29 research outputs found

    Score Playback Devices in PWGL

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    Expressive Notation Package (ENP), a Tool for Creating Complex Musical Output

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    This paper presents a new notation package called Expressive Notation Package or ENP. ENP is a PatchWork (PW, Laurson and Duthen 1989, Laurson 1996) user-library. PW, in turn, is a visual language with an emphasis on producing and analysing musical material. PW provides a rich set of applications in computer assisted composition. In this paper we will discuss the structure and properties of ENP at its present state. Several notation examples are provided. Finally we give a musical example created with ENP

    In this paper we extend the VIVO system with MIR function- ality that allows us to extract the VIVO rule database from a sym- bolic score. As a reference material we use a collection of se- lected Chorale harmonizations by J.S.Bach. Our extended system takes symbolic scores as input and generates a harmonic progres- sion database as output. The VIVO and the new extended sys- tem are realized inside the PWGL environment. Complete work- ing patches are given as examples. As a proof of concept the database-extracted from the repertoire-is then used in the VIVO to re-harmonize a short melody.

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    Presented at the 15th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2009), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18-22, 2009In this paper we extend the VIVO system with MIR function- ality that allows us to extract the VIVO rule database from a sym- bolic score. As a reference material we use a collection of se- lected Chorale harmonizations by J.S.Bach. Our extended system takes symbolic scores as input and generates a harmonic progres- sion database as output. The VIVO and the new extended sys- tem are realized inside the PWGL environment. Complete work- ing patches are given as examples. As a proof of concept the database-extracted from the repertoire-is then used in the VIVO to re-harmonize a short melody

    Expressive Notation Package

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