15 research outputs found


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    Upravljanje poslovnim informacijama od iznimnog je značaja za uspjeÅ”no poslovanje u građevinarstvu. Istraživanje, koje je temelj ovog rada, nastojalo je utvrditi koliku važnost hrvatska građevinska poduzeća u svojoj praksi pridaju ovom području, te koje metode pritom primjenjuju. Nadalje, u radu se istražuje kakva je praksa u upravljanju informacijama u državnim institucijama od kojih se očekuje da prikupljaju, obrađuju i distribuiraju poslovne informacije bitne za građevinsku gospodarsku granu. Rad također daje i preporuke za poboljÅ”anje sustava za upravljanje poslovnim informacijama


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    Prijelomi distalnog dijela radijusa najčeŔći su prijelomi u djece i čine oko 25% svih prijeloma. Glavni mehanizam nastanka je pad na ispruženu ruku. Ovi prijelomi najčeŔće nastaju kao posljedica nesretnih slučajeva, a rjeđe zbog ozljeda i patoloÅ”kih stanja. U ovom retrospektivnom istraživanju analizirali smo 182 bolnički liječena prijeloma distalnog radijusa, od čega 61 (29,8%) otpada na epifizeolize. Uzroci su podijeljeni u tri skupine: pad 124 (68,1%), ozljeda u prometu 50 (27,5%) i udarac 8 (4,4%). Padovi najčeŔće nastaju tijekom igre ili sporta ā€“ 72 (39,6%), a prometne ozljede tijekom vožnje bicikla ā€“ 30 (52%) i koturaljki ā€“ 25 (43%). Djeca su se najčeŔće ozljeđivala na mjestima sportske i rekreacijske aktivnosti ā€“ 115 (63%), na ulici 38 (21%) te u Å”koli 16 (9%). U naÅ”e djece najveća je pojavnost prijeloma distalnog radijusa tijekom sportskih i rekreacijskih aktivnosti, a najmanja u Å”koli i kod kuće.Distal radius fractures are the most common fractures in children and account for about 25% of all fractures. The main mechanism of occurrence is a fall on the outstretched hand. These fractures usually occur as a result of accidents, and rarely because of injuries and pathological conditions. In this retrospective study, we analyzed 182 hospital-treated distal radius fractures, of which 61 fractures (29.8%) represent epiphysiolysis. The causes are divided into three groups: fall 124 (68.1%), injuries in traffic 50 (27.5%), and strikes 8 (4.4%). Falls usually occur during sport or game playing 72 (39.6%), and traffic injuries occur during cycling 30 (52%) and roller skating 25 (43%). Children were most often injured in the areas of sports and recreational activities 115 (63%), on the street 38 (21%), and at the school 16 (9%). In our children the highest incidence of distal radius fractures was during sports and recreational activities, and the lowest in school and at home

    Prijelomi distalnog radijusa u djece ā€“ uzroci i mjesta nastanka [Distal radius fractures in children ā€“ causes and places of occurrence]

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    Distal radius fractures are the most common fractures in children and account for about 25% of all fractures. The main mechanism of occurrence is a fall on the outstretched hand. These fractures usually occur as a result of accidents, and rarely because of injuries and pathological conditions. In this retrospective study, we analyzed 182 hospital-treated distal radius fractures, of which 61 fractures (29.8%) represent epiphysiolysis. The causes are divided into three groups: fall 124 (68.1%), injuries in traffic 50 (27.5%), and strikes 8 (4.4%). Falls usually occur during sport or game playing 72 (39.6%), and traffic injuries occur during cycling 30 (52%) and roller skating 25 (43%). Children were most often injured in the areas of sports and recreational activities 115 (63%), on the street 38 (21%), and at the school 16 (9%). In our children the highest incidence of distal radius fractures was during sports and recreational activities, and the lowest in school and at home

    Offer alternation at local market: Case study Terranova Serbia

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    Primary goal of the contemporary companies imposes monitoring of customer needs and appropriate responses to them, in order to achieve a significant competitive advantage in terms of profit growth and increased market share. In this sense, it can be concluded that the adaptation of supply accordingly to consumer needs presents a very significant component of increased competitiveness and overall business performance. This is achieved through adjustment of offered goods, by taking care of the consumers' needs and the efficient circulation of information from local vendors who are in direct contact with customers and senior decision making management levels. In this paper, authors analyze offer adjustment to the local market on the example of TEDDY S.p.A., at Serbian market, identify importance and role of project management in defining what the organization offers, and analyze project management of offer adjustment. Through selected case study, example of process of defining new company offer in accordance with the characteristics of the local market is presented as well as its impact on profitability growth. Furthermore, the role of offer adjustment in creating the market position of the organization is presented as well as the necessity of implementing such a project in time of expressed differences in the needs of consumers in different local markets

    Concepts And Importance of Strategic Innovation in SMEs: Evidence from Serbia

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    This paper aims to define a concept of strategic innovation given the impact it has on competitiveness, creation of growth strategies, new product categories and business models, as well as on changing the rules of the game on the existing market. In this sense, companies have to strategically redefine their business, to define new ways of competing in order to offer new value for consumers, stakeholders and companies themselves. If companies want to be successful they have to discover and exploit new strategic positions that emerge from time to time as industry evolves. Supporting this, the paper presents strategic elements of the National Innovation System (NIS), which can significantly contribute to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to boost their business and to increase their competitiveness and innovativeness. Starting from the strategic positioning map, the paper gives some of the possible answers to the question of how SMEs in Serbia can improve their business, i.e., how the NIS can influence SMEs in terms of increasing business success

    Implementation of Project Management Concept into Industrial Energetics: Case Study in Paper Factory

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    Fuel changing is directly linked to market movements of energy sources, consequently, large companies adapt to these changes and move towards economically worthwhile strategies. The appearance of an energy source, change or fuel production startup, is a complex investment project in the field of industrial energetics. This research paper brings a case study of transition from gas to solid fuel in the paper factory, where the factory achieved significant savings by changing the basic fuel. In this study we applied a large number of criteria and parameters of the project management concepts (such as WBS structure, Gantt chart, SWOT analysis, criteria for settlement date, etc.). The purpose of this study is to demonstrate and broaden the knowledge base of in the industrial and energy sectors and to show significant benefits and cost savings which occur as a result of changes of energy sources in the industry involving mass production processes

    Strategic Turnaround in the Paper Industry: A New Model for the Procurement of Recycled Paper

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    In recent decades, the paper industry has undergone many changes, making this industry more lucrative, ā€œgreenerā€, and thus more attractive. Today, recycled paper is a key raw material for paper production. However, this intense growth has also increased the number of market players, making competition more intense and dynamic and causing frequent turmoil. In such an environment, planning procurement and forecasting the price of recycled paper is a big challenge, even for highly experienced procurement managers. In addition, paper production itself is a dynamic process that requires all key grades of recycled paper to be available at all times. Accordingly, managing the optimal level of recycled paper stocks is also a difficult task faced by the procurement unit. The goal of this paper is to address these challenges by developing a new model for the sustainable procurement of recycled paper in the paper industry with the help of the principles of strategic management. Specifically, we aim to enhance our understanding of the factors driving the complexity of recycled paper procurement management. To this end, we conducted a comparative case study in four European companies. To build cases, we collected secondary data on the sampled companies as well as primary data from interviews with top executives at these companies. On the basis of the results from the comparative case study, we propose a new model for the procurement of recycled paper that helps increase the accuracy of forecasting price trends and by extension overall procurement performance. In a nutshell, this paper seeks to improve procurement processes by reducing the complexity of the enterprise procurement unit as well as by offering guidelines for the maintenance of optimal stock levels of recycled paper

    Performance Analysis of Indie Gaming Projects on Crowdfunding Platforms: Evidence from Kickstarter.com

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    Research question: The aim of this paper is to examine the financial success of projects in game development industry in comparison with to projects in other industries hosted on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.com. Motivation: We live in the world of technology where companies arise and disappear on daily basis. The traditional way of financing was expanded with alternative online platforms. Our goal was to conduct an empirical analysis of one crowdfunding platform (Kickstarter.com) in order to understand if technology projects are doing better than other projects. If they do, what are the key factors for their success? Idea: Our goal was to better understand how crowdfunding model supports small indie development projects and projects in other industries. Data: We used the data of 148.510 companies applied for crowdfunding financing between 2015 and 2020, published on the web crawler platform Web Robots. Tools: All statistical analyses were performed using statistical software IBMĀ® SPSSĀ® Statistics v.21. The data were presented using standard methods of non-parametric descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies for medians and interquartile ranges for numeric outcomes). For testing of statistical significance of difference between two groups we used the PearsonĀ“s Chi-Quadrat test and Mann-Whitney test, where appropriate. The effect size for the 2x2 analyses was estimated using Odds ratios. Findings: The paper analyses the financial success of gaming and not gaming projects and tries to identify key factors for successful funding. We found a statistically significant higher prevalence of successful financing in game development projects, with 2.3 times higher odds of successful funding compared to not-gaming industry. Our analysis of quantitative indicators such as the number of backers, goal amount, pledged amount, pledged amount per backer and pledged to goal ratio also showed that projects in game development statistically outperformed projects in other categories. Promising game projects were supported by three times more backers on average and attained almost as double funds as other projects, while still sporting more modest pledged amounts per backer. These findings support the notion of crowdfunding being a viable modality of financing independent game development in emerging economies. Contribution: This paper expands the existing research related to the crowdfunding platforms and indie development companies and formulates key factors for successful financing for technology startup firms