3,371 research outputs found

    High-pressure droplet combustion studies

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    This is a joint research program, pursued by investigators at the University of Tokyo, UCSD, and NASA Lewis Research Center. The focus is on high-pressure combustion of miscible binary fuel droplets. It involves construction of an experimental apparatus in Tokyo, mating of the apparatus to a NASA-Lewis 2.2-second drop-tower frame in San Diego, and performing experiments in the 2.2-second tower in Cleveland, with experimental results analyzed jointly by the Tokyo, UCSD, and NASA investigators. The project was initiated in December, 1990 and has now involved three periods of drop-tower testing by Mikami at Lewis. The research accomplished thus far concerns the combustion of individual fiber-supported droplets of mixtures of n-heptane and n-hexadecane, initially about 1 mm diameter, under free-fall microgravity conditions. Ambient pressures ranged up to 3.0 MPa, extending above the critical pressures of both pure fuels, in room-temperature nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres having oxygen mole fractions X of 0.12 and 0.13. The general objective is to study near-critical and super-critical combustion of these droplets and to see whether three-stage burning, observed at normal gravity, persists at high pressures in microgravity. Results of these investigations will be summarized here; a more complete account soon will be published

    SiO Emission in the Multi-Lobe Outflow associated with IRAS 16293-2422

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    We have mapped the thermal emission line of SiO (v = 0; J = 2-1) associated with the quadrupolar molecular outflow driven by the very cold far-infrared source IRAS 16293-2422. The SiO emission is significantly enhanced in the northeastern red lobe and at the position ~50" east of the IRAS source. Strong SiO emission observed at ~50" east of the IRAS source presents evidence for a dynamical interaction between a part of the eastern blue lobe and the dense ambient gas condensation, however, such an interaction is unlikely to be responsible for producing the quadrupolar morphology. The SiO emission in the northeastern red lobe shows the spatial and velocity structure similar to those of the CO outflow, suggesting that the SiO emission comes from the molecular outflow in the northeastern red lobe itself. The observed velocity structure is reproduced by a simple spatio-kinematic model of bow shock with a shock velocity of 19-24 km/s inclined by 30-45 deg from the plane of the sky. This implies that the northeastern red lobe is independent of the eastern blue lobe and that the quadrupolar structure is due to two separate bipolar outflows. The SiO emission observed in the western red lobe has a broad pedestal shape with low intensity. Unlike the SiO emission in the northeastern red lobe, the spatial extent of the SiO emission in the western red lobe is restricted to its central region. The spatial and velocity structures and the line profiles suggest that three different types of the SiO emission are observed in this outflow; the SiO emission arises from the interface between the outflowing gas and the dense ambient gas clump, the SiO emission coming from the outflow lobe itself, and the broad SiO emission with low intensity observed at the central region of the outflow lobe.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures (figures 1 and 4 are color), gzipped tar file, To appear in the Ap

    Seleção de óleos essenciais repelentes à predadores e seletivos ao parasitoide Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae).

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    Em programas de controle biológico com parasitoides, uma das dificuldades na liberação dos parasitoides está relacionada com a predação dos ovos parasitados. O objetivo do trabalho foi selecionar repelentes aos predadores que sejam seletivos ao parasitoide Telenomus podisi. Para verificar a repelência foram confeccionadas cartelas de ovos de Euschistus heros e aplicados óleos essenciais. As cartelas foram distribuídas em cultivo de soja e retiradas após 24 hs. A avaliação foi realizada, contabilizando-se os ovos remanescentes nas cartelas. Como o óleo de canela-folha [100%] apresentou maior repelência aos predadores (75 a 96,6%), este foi aplicado, em diferentes concentrações, sobre as pupas do parasitoide e avaliou-se a sua emergência. As concentrações utilizadas foram 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% do óleo, diluídos em solução de 30% de tween. Foi observado que o óleo afetou a emergência dos parasitoides em concentração-dependente. Mesmo a menor concentração causou mortalidade de 30%. Desse modo, como alternativa para utilização do óleo de canela-folha foram realizados testes com cápsulas de gelatina. Testes iniciais foram realizados, pois não há informações básicas sobre a liberação de parasitoides nestas condições. Foram realizados testes com as cápsulas com diferentes cores, tamanhos das cápsulas e quantidade de pupas/cápsula. A cápsula de tamanho 0 com 50% de ovos parasitados apresentou maior número de insetos emergidos; a cor presentou pouca influência na emergência dos parasitoides. Realizou-se teste a campo, para observar a proteção que as cápsulas exercem contra predadores. Assim, cápsulas com pupas foram distribuídas em cultivo de soja e recolhidas após 24 hs. Avaliou-se as pupas remanescentes (peso inicial – final) nas cápsulas. As cápsulas não apresentaram eficiência contra predadores, independente das cores utilizadas, e são extremamente sensíveis a umidade, deformando-se facilmente. Outras alternativas deverão ser estudadas para viabilizar a liberação dos parasitoides de ovos

    Aspectos biológicos de Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) alimentada com grãos verdes de milho em diferentes temperaturas.

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    A lagarta-da-maçã do algodão Heliothis virescens (Fabricius, 1781) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) é uma praga polífaga, com grande capacidade de dano em lavouras de milho devido à capacidade de alimentar-se das espigas. Apesar disso, ainda são escassas as informações sobre o desenvolvimento dessa espécie nessa cultura, o que dificulta a recomendação de estratégias de controle. Desse modo, este trabalho objetivou avaliar aspectos biológicos de H. virescens alimentada com grãos de milho em diferentes temperaturas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com 10 repetições (n=7 lagartas individualizadas/repetição). Os grãos de milho, (híbrido 2B688), no estágio grão pastoso, foram ofertados ad libitum nas temperaturas constantes de 25°, 28° e 31°C (70% UR e fotofase de 14 hs). A partir do 5° instar larval foi avaliado também o consumo (g) de grãos. Foram avaliados os parâmetros reprodutivos da fase adulta do inseto. O aumento da temperatura reduziu a fase jovem assim como o consumo de grãos de milho, que foi menor a 31ºC. Apesar disso, não se verificou diferença na viabilidade larval da praga. O peso e viabilidade de pupa não foram afetados pela temperatura, porém houve redução na duração da fase pupa-adulto aos insetos submetidos a 31ºC. Durante a fase adulta, o parâmetro de fecundidade não diferiu entre as temperaturas, porém na temperatura mais elevada (31ºC) os ovos foram 100% inviáveis. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que H. virescens pode se alimentar dos grãos de milho e completar o seu ciclo nas três temperaturas estudadas, porém é na faixa entre 25 e 28 ºC que a praga encontra as condições ideais para o seu desenvolvimento

    Eliminating the Racial Disparity in Classroom Exclusionary Discipline

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    Advocates call for schools with high suspension rates to receive technical assistance in adopting “proven-effective” systematic supports. Such supports include teacher professional development. This call is justified given evidence that good teaching matters. But what types of professional development should be funded? Increasingly, research points to the promise of programs that are sustained, rigorous, and focused on teachers’ interactions with students. The current study tests whether a professional development program with these three characteristics helped change teachers’ use of exclusionary discipline practices—especially with their African American students. Exclusionary discipline is when a classroom teacher sends a student to the administrators’ office for perceived misbehavior. Administrators then typically assign a consequence, usually in the form of suspension (in-school or out-of school). The My Teaching Partner-Secondary (MTP-S) aims to improve teachers’ interactions with their students when implementing instruction and managing behavior. MTP-S helps teachers offer clear routines, implement consistent rules, and monitor behavior in a proactive way. The program also supports teachers in developing warm, respectful relationships that recognize students’ needs for autonomy and leadership. Teachers are paired with a coach for an entire school year (sustained approach), they regularly reflect on videorecordings of their classroom instruction and carefully observe how they interact with students, and they apply the validated Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS-S) to improve the quality of their interactions (rigorous approach). In the current study, a randomized controlled trial found that teachers receiving MTP-S relied less on exclusionary discipline compared to the control teachers. Specifically, MTP-S teachers issued fewer exclusionary discipline referrals to their African American students. This is the first study to show that programs like MTP-S that focus on teacher-student interactions in a sustained manner using a rigorous approach can actually reduce the disproportionate use of exclusionary discipline with African American students. More broadly, the findings offer policymakers direction in identifying types of professional development programs that have promise for reducing the racial discipline gap

    A Multi-Wavelength, Multi-Epoch Study of the Soft X-Ray Transient Prototype, V616 Mon (A0620-00)

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    We have obtained optical and infrared photometry of the soft x-ray transient prototype V616 Mon (A0620-00). From this photometry, we find a spectral type of K4 for the secondary star in the system, which is consistent with spectroscopic observations. We present J-, H-, and K-band light curves modeled with WD98 and ELC. Combining detailed, independently run models for ellipsoidal variations due to a spotted, non-spherical secondary star, and the observed ultraviolet to infrared spectral energy distribution of the system, we show that the most likely value for the orbital inclination is 40.75 +/- 3 deg. This inclination angle implies a primary black hole mass of 11.0 +/- 1.9 solar masses.Comment: 29 pages (preprint format), including 7 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Nov 2001 issue of A

    Structure and soft magnetic properties of sputter deposited MnZn-ferrite films

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    In this paper we report the soft magnetic properties of thin films of sputtered MnZn ferrite deposited on thermally oxidized Si substrates. A high deposition temperature, 600¿°C, together with the addition of water vapor to the sputtering gas was found to improve the initial ac permeability, µ. The highest value obtained was approximately 30. For MnZn-ferrite films with much larger grain sizes, as obtained by deposition on a polycrystalline Zn-ferrite substrate, a µ of 100 was obtained. The results are discussed in terms of the so-called nonmagnetic grain boundary model