808 research outputs found

    Familon emission by dense magnetized plasma

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    Emission of a familon caused by the processes e−→e−+ϕe^- \to e^- + \phi, e−→μ−+ϕ e^- \to \mu^- + \phi in dense magnetized plasma is investigated in the model in which a familon have both direct and no direct coupling to leptons via plasmon. The process probabilities and the integral familon action on plasma are calculated. It is shown that the P P odd interference phenomenon in the process e−→μ−+ϕe^- \to \mu^- + \phi leads to the familon force acting on plasma along the magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, LATEX, to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Neutrino Oscillations as a Probe of Dark Energy

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    We consider a class of theories in which neutrino masses depend significantly on environment, as a result of interactions with the dark sector. Such theories of mass varying neutrinos (MaVaNs) were recently introduced to explain the origin of the cosmological dark energy density and why its magnitude is apparently coincidental with that of neutrino mass splittings. In this Letter we argue that in such theories neutrinos can exhibit different masses in matter and in vacuum, dramatically affecting neutrino oscillations. Both long and short baseline experiments are essential to test for these interactions. As an example of modifications to the standard picture, we consider simple models which may simultaneously account for the LSND anomaly, KamLAND, K2K and studies of solar and atmospheric neutrinos, while providing motivation to continue to search for neutrino oscillations in short baseline experiments such as BooNE.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, refs added, additional data considered, minor change in conclusions about LSN

    Effects of CP Violation from Neutral Heavy Fermions on Neutrino Oscillations, and the LSND/MiniBooNE Anomalies

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    Neutrinos may mix with ultralight fermions, which gives flavor oscillations, and with heavier fermions, which yields short distance flavor change. I consider the case where both effects are present. I show that in the limit where a single oscillation length is experimentally accessible, the effects of heavier fermions on neutrino oscillations can generically be accounted for by a simple formula containing four parameters, including observable CP violation. I consider the anomalous LSND and MiniBooNE results, and show that these can be fit in a model with CP violation and two additional sterile neutrinos, one in the mass range between 0.1 and 20 eV, and the other with mass between 33 eV and 40 GeV. I also show that this model can avoid conflict with constraints from existing null short baseline experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Oscillations of high energy neutrinos in matter: Precise formalism and parametric resonance

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    We present a formalism for precise description of oscillation phenomena in matter at high energies or high densities, V > \Delta m^2/2E, where V is the matter-induced potential of neutrinos. The accuracy of the approximation is determined by the quantity \sin^2 2\theta_m \Delta V/2\pi V, where \theta_m is the mixing angle in matter and \Delta V is a typical change of the potential over the oscillation length (l \sim 2\pi/V). We derive simple and physically transparent formulas for the oscillation probabilities, which are valid for arbitrary matter density profiles. They can be applied to oscillations of high energy (E > 10 GeV) accelerator, atmospheric and cosmic neutrinos in the matter of the Earth, substantially simplifying numerical calculations and providing an insight into the physics of neutrino oscillations in matter. The effect of parametric enhancement of the oscillations of high energy neutrinos is considered. Future high statistics experiments can provide an unambiguous evidence for this effect.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 1 figure. Linestyles in the figure corrected to match their description in the caption; improved discussion of the accuracy of the results; references added. Results and conclusions unchange

    Neutrino oscillations in a stochastic model for space-time foam

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    We study decoherence models for flavour oscillations in four-dimensional stochastically fluctuating space times and discuss briefly the sensitivity of current neutrino experiments to such models. We pay emphasis on demonstrating the model dependence of the associated decoherence-induced damping coefficients in front of the oscillatory terms in the respective transition probabilities between flavours. Within the context of specific models of foam, involving point-like D-branes and leading to decoherence-induced damping which is inversely proportional to the neutrino energies, we also argue that future limits on the relevant decoherence parameters coming from TeV astrophysical neutrinos, to be observed in ICE-CUBE, are not far from theoretically expected values with Planck mass suppression. Ultra high energy neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts at cosmological distances can also exhibit in principle sensitivity to such effects.Comment: 12 pages RevTex4, no figure

    Neutrino-electron processes in a dense maqnetized plasma

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    The neutrino-electron processes in a dense strongly degenerate magnetized plasma are analyzed in the framework of the Standard Model. The total probability and the mean values of the neutrino energy and momentum losses are calculated. It is shown that neutrino scattering on the excited electrons with Landau level number conservation dominates under the conditions "mu^2 > eB >> mu T" but does not give a contribution into the neutrino force acting on plasma along the magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, LATEX, to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Fermion dispersion in axion medium

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    The interaction of a fermion with the dense axion medium is investigated for the purpose of finding an axion medium effect on the fermion dispersion. It is shown that axion medium influence on the fermion dispersion under astrophysical conditions is negligible small if the correct Lagrangian of the axion-fermion interaction is used.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Large Lepton Asymmetry for Small Baryon Asymmetry and Warm Dark Matter

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    We propose a resonant leptogenesis scenario in a U(1)_{B-L} gauge extension of the standard model to generate large lepton asymmetries for cosmological baryon asymmetry and dark matter. After B-L number is spontaneously broken, inflaton can pick up a small vacuum expectation value for the mass splits of three pairs of quasi-degenerately heavy Majorana neutrinos and the masses of three sterile neutrinos. With thermal mass effects of sphalerons, the observed small baryon asymmetry can be converted from large lepton asymmetries of individual flavors although total lepton asymmetry is assumed zero. The mixing between sterile and active neutrinos is elegantly suppressed by the heavy Majorana neutrinos. Before the active neutrinos start their strong flavor conversions, the sterile neutrinos as warm dark matter can be produced by resonant active-sterile neutrino oscillations to reconcile X-ray and Lyman-\alpha bounds. Small neutrino masses are naturally realized by seesaw contributions from the heavy Majorana neutrinos and the sterile neutrinos.Comment: 8 pages. Typos and parameter choice are corrected. Accepted by Phys. Rev.
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