19 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of the Protective Efficacy of Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) Vaccines Based on European and Far-Eastern TBEV Strains in Mice and in Vitro

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), caused by the TBE virus (TBEV), is a serious public health threat in northern Eurasia. Three subtypes of TBEV are distinguished. Inactivated vaccines are available for TBE prophylaxis, and their efficacy to prevent the disease has been demonstrated by years of implication. Nevertheless, rare TBE cases among the vaccinated have been registered. The present study aimed to evaluate the protective efficacy of 4 TBEV vaccines against naturally circulating TBEV variants. For the first time, the protection was evaluated against an extended number of phylogenetically distinct TBEV strains isolated in different years in different territories. The protective effect did not strongly depend on the infectious dose of the challenge virus or the scheme of vaccination. All vaccines induced neutralizing antibodies in protective titers against the TBEV strains used, although the vaccines varied in the spectra of induced antibodies and protective efficacy. The protective efficacy of the vaccines depended on the individual properties of the vaccine strain and the challenge virus, rather than on the subtypes. The neutralization efficiency appeared to be dependent not only on the presence of antibodies to particular epitopes and the amino acid composition of the virion surface but also on the intrinsic properties of the challenge virus E protein structure

    Investigation of oncolytic potential of vaccine strains of yellow fever and tick-borne encephalitis viruses against glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines

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    Introduction. Flaviviruses, possessing natural neurotropicity could be used in glioblastoma therapy using attenuated strains or as a delivery system for antitumor agents in an inactivated form. Objective. To investigate the sensitivity of glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines to vaccine strains of yellow fever and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Materials and methods. Cell lines: glioblastoma GL-6, T98G, LN-229, pancreatic carcinoma MIA RaCa-2 and human pancreatic ductal carcinoma PANC-1. Viral strains: 17D yellow fever virus (YF), Sofjin tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Virus concentration were determined by plaque assay and quantitative PCR. Determination of cell sensitivity to viruses by MTT assay. Results. 17D YF was effective only against pancreatic carcinoma tumor cells MIA Paca-2 and had a limited effect against PANC-1. In glioblastoma cell lines (LN229, GL6, T98G), virus had no oncolytic effect and the viral RNA concentration fell in the culture medium. Sofjin TBEV showed CPE50 against MIA Paca-2 and a very limited cytotoxic effect against PANC-1. However, it had no oncolytic effect against glioblastoma cell lines (LN229, T98G and GL6), although virus reproduction continued in these cultures. For the GL6 glioblastoma cell line, the viral RNA concentration at the level with the infection dose was determined within 13 days, despite medium replacement, while in the case of the LN229 cell line, the virus concentration increased from 1 × 109 to 1 × 1010 copies/ml. Conclusion. Tumor behavior in organism is more complex and is determined by different microenvironmental factors and immune status. In the future, it is advisable to continue studying the antitumor oncolytic and immunomodulatory effects of viral strains 17D YF and Sofjin TBEV using in vivo models

    Comparison of the Immunogenicity and Safety of Two Pediatric TBE Vaccines Based on the Far Eastern and European Virus Subtypes

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    Up to 10,000 cases of tick-borne encephalitis are registered annually, 20% of which occur in children under 17 years of age. A comparison of the immunogenicity and safety between a new pediatric Tick-E-Vac vaccine based on the TBEV strain Sofjin and FSME-IMMUN Junior vaccine was performed in the Sverdlovsk region. The vaccine strains differ from strains of the Siberian subtype of TBEV that dominates in the region. The study was performed on 163 children aged 1 to 15, who received one of the vaccines according to either a conventional or rapid vaccination schedule. Immunogenicity was assessed based on the seroprotection rates and titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies. There were no significant differences in either the immunogenicity or reactogenicity of the pediatric vaccines based on strains of the Far Eastern or European subtypes of TBEV. Under both vaccination schedules, 30 days after the second injection, seroprotection rates were 100% for Tick-E-Vac and greater than 95% for FSME-IMMUN Junior, while the geometric mean titer of TBEV-neutralizing antibodies was at least 2,4 log10 (1 : 250) for either vaccine. Fourteen days after the second injection according to the rapid schedule, seroprotection rates were significantly lower, ranging from 50% to 63% regardless of the vaccine used. The observed adverse reactions were mild or moderate for both vaccines under both vaccination schedules, with total adverse event rates of less than 25%. Reactogenicity was not associated with the gender or age of the recipients. There were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of adverse reactions between the group of subjects who were baseline seronegative or seropositive. However, 14 days after the second vaccine injection according to the rapid schedule, a statistically significant difference in nAbs titers was identified between groups of children with and without reported reactions

    Evervac: phase I/II study of immunogenicity and safety of a new adjuvant-free TBE vaccine cultivated in Vero cell culture

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    Approximately 10,000 cases of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a serious disease of the central nervous system caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), are registered worldwide every year. Vaccination against TBE remains the most essential measure of preventing the disease. Unlike available TBE vaccines, a new inactivated lyophilized candidate vaccine Evervac is produced in Vero continuous cell culture and its final formulation does not include aluminum-based adjuvants. To study the safety and immunogenicity of Evervac, healthy adults 18–60 y of age were immunized twice at 30-d intervals. The study was single-blind, randomized, comparative, controlled, and was conducted in TBE-endemic areas. The commercial lyophilized vaccine TBE-Moscow was used as a comparison treatment. The subjects were observed for incidence, severity, and duration of adverse reactions. It was shown that the severity of local and systemic reactions in the Evervac vaccine group was mild to moderate. There were no significant differences in the incidence of adverse reactions between the Evervac and TBE-Moscow vaccine groups. Immunization with Evervac produced a significant increase in geometric mean titer (GMT) of anti-TBEV antibodies in both initially seronegative and seropositive recipients. The seroconversion rate for the initially seronegative recipients was 69% (GMT = 1:214) after the first dose and reached 100% after the second dose. In these parameters, there were no significant differences between the study and control vaccine groups. Thus, the adjuvant-free Vero-based vaccine Evervac was well tolerated, had low reactogenicity, induced a pronounced immune response, and was overall non-inferior to the commercial adjuvanted TBE vaccine used as a control

    The structure of inactivated mature tick-borne encephalitis virus at 3.0 Ã… resolution

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) causes a severe disease, tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), that has a substantial epidemiological importance for Northern Eurasia. Between 10,000 and 15,000 TBE cases are registered annually despite the availability of effective formaldehyde-inactivated full-virion vaccines due to insufficient vaccination coverage, as well as sporadic cases of vaccine breakthrough. The development of improved vaccines would benefit from the atomic resolution structure of the antigen. Here we report the refined single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the inactivated mature TBEV vaccine strain Sofjin–Chumakov (Far-Eastern subtype) at a resolution of 3.0 Å. The increase of the resolution with respect to the previously published structures of TBEV strains Hypr and Kuutsalo-14 (European subtype) was reached due to improvement of the virus sample quality achieved by the optimized preparation methods. All the surface epitopes of TBEV were structurally conserved in the inactivated virions. ELISA studies with monoclonal antibodies supported the hypothesis of TBEV protein shell cross-linking upon inactivation with formaldehyde.</p

    Image_1_Experimental Evaluation of the Protective Efficacy of Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) Vaccines Based on European and Far-Eastern TBEV Strains in Mice and in Vitro.PDF

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    <p>Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), caused by the TBE virus (TBEV), is a serious public health threat in northern Eurasia. Three subtypes of TBEV are distinguished. Inactivated vaccines are available for TBE prophylaxis, and their efficacy to prevent the disease has been demonstrated by years of implication. Nevertheless, rare TBE cases among the vaccinated have been registered. The present study aimed to evaluate the protective efficacy of 4 TBEV vaccines against naturally circulating TBEV variants. For the first time, the protection was evaluated against an extended number of phylogenetically distinct TBEV strains isolated in different years in different territories. The protective effect did not strongly depend on the infectious dose of the challenge virus or the scheme of vaccination. All vaccines induced neutralizing antibodies in protective titers against the TBEV strains used, although the vaccines varied in the spectra of induced antibodies and protective efficacy. The protective efficacy of the vaccines depended on the individual properties of the vaccine strain and the challenge virus, rather than on the subtypes. The neutralization efficiency appeared to be dependent not only on the presence of antibodies to particular epitopes and the amino acid composition of the virion surface but also on the intrinsic properties of the challenge virus E protein structure.</p

    Exploring of primate models of tick-borne flaviviruses infection for evaluation of vaccines and drugs efficacy.

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is one of the most prevalent and medically important tick-borne arboviruses in Eurasia. There are overlapping foci of two flaviviruses: TBEV and Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus (OHFV) in Russia. Inactivated vaccines exist only against TBE. There are no antiviral drugs for treatment of both diseases. Optimal animal models are necessary to study efficacy of novel vaccines and treatment preparations against TBE and relative flaviviruses. The models for TBE and OHF using subcutaneous inoculation were tested in Cercopithecus aethiops and Macaca fascicularis monkeys with or without prior immunization with inactivated TBE vaccine. No visible clinical signs or severe pathomorphological lesions were observed in any monkey infected with TBEV or OHFV. C. aethiops challenged with OHFV showed massive hemolytic syndrome and thrombocytopenia. Infectious virus or viral RNA was revealed in visceral organs and CNS of C. aethiops infected with both viruses; however, viremia was low. Inactivated TBE vaccines induced high antibody titers against both viruses and expressed booster after challenge. The protective efficacy against TBE was shown by the absence of virus in spleen, lymph nodes and CNS of immunized animals after challenge. Despite the absence of expressed hemolytic syndrome in immunized C. aethiops TBE vaccine did not prevent the reproduction of OHFV in CNS and visceral organs. Subcutaneous inoculation of M. fascicularis with two TBEV strains led to a febrile disease with well expressed viremia, fever, and virus reproduction in spleen, lymph nodes and CNS. The optimal terms for estimation of the viral titers in CNS were defined as 8-16 days post infection. We characterized two animal models similar to humans in their susceptibility to tick-borne flaviviruses and found the most optimal scheme for evaluation of efficacy of preventive and therapeutic preparations. We also identified M. fascicularis to be more susceptible to TBEV than C. aethiops

    Structural Diversity of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Particles in the Inactivated Vaccine Based on Strain Sofjin

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    The main approach to preventing tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is vaccination. Formaldehyde-inactivated TBE vaccines have a proven record of safety and efficiency but have never been characterized structurally with atomic resolution. We report a cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the formaldehyde-inactivated TBE virus (TBEV) of Sofjin-Chumakov strain representing the Far Eastern subtype. A 3.8  Å resolution reconstruction reveals the structural integrity of the envelope E proteins, specifically the E protein ectodomains. The comparative study shows high structural similarity to the previously published structures of the TBEV European subtype strains Hypr and Kuutsalo-14. A fraction of inactivated virions exhibits asymmetric features including the deformations of the membrane profile. We propose that the heterogeneity is caused by inactivation and perform a local variability analysis on the small parts of the envelope protein shell to reveal membrane curvature features possibly induced by the inactivation. The results of this study will have implications for design of novel vaccines against diseases caused by flaviviruses</p

    Size Distribution of Inactivated Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Particles Revealed by a Comprehensive Physicochemical Approach

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is an enveloped RNA virus, a member of the genus Flavivirus (family Flaviviridae). Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the size and structure of the inactivated TBEV vaccine strain Sofjin-Chumakov. Four analytical methods were used to analyze individual TBEV particles&mdash;negative staining TEM, cryo-EM, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). All methods confirmed that the particles were monodisperse and that their mean size was ~50 nm. Cryo-EM data allowed us to obtain a 3D electron density model of the virus with clearly distinguishable E protein molecules. STEM-EELS analysis detected phosphorus in the particles, which was interpreted as an indicator of RNA presence. Altogether, the described analytical procedures can be valuable for the characterization of inactivated vaccine virus samples