28 research outputs found

    Louis Wenger (1809-1861). Entre architecture et politique

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    Un contexte économique et politique instable influence le parcours de l’architecte vaudois Louis Wenger, dont la carrière d’architecte connaît une rupture vers 1845. C’est à ce moment que débute pour lui une brillante carrière politique ; mais il n’abandonnera cependant jamais complètement son activité d’architecte, ni son parcours dans le domaine militaire. Entre ces trois activités, Wenger est un homme très occupé qui se signale par sa difficulté à respecter les délais qui lui sont fixés. Ces retards lui valent même de se voir retirer l’important projet de construction de la douane de Martherey à Lausanne par ses collègues du Gouvernement, qui ne semblent prendre aucun égard particulier vis-à-vis de l’architecte. Cependant ce cas reste isolé, et les autorités vaudoises semblent faire plutôt preuve de patience envers lui, cette empathie résultant vraisemblablement de l’imbrication étroite de ses différentes fonctions au sein de l’Etat

    The contrast media containing soft drinks for X-ray examination of the stomach

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    胃検診の受診者を増やし、検査を円滑に行う上で、造影剤である硫酸バリウム懸濁液の飲みにくさが障害の一つとなっている。これを改善する試みとして、懸濁液に市販の粉末清涼飲料を混入し検討したところ72.1%の人から通常のものよりも飲みやすいという回答を得た。今後、臨床的な検討を加えながら、さらに創意工夫していく必要がある。Barium sulfate suspensions are disliked to drink by many people. That is one of the obstacles to increse person who consult doctors and to have medical examinations smoothly. We mixed soft drinks into the suspensions to improve this problem. As a result they were popular among 72.1% people. We need to study about these suspensions further, adding the clinical matters

    Analysis of Tempormandibular Joint by Image Processing -Discrimination of Condylar Position-

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    Tomography is clinically useful in the diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. The TMJ is formed by the condyle and the glenoid fossa, and there exists TMJ space between them. Image processing was employed in the present study, and the reference points of the condyle and the glenoid fossa were determined from the tomogram. Subsequently, the TMJ space was measured automatically in the image analysis. The TMJs of 98 patients were examined practically and the characteristics of each result were studied. There is a possibility of discriminating an abnormal condylar position from a normal one by making use of the TMJ space and the distance between two reference points

    Statistics and analysis on the troubles of linear accelarator.

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    放射線治療の成否は厳密に設定されたTarget Volumeに如何に正確な線量を照射するかによって決まる。治療術式の過程において、最も大きな誤差を生む要因は照射機器である。誤差の少ない治療を目指す第一歩は機器を正確に作動させることであり、日常からの保守点検および整備が必要である。今回、岡山大学附属病院で1976年から1991年までに使用されたリニアックについて、その故障状況を集計し、部位別故障件数、管球の寿命、稼動率などを分析検討した。その結果、故障件数では設置され稼動を始めた1976年、装置の老朽化が進んだ1990、1991年に多かった。部位別集計では加速部に圧倒的に多く、次いで照射口、高圧部の順であった。稼動率は設置年および1987年を除いてはいずれも96%以上とよい結果であった。この結果は全国に稼動している同型の装置の保守点検に役立つものと考える。The Accuracy of radiation dose exposed the rigidly selected target volume is one of significant factors that have an influence upon the efficiency of treatment in the radiotherapy techniques. Therefore, it is necessary to daily maintain and check irradiation equipment for the radiotherapy. For the radiotherapy, the electron linear accelerator, Toshiba LMR-15A, had worked from 1976 to 1991 in Okayama University Hospital. On this study, all records regarding the operating condition were analyzed concerning parts of trouble, life of a tube and operating efficiency for these sixteen years. In a high frequency of trouble, an accelerating structure ranked first, followed by a collimator and a high voltage generator. The operating efficiency was 95% or greater. This report should be helpful to maintain and check a same model in other hosptals

    Dosimetry in Radiography

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    Utilization of radiation in medical treatment is increasing more and more ; consequently, It becomes more important to estimate exposure dose correctly. Altough there are many reports about exposue dose for patients, most of them merely describe the results of the measurements by parts of the body. Exposure dose differs with equipment, instruments, screen-firm system, contition of radiography, and so on. This paper describes the relation between skin dose and contitions of radiography, and also shows the result of measurement of "TPR" which needs to know the absorbed dose of each organ

    Basic properies of beam flatness analyzer (THEBES 7000)

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    癌の有力な治療法の1つである放射線治療はシステム全体の許容誤差が±5%と、正確な治療が要求されている。正確な線量を正確な場所に照射されなければならない。そのためには日頃から照射装置のQuality Control が重要である。Beam平坦度の測定はその中でも、重要な項目で1/6月の測定頻度が勧告されている。今回、市販のBeam Flatness Analyzer (7000型 THEBES) を使用する機会を得たので、その基礎的性能であるChamber 相互の感度のちがい、測定値の再現性、識別可能な最小線量について実験を行った。各項目とも誤差が非常に少なく、日常の使用に際してそのデータは十分信頼できるものであることがわかった。Lrradiation, which is one of the effective therapies to Cancer, is required to be accurate within ±5% of the tolerable error of the total system. An accurate dose has to be irradiated accurately at a target volume. For that Quality Control of the irradiation equipment is cotinually important. As the measurement of Beam Flatness is an important item, it is obligated to be measured once a week. In this paper as we have an opportunity to use a Beam Flatness Analyzer sold on a corporation of medical instrument, we experiment about the difference of sensitivity of mutual Chamber which is its basic property, the reproducibility of the measured score, and the minimum value of measuralbe dose. We find that the difference in every item is so small that its data is very reliable in a daily use

    Induced-fit motion of a lid loop involved in catalysis in alginate lyase A1-III.

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    The structures of two mutants (H192A and Y246F) of a mannuronate-specific alginate lyase, A1-III, from Sphingomonas species A1 complexed with a tetrasaccharide substrate [4-deoxy-L-erythro-hex-4-ene-pyranosyluronate-(mannuronate)(2)-mannuronic acid] were determined by X-ray crystallography at around 2.2 Å resolution together with the apo form of the H192A mutant. The final models of the complex forms, which comprised two monomers (of 353 amino-acid residues each), 268-287 water molecules and two tetrasaccharide substrates, had R factors of around 0.17. A large conformational change occurred in the position of the lid loop (residues 64-85) in holo H192A and Y246F compared with that in apo H192A. The lid loop migrated about 14 Å from an open form to a closed form to interact with the bound tetrasaccharide and a catalytic residue. The tetrasaccharide was bound in the active cleft at subsites -3 to +1 as a substrate form in which the glycosidic linkage to be cleaved existed between subsites -1 and +1. In particular, the O(η) atom of Tyr68 in the closed lid loop forms a hydrogen bond to the side chain of a presumed catalytic residue, O(η) of Tyr246, which acts both as an acid and a base catalyst in a syn mechanism

    Clinical and biochemical investigation of male patients exhibiting membranous cytoplasmic bodies in biopsied kidney tissues; a pitfall in diagnosis of Fabry disease

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    Background: The existence of membranous cytoplasmic bodies in biopsied kidney tissues is one of the important findings when considering Fabry disease as the first choice diagnosis. However, there are possible acquired lysosomal diseases associated with pharmacological toxicity, although less attention has been paid to them. Case Presentation: We experienced 3 male patients presenting with proteinuria and specific pathological changes strongly suggesting Fabry disease. We sought detailed clinical and biochemical information to avoid a wrong diagnosis. The patients were examined clinically and pathologically, and plasma α-galactosidase A (GLA) activity and the globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3) concentrations were measured. Electron microscopic examination revealed numerous membranous inclusion bodies in podocytes, and biochemical analysis revealed normal GLA activity and a normal lyso-Gb3 level in plasma, showing that they did not have Fabry disease. They suffered from hyperlipidemia, myeloma, or lupus nephritis. They had received pitavastatin calcium, clarithromycin, loxoprofen and/or prednisolone, and there was no medication history of cationic amphiphilic drugs. Conclusions: In this case series, the etiology of the inclusions was not clarified. However, these cases indicate that careful attention should be paid on diagnosis of patients exhibiting inclusion bodies in kidney cells, and it is important to confirm their past and present illnesses, and medication history as well as to measure the GLA activity and lyso-Gb3 level