167 research outputs found

    Humanitarian context of the principles of the judiciary in the constitutions of the countries of Eastern Europe

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    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of norms of the constitutions of the countries of Eastern Europe in connection with the identification in them of the principles of the judiciary, enshrined in the special sections on the rights and freedoms of man and citize

    A review of international and national clinical guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial polyps

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    Endometrial polyp (EP) is a common disease of the uterine mucosa in reproductive age, peri- and post-menopause. Hysteroscopy is the primary method of diagnosing EP, and polypectomy is the method of choice for treatment. Despite many years of research on EP, there are still gaps in the understanding of its pathogenesis; approaches to the diagnosis and therapy of EP are not standardized, which makes it difficult for gynecologists to make informed decisions about the management of patients with this disease. It determined the focus of our work. We reviewed clinical guidelines for EP diagnosis and treatment from the American Society of Gynecological Endoscopy, the Norwegian Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics, the draft clinical guidelines "Endometrial polyps" from the Russian Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (as of July 28, 2022, not approved by the Russian Ministry of Health); as well as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists guideline on the management of women with endometrial hyperplasia. The review has led to the conclusion that the recommendations in the current clinical guidelines for the management of women with EP are inconsistent and the diagnostic algorithm for suspected EP is not well-established; the indications for the wait-and-see, surgical treatment of EP are not defined; criteria of high oncological risk requiring surgical treatment of EP are not formulated. Clarifying these issues will help gynecologists make informed decisions about treatment options

    State guarantees of the right to education as an element of a social state: a constitutional-comparative analysis

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    This article presents a comparative constitutional analysis of guaranteeing the right to education in various states. The authors intend to consider various approaches in different states, the constitutional consolidation of the right to education. The corresponding approach corresponds to the idea of the social state as a modern tendency of the state developmen

    Constitutional and legal regulation of state authority interaction on citizen appeals: foreign experience

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the foreign experience of constitutional legalization of the basic foundations of interaction between government bodies regarding citizens' appeals. The study was built based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systemic, logical, analysis and synthesis) and private scientific method

    Application of phase-metric compensation method for geoelectric control of near-surface geodynamic processes

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    This work is devoted to the application of the compensation method of geoelectric control using the field phase characteristics for the detection and localization of geodynamic processes. High noise immunity of the phase-metric registration method of geoelectric signals in comparison with amplitude parameters of the anomalous components of electromagnetic field, usually used to analyze the results of observations, is note

    Патоморфологические и молекулярно-генетические особенности диффузного типа рака желудка

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     Gastric cancer (GC) is the 5th most common type of cancer in the world and the third leading cause of death from cancer. GC is a multi-factorial and morphologically heterogeneous disease. Currently, several morphological classifications of GC are used, however, for diagnosis, it is necessary to take into  account not only the morphological type of the tumor, but also its molecular subtype. According to the literature, the intestinal type of GC is most often associated with effects of environmental factors and is usually found in older  age groups in men, while diffuse gastric cancer (DGC) is a genetically determined disease which is more common in younger patients, with the same frequency among men and women.This review covers in detail GC, its classification by P.A. Lauren (1965), and its molecular subtypes characterized during the Cancer Genome Atlas project and examines the impact of certain risk factors on the pathogenesis of the disease, such as: H. pylori infection or Epstein – Barr virus. A separate section in this analytical work is dedicated to expression of the PD-L1 marker by tumor cells and the use of this parameter for prognosis and therapy of this disease. An essential part of the work is discussion of the features of intestinal and diffuse types of gastric cancer, which reflect not only the differences in classifications used in modern diagnosis, but also the relationship between the pathological pattern and the molecular subtype of gastric cancer.  Рак желудка (РЖ) занимает пятое место в мире по распространенности среди всех злокачественных новообразований и является третьей по значимости причиной смертности от онкологических заболеваний. РЖ является мультифакториальным, морфологически  неоднородным заболеванием. В настоящее время используется несколько морфологических классификаций  РЖ, однако для постановки диагноза требуется учитывать не только морфологический тип опухоли, но и ее  молекулярный подтип. По данным литературы, РЖ  интестинального типа чаще всего ассоциирован с  действием факторов окружающей среды и, как правило, встречается в старших возрастных группах у мужчин.  Диффузный тип рака желудка (ДТРЖ) является в большей степени генетически детерминированным заболеванием и чаще встречается у более молодых пациентов, при этом с одинаковой частотой среди мужчин и женщин.В данном обзоре подробно освещается тема РЖ, его  классификация по P.A. Lauren (1965), его молекулярным  подтипы, охарактеризованные в Атласе ракового генома  (The Cancer Genome Atlas), а также рассматривается влияние  определенных факторов риска на патогенез  заболевания, таких как инфицирование H. pylori или вирусом Эпштейна – Барр. Отдельную роль в данной  аналитической работе занимает вопрос экспрессии опухолевыми клетками маркера PD-L1 и использование  данного параметра для прогнозирования и терапии этого  заболевания. Немаловажной частью работы является  обсуждение особенностей интестинального и диффузного  типов рака желудка, которые отражают не только различия  используемых в современной диагностике классификаций,  но и взаимосвязь патоморфологической картины с  молекулярным подтипом рака желудка.

    Efficacy of laser remodeling in the genitourinary syndrome of menopause: A review

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    The real-world treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause has several limitations: contraindications to topical estrogen therapy, which is currently recognized as the "gold standard" treatment for vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), fear of the systemic effects of topical estrogens or/and carcinophobia, and poor compliance of patients to intravaginal agents. Therefore, there is an unmet need for alternative noninvasive or minimally invasive therapies, mostly non-hormonal. A PubMed, Cochrane Library, Science Direct, and ELibrary databases were searched for the keywords CO2-laser, Er:YAG-laser, vulvovaginal atrophy, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, treatment, postmenopausal age for 20122022. Remodeling microablative laser therapy using carbon dioxide (CO2) is a promising method for treating VVA, acting pathogenetically and symptomatically. CO2 laser relieves VVA symptoms and improves the condition of the vaginal mucosa by enhancing regeneration and restoring vaginal pH. However, evidence of the efficacy and long-term safety of the method, obtained in high-quality studies, is needed before the method can be introduced into widespread clinical practice. Aim. To analyze and summarize the evidence-based and experimental data on the efficacy and safety of laser therapy for VVA and genitourinary syndrome of menopause

    Vulvovaginal atrophy in the peri- and post-menopause: relevance and impact on quality of life

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    Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) is detected in more than 50% of postmenopausal women, and at 4049 years of age, 15-19% of women have relevant signs. Atrophic changes in the female urogenital system are associated with hypoestrogenism, which results in the defective synthesis of collagen and elastin due to reduced functional activity of fibroblasts. Although the symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause significantly impair the quality of life, women rarely seek medical help for urogenital symptoms, considering them a normal condition for the period of aging. We searched Cochrane Library, PubMed, Science Direct, and ELibrary databases for the keywords vulvovaginal atrophy, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, quality of life, epidemiology, and postmenopausal age for 20122022. The literature review suggests that the prevalence of VVA is extremely high but underestimated due to the infrequent seeking of medical care by female patients with relevant symptoms. The genitourinary syndrome of menopause dramatically impacts patients' quality of life, but not all women eligible for treatment receive it. One of the reasons for refusing hormonal treatment is patients' fear of the systemic effects of hormonal drugs. There is an unmet need for alternative non-hormonal therapies. The objective is to analyze and systematize the scientific data accumulated over the past ten years on the epidemiology of VVA, its impact on patients' quality of life, and the challenges in diagnosing and treating the disease

    Evaluation of the accuracy of the phase metric method of goniometric control in geotechnical monitoring

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    The article substantiates the use of the phase metric method in measuring accelerometric systems, presents the results of experimental studies evaluating the accuracy of the developed method, as well as the results of testing the sensor on real monitoring object