285 research outputs found

    On the Transferability of Adversarial Examples between Encrypted Models

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are well known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs). In addition, AEs have adversarial transferability, namely, AEs generated for a source model fool other (target) models. In this paper, we investigate the transferability of models encrypted for adversarially robust defense for the first time. To objectively verify the property of transferability, the robustness of models is evaluated by using a benchmark attack method, called AutoAttack. In an image-classification experiment, the use of encrypted models is confirmed not only to be robust against AEs but to also reduce the influence of AEs in terms of the transferability of models.Comment: to be appear in ISPACS 202

    On the Adversarial Transferability of ConvMixer Models

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are well known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs). In addition, AEs have adversarial transferability, which means AEs generated for a source model can fool another black-box model (target model) with a non-trivial probability. In this paper, we investigate the property of adversarial transferability between models including ConvMixer, which is an isotropic network, for the first time. To objectively verify the property of transferability, the robustness of models is evaluated by using a benchmark attack method called AutoAttack. In an image classification experiment, ConvMixer is confirmed to be weak to adversarial transferability.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2209.0299

    シュウマツキ ガン カンジャ ニオイテ モ DESIGN-R ニヨル ジョクソウ チユ ヨソク ワ カノウカ : ヒカクテキ ケイショウ ノ ジョクソウ ワ ホボ ヨソクドウリ ニ チユ スル

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    Recently, it has been reported that the total scores of the depth, exudates, size, inflammation/ infection, granulation, necrosis, and pocket-rating(DESIGN-R)tool might be useful for predicting the duration of healing of pressure ulcers. Because pressure ulcers in patients with end-stage cancer are thought to be very difficult to heal compared with general pressure ulcers, the validity of DESIGN-R for prognostication of pressure ulcers in patients with end-stage cancer was evaluated. The subjects were 33 cancer patients with pressure ulcers in a palliative care unit. For the patients in relatively good condition, most pressure ulcers with total DESIGN-R scores of nine or less healed within 1month in response to wrap therapy, as expected from a recent report. However, pressure ulcers with total scores of ten or more did not heal. Thus, DESIGN-R may be useful for prognostication of pressure ulcers even in patients with end-stage cancer

    A Practice of the Laboratory Course Using a Personal Spectrometer and Learning Management System

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    学生実験は,限られた授業時間,実験作業スペース,限られた数の機器など,いくつかの制約の下で行われている。これらの制約を緩和するために,予習用のコンテンツを学習管理システム(LMS)でオンライン公開した。2017年度前期より,学生一人ひとりが利用できる計測機器とタブレットを導入した。その後,アプリの改良を重ね,貸出用のタブレットではなく,学生が自分のスマートフォンを利用できるようになった。2022年度前期には,学生実験に一通りの方法が確立した。また,今後の改良点を模索するためにも学生実験終了後にアンケートを取った。本稿では,学生実験の概要,アンケート結果について報告する。Laboratory courses are conducted under some constraints, such as limited class hours, insufficient experimental workspace, and limited numbers of instruments. We released online preparatory content on the learning management system (LMS) to alleviate these restrictions. We introduced a measurement device and a tablet available to each student in the first semester of 2017. The measurement application has improved since then, and now students can use their own smartphones instead of tablets. An appropriate method for our laboratory course was completed in the first semester of 2022. In addition, a questionnaire was taken for further improvements after the laboratory course was finished. In this paper, we report the outline of the laboratory course and the questionnaire results

    siRNA-dependent and -independent post-transcriptional cosuppression of the LTR-retrotransposon MAGGY in the phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

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    The LTR-retrotransposon MAGGY was introduced into naive genomes of Magnaporthe oryzae with different genetic backgrounds (wild-type, and MoDcl1 [mdl1] and MoDcl2 [mdl2] dicer mutants). The MoDcl2 mutants deficient in MAGGY siRNA biogenesis generally showed greater MAGGY mRNA accumulation and more rapid increase in MAGGY copy number than did the wild-type and MoDcl1 mutants exhibiting normal MAGGY siRNA accumulation, indicating that RNA silencing functioned as an effective defense against the invading element. Interestingly, however, regardless of genetic background, the rate of MAGGY transposition drastically decreased as its copy number in the genome increased. Notably, in the MoDcl2 mutant, copy-number-dependent MAGGY suppression occurred without a reduction in its mRNA accumulation, and therefore by a silencing mechanism distinct from both transcriptional gene silencing and siRNA-mediated RNA silencing. This might imply that some mechanism possibly similar to post-transcriptional cosuppression of Ty1 retrotransposition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which operates regardless of the abundance of target transcript and independent of RNA silencing, would also function in M. oryzae that possesses the RNA silencing machinery

    テンイソウ デ ホルモン ジュヨウタイ ノ ヘンイ オ ミトメタ ニュウガン ノ 1レイ

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    A 44 year old woman visited the hospital with complaint of the right breast tumor which she left for two years. She presented with a large mass of8.5cm in diameter with skin invasion, right axillar lymph nodes, multiple liver, and bone metastases. Core needle biopsy of the main tumor revealed an invasive ductal carcinoma(scirrhous carcinoma)with nuclear grade 2 with ER(+),PgR(+), HER2(-). The patient was treated with hormone therapy for three and a half year.The extensive mediastinum lymph nodes metastasis and multiple lung metastasis and a new tumor in the right thyroid lobe were appeared. The liver metastasis also increased in size and number.The therapy switched to chemotherapy with paclitaxel. Although the reductive effect was appeared in the breast mass, lung metastasis and liver metastasis, the thyroid and mediastinal lymph node metastases increased in size aggressively. The cytology of needle biopsy specimen from the thyroid tumor was consistent with breast cancer metastasis. Histopathology of the biopsy specimens from the mediastinal lymph node and the liver metastases also consist with breast cancer metastases, but ER and PgR receptor status converted to negative in mediastinal lymph nodes

    Does municipal mergers internalize spatial spillover effects? Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities

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    This paper investigates whether municipal mergers could internalize spatial spillover effects by comparing mergers before and after they occur, especially focusing on local public library services in Japan. A spatial spillover effect occurs when the benefit of a local public service spreads across not only its own administrative district but also into neighboring ones. A free rider problem among municipalities might be caused when a municipality makes a policy decision regarding how much it supplies to its own local public service under a decentralization system, recognizing the existence of a spatial spillover effect. Under such circumstances, spatial spillover effects might be internalized through municipal mergers. In Japan, the boundaries of administrative districts—including those of municipalities—have been determined based on traditional or historical reasons. However, large-scale municipal mergers took place in FY2004 and FY2005 due to serious fiscal deficits and a rapidly aging population. Consequently, the number of municipalities in Japan has decreased from 3,232 to 1,820. In light of these facts, we examine whether municipal mergers internalize spatial spillover effects, focusing on Japanese local public library services, by applying cross-sectional spatial autoregressive models. As a result, we found that there are spatial spillover effects in public library services both in FY2001 (before) and in FY2008 (after). We also found that the impact of such spillovers in FY2008 is smaller than that in FY2001. The results imply that municipal mergers could at least partially internalize spatial spillover effects among municipalities

    Does municipal mergers internalize spatial spillover effects? Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities

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    This paper investigates whether municipal mergers could internalize spatial spillover effects by comparing mergers before and after they occur, especially focusing on local public library services in Japan. A spatial spillover effect occurs when the benefit of a local public service spreads across not only its own administrative district but also into neighboring ones. A free rider problem among municipalities might be caused when a municipality makes a policy decision regarding how much it supplies to its own local public service under a decentralization system, recognizing the existence of a spatial spillover effect. Under such circumstances, spatial spillover effects might be internalized through municipal mergers. In Japan, the boundaries of administrative districts—including those of municipalities—have been determined based on traditional or historical reasons. However, large-scale municipal mergers took place in FY2004 and FY2005 due to serious fiscal deficits and a rapidly aging population. Consequently, the number of municipalities in Japan has decreased from 3,232 to 1,820. In light of these facts, we examine whether municipal mergers internalize spatial spillover effects, focusing on Japanese local public library services, by applying cross-sectional spatial autoregressive models. As a result, we found that there are spatial spillover effects in public library services both in FY2001 (before) and in FY2008 (after). We also found that the impact of such spillovers in FY2008 is smaller than that in FY2001. The results imply that municipal mergers could at least partially internalize spatial spillover effects among municipalities