6 research outputs found

    Expression of HSP101 in shoots (A) and roots (C) of heat stressed creeping bentgrass under different N levels using immunoblot and correponding band intensity of HSP101 in shoots (B) and roots (D) using Bio-rad Quantity One software.

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    <p>T1, T2, T3, and T4 represents the treatments of no N, low N, medium N, and high N, respectively. Shoot samples of low N treatment (T2) were omitted in protein gel blot analysis in order to accommodate all the samples across different sampling days on a same gel.M: protein standard for molecular weight; C: sample before heat stress. Equal amounts of protein (40 Β΅g) were loaded to each lane. Solid arrow indicates the HSP, and the open arrow(s) indicate protein standard. Bars indicate standard error of means of different samples in replicate treatments (nβ€Š=β€Š3).</p

    Expression of sHSP in shoots (A) and roots (C) of heat stressed creeping bentgrass under different N levels using immunoblot and correponding band intensity of sHSP in shoots (B) and roots (D) using Bio-rad Quantity One software.

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    <p>T1, T2, T3, and T4 represents the treatments of no N, low N, medium N, and high N, respectively. Shoot samples of low N treatment (T2) were omitted in protein gel blot analysis in order to accommodate all the samples across different sampling days on a same gel.M: protein standard for molecular weight; C: sample before heat stress. Equal amounts of protein (30 Β΅g) were loaded to each lane. Solid arrow indicate the HSP, and the open arrow(s) indicate protein standard. Bars indicate standard error of means of different samples in replicate treatments (nβ€Š=β€Š3).</p

    Effects of different N levels on turfgrass quality (TQ) (A), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (B), and photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm)(C)of creeping bentgrass under heat stress.

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    <p>Means followed by the same letters at each sampling day are not significantly different based on LSD test at <i>p</i>β€Š=β€Š0.05 level, except TQ (Day 36) at <i>p</i>β€Š=β€Š0.1 level. Day50: Fifty days after heat stress.</p

    Expression of HSP90 in shoots (A) and roots (C) of heat stressed creeping bentgrass under different N levels using immunoblot and correponding band intensity of HSP90 in shoots (B) and roots (D) using Bio-rad Quantity One software.

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    <p>T1, T2, T3, and T4 represents the treatments of no N, low N, medium N, and high N, respectively. Shoot samples of low N treatment (T2) were omitted in protein gel blot analysis in order to accommodate all the samples across different sampling days on a same gel.M: protein standard for molecular weight; C: sample before heat stress. Equal amounts of protein (40 Β΅g) were loaded to each lane. Solid arrow indicates the HSP, and the open arrow(s) indicate protein standard. Bars indicate standard error of means of different samples in replicate treatments (nβ€Š=β€Š3).</p

    Effects of different N levels on shoot electrolyte leakage (ShEL) (A) and root viability (RV) (B) of creeping bentgrass under heat stress.

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    <p>Means followed by the same letters at each sampling day are not significantly different based on LSD test at <i>p</i>β€Š=β€Š0.05 level. Day50: Fifty days after heat stress.</p