(-), IgM(+), IgA(-), IgG(+-), and IgM_K -monoclonality(+) by immune staining method. Surface makers of all lymphoid cells indicated CD138 57.7%, CD19 21.1%, and CD20 39.7%. Clusters of malignant lymphoid cells were present in bone marrow specimen. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on the lymphoid cells indicated the dislocated nucleus and profound rough-surfaced ribosomes with large Golgi apparatus suggesting the markedly enhanced protein production. In some cells, the blastic appearance with fine nuclear chromatin structure was observed. The pathogenesis of hypoproteinemia appears to be due to suppression of IgG and IgA by increased IgM monoclonality, in addition to decreased level of serum albumin. The disorder is considered to be localized at the border area between classical myeloma and macroglobulinemia

    Client scenarios of simulated genetic counseling consultations.

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    Client scenarios of simulated genetic counseling consultations.</p

    Categories, representative codes, and quotes extracted from clients’ and genetic counselors’ responses.

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    Categories, representative codes, and quotes extracted from clients’ and genetic counselors’ responses.</p

    rpoN Gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Alters Its Susceptibility to Quinolones and Carbapenems

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    The alternative sigma factor σ(54) has been implicated in diverse functions within the cells. In this study, we have constructed an rpoN mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and investigated its importance as a target for antimicrobial agents, such as quinolones and carbapenems. The stationary-phase cells of the rpoN mutant displayed a survival rate approximately 15 times higher than that of the wild-type cells in the presence of quinolones and carbapenems. The stationary phase led to substantial production of pyoverdine by the P. aeruginosa rpoN mutant. Pyoverdine synthesis correlated with decreased susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that stationary-phase cells of the rpoN mutant grown without an antimicrobial agent had approximately 4- to 140- and 2- to 14-fold-higher levels of transcripts of the pvdS and vqsR genes, respectively, than the wild-type strain. In the presence of an antimicrobial agent, levels of pvdS and vqsR transcripts were elevated 400- and 5-fold, respectively, in comparison to the wild-type levels. Flow cytometry assays using a green fluorescent protein reporter demonstrated increased expression of the vqsR gene in the rpoN mutant throughout growth. A pvdS mutant of P. aeruginosa, deficient in pyoverdine production, was shown to be susceptible to biapenem. These findings suggest that rpoN is involved in tolerance to antimicrobial agents in P. aeruginosa and that its tolerant effect is partly dependent on increased pyoverdine production and vqsR gene expression

    Outline of the IPR interview.

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    The rapidly increasing availability of genetic testing is driving the acceleration of genetic counseling implementation. Empathy is important in medical encounters in general and forms a core component of a successful genetic counseling session; however, empirical evidence on empathy in genetic counseling is minimal. This study aimed to explore the perceptions of empathy in simulated genetic counseling consultations from the perspectives of clients and genetic counselors. Semi-structured interviews and interpersonal process recall were used with participants of simulated genetic counseling consultations to elicit their experiences of empathy. A constructivist grounded theory was used for data analysis. A total of 15 participants, including 10 clients and 5 genetic counselors, participated in 10 simulated counseling sessions. The genetic counselors attempted to demonstrate empathy and were sensitive toward detecting changes in clients. Meanwhile, the clients’ perceptions represented their feelings and thoughts elicited through the counselors’ empathic approaches. This was the first process study to examine empathy in simulated genetic counseling sessions. Our model of communication of empathy is a process in which counselors try to address implicit aspects of clients, and clients are provided with time and a safe place for introspection, which contributes to discussions on building good relationships with patients. There is also a suggestion of the utility of simulated consultations for healthcare providers to learn empathic communication.</div

    Overview of the participants and simulated genetic counseling consultations.

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    Overview of the participants and simulated genetic counseling consultations.</p