92 research outputs found

    Hemijska svojstva i poboljšanje kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza

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    Fresh, dried or preserved, forage legumes are highly suitable for use as roughage in the animal diet because of their richness in protein, vitamins, and mineral matter. Previous work on forage legumes breeding for improved quality has mostly focused on increasing the crude protein content of these crops. Another major parameter of forage legume quality, especially from the point of view of ruminant nutrition, is the in vitro digestibility of dry matter. Values of both these parameters decrease with age in all forage legumes due to a reduced leat to stem ratio and lignification. The decrease in digestibility after budding comes as a result of an increased lignin content and a rise in the proportion of starch polysaccharides. In the context of forage quality, especially important from the point of view of ruminant nutrition is the relation between structural and nonstructural carbohydrates. Structural carbohydrates include neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), while non-structural ones are mostly starch. The latest efforts in forage legume breeding should encompass certain specific traits in order to completely fulfill the needs for safe feed in animal husbandry.Krmne leguminoze kao kabasta stočna hrana u svežem stanju, osušene ili konzervisane su izvanrednog kvaliteta za ishranu stoke jer su bogate proteinima, vitaminima i mineralnim materijama. Dosadašnji pravci u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na bolji kvalitet su prevashodno bili usmereni na veći sadržaj proteina. Drugi važan parametar kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza, naročito s aspekta ishrane preživara je in vitro svarljivost suve materije. Vrednost oba ova parametra kvaliteta opada sa starenjem kod svih krmnih leguminoza kao rezultat smanjenja udela lista u odnosu na stabljiku i procesa lignifikacije. Opadanje svarljivosti nakon faze butonizacije se javlja kao posledica povećanog sadržaja lignina i povećanog udela strukturnih polisaharida. Posebno mesto u ovom domenu kvaliteta krme, s aspekta ishrane preživara zauzima odnos strukturnih i nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata. U strukturne spadaju neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (NDF - neutral detergent fiber) i kisela deterdžentska vlakna (ADF - acid detergent fiber), dok nestrukturne pretežno čini skrob. Novije pravce u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na kvalitet trebalo bi usmeriti i na neka specifična svojstva kako bi se u potpunosti za potrebe stočarstva obezbedila zdravstveno-bezbedna hrana

    Atypical form of cat scratch disease in immunocompetent patient

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    Introduction. Cat scratch disease (CSD) is an acute infectious disease with benign course caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. Clinically, it is usually manifested as regional lymphadenopathy and mild infective syndrome. Rare forms of the disease which usually occur in immunocompromised presons are: encephalitis, transverse myelitis, neuroretinitis, granulomatosus conjunctivitis, arthritis, hepatitis etc. Case report. We presented an atypical form of cat scratch disease in a young immunocompetent female person. The disease was manifested with prolonged fever, rash, purulent lymphadenitis and hepatitis. The diagnosis was based on characteristic patohystological finding and exclusion of the other causes of lymphadenopathy. The patient was treated by antibiotics for a few weeks, with surgical incision and drainage of the purulent lymphadenitis. Conclusion. Atypical forms of CSD could be an important differential-diagnostic problem, especially if there is no opportunity for serological confirmation of the disease

    Importance of progeny testing in alfalfa breeding (Medicago sativa L.)

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the importance and effectiveness of progeny tests that can be used in alfalfa breeding for increased green forage yields and shoot number per plant. A total of 35 alfalfa genotypes of different geographic and genetic origins were analyzed. The results of the study have shown that crossing full-sib or half-sib parents leads to a significant increase in yield and shoot number per plant. Significant inbreeding depression was observed in the S1 progenies of all the genotypes involved. The choice of alfalfa parents must be based on progeny analysis. Which particular method will be used will depend on the objective of the breeding program

    Udeo listova u prinosu lucerke zavisno od genotipa i faze razvića

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    Portion of leaves in alfalfa dry matter yield at different stages of the growth has been examined in the second and the third year of plant the development. The study was conducted in the Rimski Šančevi experiment field of the Institute of Fields and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad using standard cultivation practices. The study included three alfalfa varieties, NS Banat ZMS II, Orca, Du Puits, and two genotypes, Syn II and Syn III. The genotypes had been developed at the Institute of Fields and Vegetable Crops within a programme on cultivars improvement. Portions of leaves were measured in five growth stages: early vegetative, mid-vegetative, late vegetative, early bud and late bud-early flower. Furthermore, a portion of leaves in yield was evaluated from the first growth to the fifth regrowth in 1997 and from the second to the fifth regrowth in 1998. It was found that the portion of leaves in dry matter yield depended significantly on the cultivar. NS Banat ZMS II had the lowest portions of leaves from the early vegetative stage to the beginning of flowering. The portion of leaves in dry matter yield was the highest in the early vegetative stage, gradually becoming lower until the stage of flowering. Fastest changes in the portion of leaves occurred from the late vegetative stage to the bud stage. The portions of leaves in dry matter yield were the lowest in the second and the third regrowth, and a somewhat higher in the fourth and the fifth regrowth. Significant differences in the portion of leaves in green forage and dry matter yield existed between the early vegetative stage and the early bud stage. Higher values were obtained by measuring the portion of leaves in dry matter. There were no significant differences in the portions of leaves in green forage and in dry matter between bud and flowering stage.U drugoj i trećoj godini života biljka utvrđivan je udeo listova u prinosu suve materije lucerke u različitim fazama porasta i razvića na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Rimskim Šančevima uz standardne agrotehničke mere. U ispitivanja je su uključene tri sorte lucerke, NS Banat ZMS II, Orca, Du Puits, i dva genotipa, Syn II i Syn III, stvoreni u Institutu u cilju dobijanja sorti boljeg kvaliteta. Određen je udeo lišća za pet faza razvića: rana vegetativna, srednje vegetativna, kasna vegetativna faza, zatim početak butonizacije i puna faza butonizacije - početak cvetanja. Udeo listova u prinosu je ocenjen od prvog do petog porasta 1997. godine, i od drugog do petog porasta u 1998. Udeo lišća u prinosu suve materije u različitim fazama porasta i razvića lucerke značajno zavisi od genotipa. Najmanji udeo lišća u prinosu suve materije imala je sorta NS Banat ZMS II od rane vegetativne do faze početka cvetanja. Najveći udeo listova u prinosu suve materije bio je u ranoj vegetativnoj fazi i značajno se smanjivao do faze početka cvetanja. Najbrže se smanjuje udeo listova od kasne vegetativne do faze butonizacije. Najmanji udeo listova u prinosu suve materije lucerke bio je u II i III, a veći IV i V otkosu. Merenje udela listova u zelenoj krmi ili suvoj materiji se značajno razlikuje od rane vegetativne do faze početka butonizacije. Dobijen je veći udeo lista merenjem u suvoj materiji. U fazama butonizacije i početka cvetanja razlike dobijene određivanjem udela listova u zelenoj krmi ili suvoj materiji nisu značajne

    Značaj progenih testova u oplemenjivanju lucerke (Medicago sativa L.)

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the importance and effectiveness of progeny tests that can be used in alfalfa breeding for increased green forage yields and shoot number per plant. A total of 35 alfalfa genotypes of different geographic and genetic origins were analyzed. The results of the study have shown that crossing full-sib or half-sib parents leads to a significant increase in yield and shoot number per plant. Significant inbreeding depression was observed in the S1 progenies of all the genotypes involved. The choice of alfalfa parents must be based on progeny analysis. Which particular method will be used will depend on the objective of the breeding program.Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi značaj i efikasnost progenih testova u oplemenjivanju na prinos zelene krme i broj izdanaka lucerke. U okviru istraživanja analizirano je 35 genotipova lucerke različitog geografskog i genetičkog porekla. Rezultati ogleda ukazuju da ukrštanje roditelja u punom ili polusrodstvu dovodi do značajnog povećanja prinosa i broja izdanaka po biljci. Ispoljena je značajna inbred depresija u S1 potomstvu kod svih ispitivanih genotipova. Izbor roditelja mora biti zasnovan na analizi potomstava lucerke a primena odgovarajućeg metoda zavisi od cilja oplemenjivanja lucerke

    Efikasnost testova potomstava u oplemenjivanju lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) - na veći prinos i kvalitet

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    Alfalfa is one of the most important forage crops in the world and it is spread across the globe on over 30 million hectares. The objectives of this study were to assess the importance and effectiveness of progeny tests used in alfalfa breeding for dry matter yield and crude protein content and to determine which of these tests provides the best information for choosing parental components to improve the success of alfalfa breeding. The experiment tested 35 alfalfa genotypes of different geographic and genetic origin. The rank correlations obtained in our study indicate that open pollination and self pollination progeny tests are effective tools for evaluating alfalfa parents for dry matter yield and crude protein content, respectively. Alfalfa breeding for improved quality can be effective if crosses are made between genetically divergent populations in order to produce hybrid combinations that will be used as donors of genes for quality in the development of new synthetic cultivars, all the while making sure that yield is maintained as an essential factor in alfalfa breeding.Cilj rada je bio da se proceni efikasnost testova potomstava u oplemenjivanju lucerke na veći prinos i bolji kvalitet. Razlike su značajne u prinosu suve materije između roditeljskih populacija i potomstava nastalih različitim sistemima oplodnje. Najveći prinos suve materije dobijen je kod potomstava nastalih direktnim ukrštanjem. Između populacija lucerke nastalih slobodnom oplodnjom i direktnim ukrštanjem nije bilo značajnih razlika. Rezultati ukazuju na značaj testa slobodne oplodnje u oceni roditeljskih populacija lucerke u oplemenjivanju na prinos suve materije. Primena samooplodnje u prvoj generaciji značajno povećava sadržaj sirovih proteina kod lucerke. Korelacije ranga ukazuju na mogućnost efikasne ocene roditelja za prinos suve materije primenom testa potomstava, a za sadržaj sirovih proteina korišćenjem testa samooplodnje. Oplemenjivanje lucerke na veći kvalitet može biti efikasno ukoliko se vrše ukrštanja između genetički divergentnih populacija sa ciljem da se hibridne populacije koriste kao donori gena kvaliteta u stvaranju novih sintetičkih sorti, ali sa očuvanjem prinosa kao nezaobilaznog faktora u oplemenjivanju lucerke

    Hemijski sastav lišća i stabljika divergentnih sorti lucerke

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    Alfalfa is a perennial crop that provides a higher yield of proteins per unit area than any field crop, which makes it highly desirable for the production of hay and feed for domestic animals (especially ruminants). The objective of this study was to determine the dry matter chemical composition in the whole plant, leaves and stems of five divergent alfalfa cultivars. Variations were found in the contents of proteins, hemicellulose, NDF, ADF, ADL, cellulose, and minerals depending on genotype and plant part. Significant differences existed between the cultivars in quality parameters, indicating that breeding for high alfalfa quality is justifiable.Lucerka je višegodišnja vrsta koja daje veći prinos proteina po jedinici površine od bilo koje ratarske kulture, pa je zbog toga veoma poželjna za proizvodnju sena i u ishrani domaćih životinja (posebno preživara). Cilj rada je bio da se odredi hemijski sastav suve materije lucerke kod pet divergentenih sorti lucerke u celoj biljci kao i u listu i stabljikama. Lucerka varira u sadržaju proteina, celuloze, hemiceluloze, NDF, ADF, ADL, i mineralnih materija u zavisnosti od genotipa i biljnog dela. Postoje značajne razlike u komponentama hranljive vrednosti lucerke između sorti što ukazuje da oplemenjivanje na veći kvalitet lucerke ima smisla

    Breeding and improvement of quality traits in alfalfa (medicago sativa ssp sativa l.)

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    An important objective in alfalfa breeding is the improvement of forage quality. The aim of this experiment was to determine the genetic control of the most important quality traits in whole plant leaves and stems of alfalfa genotypes. Quantitative genetic parameters were estimated for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) content. A 5x5 diallel design with reciprocals among parents from geographically different populations were studied. In the diallel study, effects due to general combining ability (GCA) were higher than those due to specific combining ability (SCA) for majority of the tested characters in analyses of whole plant. The F1 progeny effect was significant for almost all characters (except ADF content). The highest values of narrow sense heritability's were found for NDF (h = 0.19) and CP (h = 0.17) in whole plant, and in leaves (0.11 and 0.08), while in stems most heritable traits are ADF (h = 0.29) and ADL (h = 0.16) content. As a consequence, CP, NDF and ADF content would be more efficient selection criteria in whole plant analyses, while ADF and ADL content would be more interesting to investigate in stems, in a breeding program for improved nutritive value of alfalfa

    Agronomske osobine roda Vigna L. vezane za krmu

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    Among many species of genus Vigna L. are cowpea, V. unguiculata (L.) Walp., mung bean, V. radiata (L.) Wilczek, and adzuki bean, V. angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi, that are almost completely unknown in Serbia and Montenegro. A small-plot trial was set up in 2005 at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The cultivars of cowpea had the greatest average values of plant height (114 cm), number of stems per plant (1,4), number of internodes (13,2) and plant mass (30,19 g). The greatest average yield of fresh weight was found in the cultivars of cowpea (23,4 t ha-1), while the greatest average yield of hay was in the cultivars of adzuki bean (5,1 t ha-1).Rod Vigna L. obuhvata veći broj vrsta, među kojima su i crnookica, V. unguiculata (L.) Walp., mungo pasulj, V. radiata (L.) Wilczek, i azuki pasulj, V. angularis, (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi, koje su u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori skoro u potpunosti nepoznate. Mikroogled sa vrstama roda Vigna postavljen je tokom 2005. godine na Oglednom polju Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima. Sorte crnookice odlikovale su se najvećim prosečnim vrednostima visine biljke (114 cm), broja stabala po biljci (1,4), broja članaka (13,2) i mase biljke (30,19 g). Najviši prosečni prinos zelene krme postigle su sorte crnookice (23,4 t ha-1), dok su najviši prosečni prinos sena ostvarile sorte azuki pasulja (5,1 t ha-1)

    Aktuelna strategija realizacije izgradnje autoputeva u Republici Srbiji

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    In order to achieve the economic development of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to provide adequate traffic infrastructure, particularly highways. The second lane on the northern branch of Corridor X (E-75) from Horgoš to Belgrade has been completed, and the construction works on the eastern branch (E-80) from Niš to the Bulgarian border and on the southern branch (E-75) from Leskovac to the Macedonian border are ongoing. Works are also in progress on the Belgrade bypass. Works on the E-763 ("Corridor 11") are executed between Obrenovac and Preljina. Continuation of this road towards Montenegro is being prepared. Also preparations for the highway on the E-761 from Pojate to Preljina are ongoing.U cilju ostvarivanja ekonomskog razvoja Republike Srbije neophodno je obezbediti odgovarajuću saobraćanu infrastrukturu, a naročito autoputsku. Završena je izgradnja druge trake na severnom kraku Koridora X (E-75) od Horgoša do Beograda, a u toku je izvođenje radova na istočnom kraku (E-80) od Niša do granice sa Bugarskom i južnom kraku (E-75) od Leskovca do granice sa Makedonijom. Takođe su u toku radovi na obilaznici Beograda. Radovi na E-763 (“Koridor 11”) se izvode od Obrenovca do Preljine, a u pripremi je nastavak ovog puta prema Crnoj Gori kao i autoput na E-761 od Pojata do Preljin