222 research outputs found

    Universal Set of Gates for Microwave Dressed-State Quantum Computing

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    We propose a set of techniques that enable universal quantum computing to be carried out using dressed states. This applies in particular to the effort of realising quantum computation in trapped ions using long-wavelength radiation, where coupling enhancement is achieved by means of static magnetic-field gradient. We show how the presence of dressing fields enables the construction of robust single and multi-qubit gates despite the unavoidable presence of magnetic noise, an approach that can be generalised to provide shielding in any analogous quantum system that relies on the coupling of electronic degrees of freedom via bosonic modes

    Microwave-based controlled quantum dynamics in trapped ions

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    The key research aim of the present thesis is the building of a universal set of quantum gates for a long wavelength trapped-ion quantum information processor. It is desired to realise quantum computation using microwave and radio wave sources in a linear ion trap, where a static magnetic field gradient has been added to enhance motional and atomic state coupling. Furthermore, the qubit is constructed with the intrinsic use of superposition states generated with the help of constant microwave fields in the background: dressed states. This technique is essential for the shielding of the quantum operations against the unavoidable effects of magnetic noise. After reviewing the preliminary results and discussing briefly an auxiliary experimental technique intrinsic to the set-up, we introduce the magnetic gradient coupling and the dressed state scheme. We then proceed to illustrate how single and multi-qubit gates can be realised within such a system. Theoretical arguments are supplemented by numerical simulation and sources of experimental noise are taken into account.Open Acces

    Towards Deep Learning Models for Psychological State Prediction using Smartphone Data: Challenges and Opportunities

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    There is an increasing interest in exploiting mobile sensing technologies and machine learning techniques for mental health monitoring and intervention. Researchers have effectively used contextual information, such as mobility, communication and mobile phone usage patterns for quantifying individuals' mood and wellbeing. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of neural network models for predicting users' level of stress by using the location information collected by smartphones. We characterize the mobility patterns of individuals using the GPS metrics presented in the literature and employ these metrics as input to the network. We evaluate our approach on the open-source StudentLife dataset. Moreover, we discuss the challenges and trade-offs involved in building machine learning models for digital mental health and highlight potential future work in this direction.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, In Proceedings of the NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Healthcare 2017 (ML4H 2017). Colocated with NIPS 201

    Quasi-universal transient behavior of a nonequilibrium Mott insulator driven by an electric field

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    We use a self-consistent strong-coupling expansion for the self-energy (perturbation theory in the hopping) to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated lattice fermions. We study the three-dimensional homogeneous Fermi-Hubbard model driven by an external electric field showing that the damping of the ensuing Bloch oscillations depends on the direction of the field, and that for a broad range of field strengths, a long-lived transient prethermalized state emerges. This long-lived transient regime implies that thermal equilibrium may be out of reach of the time scales accessible in present cold atom experiments, but shows that an interesting new quasi-universal transient state exists in nonequilibrium governed by a thermalized kinetic energy but not a thermalized potential energy. In addition, when the field strength is equal in magnitude to the interaction between atoms, the system undergoes a rapid thermalization, characterized by a different quasi-universal behavior of the current and spectral function for different values of the hopping.Comment: (5 pages, 5 figures, ReVTeX

    Decentralizacijski model i rezultati USAID projekta reforme lokalne samouprave u Hrvatskoj

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    The Local Government Reform Project (2000–2007) in Croatia is described and commented. Main premises are noticed and work within the Project systematised. There were four reform directions – policy reform with a focus on decentralization, knowledge and skill transfer to increase accountability, institution building, and, finally, media outreach and local government and citizen information. Measures for reaching policy reform were, for example, introduction of a comprehensive decentralization reform, improvement of respective legislation, strengthening the role of the Association of Cities and building advocacy network. Knowledge and skills transfer was attempted by building capacity of local government professionals, working on asset and internal financial management, procurement and investment procedures and practices, creating new software with regard to financial management, promoting e-government measures, etc. Institution building was concentrated on the Association of Cities, the Local Democracy Academy, education initiatives throughout the country, and localgovernment cooperation. The overall approach was participative, bottom-up, practical, and supportive.U radu se opisuje i komentira The Local Government Reform Project (2000–2007) u Hrvatskoj, navode njegove temeljne premise te sistematizira rad na Projektu. Radilo se na četiri reformska pravca – jačanje decentralizacijske politike, prijenos znanja i vještina radi jačanja odgovornosti, oblikovanje institucija te suradnja s medijima obavještavanje lokalnih samoupravnih jedinica i građana. Jačanje decentralizacijske politike nastojalo se provesti, na primjer, iniciranjem obuhvatne decentralizacijske reforme, radom na promjenama i poboljšanjima zakonodavstva, jačanjem uloge Udruge gradova te izgradnjom mreže za zagovaranje decentralizacije. Prijenos znanja i vještina nastojao se provesti usavršavanjem lokalnih službenika, poboljšanjem metoda upravljanja lokalnom imovinom i financijama, usavršavanjem postupaka i prakse javne nabave i investicija, izradom kompjutorskog programa za upravljanje lokalnim financijama, nastojanjem oko primjene mjera e-upravljanja u lokalnoj samoupravi, itd. Izgradnja institucija bila je usmjerena prema Udruzi gradova, Akademiji lokalne demokracije, obrazovnim inicijativama širom zemlje te jačanju suradnje lokalnih samoupravnih jedinica. Pristup je bio participativan, odozdo-prema-gore, praktičan i podupirući

    Simulation of inhomogeneous distributions of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice via a massively parallel implementation of nonequilibrium strong-coupling perturbation theory

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    We present a nonequilibrium strong-coupling approach to inhomogeneous systems of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We demonstrate its application to the Mott-insulating phase of a two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model in the presence of a trap potential. Since the theory is formulated self-consistently, the numerical implementation relies on a massively parallel evaluation of the self-energy and the Green's function at each lattice site, employing thousands of CPUs. While the computation of the self-energy is straightforward to parallelize, the evaluation of the Green's function requires the inversion of a large sparse 10d×10d10^d\times 10^d matrix, with d>6d > 6. As a crucial ingredient, our solution heavily relies on the smallness of the hopping as compared to the interaction strength and yields a widely scalable realization of a rapidly converging iterative algorithm which evaluates all elements of the Green's function. Results are validated by comparing with the homogeneous case via the local-density approximation. These calculations also show that the local-density approximation is valid in non-equilibrium setups without mass transport.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Generierung vereinfachter Modelle mechatronischer Systeme auf Basis symbolischer Gleichungen

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    Für die Entwicklung, Regelung und Optimierung technischer Systeme stellt die modellbasierte Simulation ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel dar. Dabei sind in vielen Anwendungen niedrige Simulationszeiten essentiell. Eine Simulation besteht zum einen aus dem Modell des technischen Systems und zum anderen aus einem numerischen Lösungsverfahren. Für eine effiziente Simulation sollte das verwendete Modell so einfach wie möglich sein, um den interessierenden physikalischen Effekt noch abbilden zu können, jedoch nicht einfacher. Die Modellbildung technischer Systeme geschieht häufig in objektorientierten Simulationsumgebungen. Diese erlauben eine komfortable Modellierung per drag & drop mit Hilfe grafischer Benutzeroberflächen. Außerdem ist die Modellbildung weniger fehleranfällig, da die meisten Komponenten vorgefertigten Standard-Bibliotheken entnommen werden können. Darüber hinaus sind die generierten Modelle leicht wiederverwendbar. Diese Vorteile führen insbesondere dazu, dass die Erstellung komplexer Modelle technischer Systeme in objektorientierten Simulationsumgebungen in einfacher Art und Weise geschehen kann. In der Regel werden von einem technischen System während des Entwicklungsprozesses mehrere Modelle benötigt. Die einfache Verfügbarkeit komplexer Modelle legt es nahe, die Modellbildung lediglich für das komplexeste Modell zu betreiben und alle weiteren Modelle durch Modellreduktion aus diesem zu generieren. In dieser Arbeit wird ein geeignetes Modellreduktionsverfahren entwickelt und in eine objektorientierte Simulationsumgebung integriert. Das verwendete Modellreduktionsverfahren basiert darauf, ausgehend von einem vorgegebenen Szenario den Einfluss der in den Modellgleichungen enthaltenen mathematischen Terme zu schätzen. Anhand ihres geschätzten Einflusses auf das Simulationsergebnis werden die Terme anschließend sortiert und manipuliert (beispielsweise linearisiert oder vernachlässigt). Da die Schätzung des Einflusses szenariobasiert ist, hängt die Güte des Modells in einer Simulation von der Ähnlichkeit des Reduktionsszenarios zum Simulationsszenario ab. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Ansätze vorgestellt, um den Gültigkeitsbereich der reduzierten Modelle zu vergrößern. Darüber hinaus wird ein neues, äußerst effizientes Verfahren zur Schätzung des Einflusses der Terme präsentiert. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt weiterhin auf der Generierung von Modellen für die Echtzeitsimulation. Für die Echtzeitsimulation muss jeder Integrationsschritt innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Zeitspanne berechnet werden können. Die zur Verfügung stehende Rechenleistung hängt dabei zum einen von der Zielhardware und zum anderen von dem gewünschten Takt ab. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, um ausgehend von einem komplexen Modell ein vereinfachtes Modell zu generieren, welches (falls überhaupt möglich) in Echtzeit auf der Zielhardware in dem gewünschten Echtzeittakt simuliert werden kann. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Verfahrens wird anhand bekannter Modelle aus der Fahrdynamik eindrucksvoll gezeigt. Darüber hinaus wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit ein komplexes Modell einer Baumaschine generiert und anschließend für Echtzeitsimulationen reduziert. Außerdem dient das Modellreduktionsverfahren als Basis für einen Ansatz zur Erstellung generischer Modelle