71 research outputs found

    Self-Stimulated Undulator Radiation and its Possible Applications

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    We investigated the phenomena of self-stimulation of incoherent emission from an undulator installed in the linear accelerator or quasi-isochronous storage ring. We discuss possible applications of these phenomena for the beam physics also.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Self-stimulated Emission of Undulator Radiation

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    We attract attention that interaction of particle in downstream undulator with its own wavelet emitted in upstream undulator could be as strong as with the frictional field in undulator itself. This phenomenon could be used for enhancement of signal from pickup undulators in optical stochastic cooling methods as well as for increase of damping.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Collective and fractal properties of pion jets in the four-velocity space at intermediate energies

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    Experimental results are presented for study of collective and fractal properties of soft pion jets in the space of relative four-dimensional velocities. Significant decreasing is obtained for mean square of second particle distances from jet axis for pion-proton interactions at initial energies 3\sim 3 GeV in comparison with hadron-nuclear collisions at close energies. The decreasing results in power dependence of distance variable on collision energy for range 24\sim 2 - 4 GeV. The observation allows us to estimate the low boundary of manifestation of color degree of freedom in pion jet production. Cluster dimension values were deduced for pion jets in various reactions. Fractional values of this dimension indicate on the manifestation of fractal-like properties by pion jets. Changing of mean kinetic energy of jet particles and fractal dimension with initial energy increasing is consistent with suggestion for presence of color degrees of freedom in pion jet production at intermediate energies.Comment: The conference "Physics of fundamental interactions". ITEP, Moscow, Russia. November 23 - 27, 200

    Proposal for an Enhanced Optical Cooling System Test in an Electron Storage Ring

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    We are proposing to test experimentally the new idea of Enhanced Optical Cooling (EOC) in an electron storage ring. This experiment will confirm new fundamental processes in beam physics and will demonstrate new unique possibilities with this cooling technique. It will open important applications of EOC in nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and in Light Sources (LS) based on high brightness electron and ion beams.Comment: 21 pages, pdf. The number of electrons in the bunch in the example is decreased, the volume of the paper is increased, Misprints are correcte

    Electromagnetic field and radiation for a charge moving along a helical trajectory inside a waveguide with dielectric filling

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    We investigate the electromagnetic field generated by a point charge moving along a helical trajectory inside a circular waveguide with conducting walls filled by homogeneous dielectric. The parts corresponding to the radiation field are separated and the formulae for the radiation intensity are derived for both TE and TM waves. It is shown that the main part of the radiated quanta is emitted in the form of the TE waves. Various limiting cases are considered. The results of the numerical calculations show that the insertion of the waveguide provides an additional mechanism for tuning the characteristics of the emitted radiation by choosing the parameters of the waveguide and filling medium.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, discussion, graphs, and references adde

    Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type I. Features of clinical manifestations, difficulties in diagnosis and methods of correction

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    Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APG) type I is an orphan disease with autosomal recessive inheritance caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator gene (AIRE); the disease onset typically occurs in childhood. The disease is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations with a certain stage in the manifestation of individual symptoms. The rare occurrence of this pathology determines its late diagnosis, which can lead to the decompensated life-threatening conditions and an unfavorable outcome. Widely informing pediatric specialists will contribute to the development of a diagnostic algorithm for timely verifying the disease from the moment its first clinical manifestations appear, and will improve the quality and life expectancy of the patients

    Интерстициальный фиброз, связанный с курением: наблюдение из практики

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    Smoking-related interstitial fibrosis (SRIF) is a recently described disease which is common finding in a long-term cigarette smokers.Aim. To acquaint readers with relatively unknown interstitial disease. We describe a case of a smoking patient with a long smoking history and squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx and lung who complained of an unproductive cough, sore throat, hoarseness, difficulty in nasal breathing, and shortness of breath during exercise. Obstructive disorders, lung hyperinflation, and a severe decrease in diffusion capacity reflected the signs of severe emphysema in combination with fibrotic changes found by high resolution computed tomography (CT). X-ray picture and characteristic histological changes made it possible to diagnose SRIF.Conclusion. Diagnostics of the disease should be based on CT-signs, histologic picture and functional data. The prognosis is relatively favorable.Интерстициальный фиброз (ИФ), связанный с курением (СК), – относительно недавно описанное заболевание, которое довольно часто выявляется у лиц, длительно курящих сигареты.Целью данной работы являлось ознакомление читателей с малоизвестным вариантом ИФ. Представлено клиническое наблюдение за курящим пациентом с наличием в анамнезе длительного стажа курения, плоскоклеточного рака гортани и рака легкого, у которого отмечались жалобы на непродуктивный кашель, першение в горле, осиплость голоса, затруднение носового дыхания, одышку при физической нагрузке. Обструктивные нарушения, гиперинфляция легких, выраженное снижение диффузионной способности легкого отражали выявленные по данным компьютерной томографии высокого разрешения признаки выраженной эмфиземы в сочетании с фиброзными изменениями. Рентгенологическая картина и характерные гистологические изменения позволили диагностировать ИФ СК.Заключение. Диагностика заболевания должна быть основана на рентгенологической картине (компьютерно-томографических признаках), характерных гистологических признаках и данных функционального исследования. Прогноз течения заболевания относительно благоприятный