115 research outputs found

    Malnutrition risk questionnaire combined with body composition measurement in malnutrition screening in inflammatory bowel disease.

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    The purpose of malnutrition screening is to predict the probability of a worse outcome due to nutritional factors. The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) can be used for screening in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); however, it does not provide details about body composition. Our aim was to assess the body composition and combine this with the MUST method to screen risk of malnutrition and sarcopenia. A total of 173 IBD outpatients were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. The MUST scale indicated 21.4% of IBD patients to be at risk of malnutrition. A risk of sarcopenia was detected in 27.7%. However, one third of these patients were not considered to be at risk by their MUST score. Furthermore, Crohn's disease (CD) patients had a strongly unfavorable fat-free mass index (FFMI) value compared to ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, and these differences were significant among men (FFMI: 18.62 +/- 2.16 vs 19.85 +/- 2.22, p = 0.02, in CD and UC males, respectively). As sarcopenia is a relevant prognostic factor, the MUST method should be expanded to include body composition analysis to detect more IBD patients at risk of malnutrition and sarcopenia in order to start their nutritional therapy immediately

    Adatok az „önként vállalt gyermektelenség” csökkentésére gyulladásos bélbetegségben = Data for the Decrease of “Voluntary Childlessness” in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic disorder affecting young adults in their reproductive years, hence its populational consequences are not negligible. While fertility in inflammatory bowel disease is the same with the general population (except for male patients with sulphasalazine treatment and females with ileum-poch anal anastomosis), “voluntary childlessness” is higher, 14–18%. Patients require accurate counseling addressing fertility, pregnancy course and outcome. They need to be informed appropriately about risks and benefits of medications in inflammatory bowel disease in order to assist their decision making, decrease “voluntary childlessness” and improve compliance. Authors review the issues related to fertility, outcome of pregnancy, medical treatment options before and during pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding in inflammatory bowel disease. Orv. Hetil., 2012, 153, 1855–1862. </jats:p

    A biológiai kezelés során bekövetkező hatásvesztés gyakorisága, okai és klinikai megközelítése gyulladásos bélbetegségek esetén = Epidemiology, Predictors and Clinical Aspects of Loss of Response to Biological Therapy

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    In the last two decades, the treatment paradigms for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis have significantly changed inclusive of a continuously increasing role of biological therapy (anti TNFs). Some patients, however, experience lack or loss of response to biological treatment, and in such cases the management of patients is often empirical. In this review, the authors aim to summarize the available data regarding epidemiology and predictors of loss of response to biological therapy considering the clinical factors and the relationship between serum concentrations, antibodies against biological agents, respectively. Monitoring drug levels and antibodies is expected to play an important role in the management of loss of response (i.e. to confirm adherence, allow dose adjustment, or provide rationale for switching to another biological agent or to a different class of biological agent) in the coming years. The optimal method of detection and cut-off values are, however, not clear. In clinical practice, meticulous complex assessment of clinical symptoms, confirmation of active disease by endoscopic or radiological imaging, and excluding complications remain necessary. Orv. Hetil., 2012, 153, 163–173. </jats:p

    Association of adherence to therapy and complementary and alternative medicine use with demographic factors and disease phenotype in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Background and aims: Previous studies have suggested an increasing use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Furthermore, a significant number of IBD patients fail to comply with treatment. The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of non-adherence and the use of CAM in Hungarian patients with IBD. Methods: A total of 655 consecutive IBD patients (CD: 344, age: 38.2 [SD 12.9] years; UC: 311, age: 44.9 [15.3] years) were interviewed during the specialist visit by self-administered questionnaire including demographic and disease-related data as well as items analyzing the extent of non-adherence and CAM use. Patients taking more than 80% of each prescribed medication were classified as adherent

    Anti-Interleukin-17 Therapy of Severe Psoriatic Patients Results in an Improvement of Serum Lipid and Inflammatory Parameters’ Levels, but Has No Effect on Body Composition Parameters

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    BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is frequently accompanied by metabolic syndrome. Effect of anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies on increases in body weight is well-known. Data on the effects of interleukin-17 inhibitors are limited. Authors determined the effect of anti-interleukin-17 therapies on the body composition and serum lipid and inflammatory parameters among severe psoriatic patients. METHODS: Thirty-five severe psoriatic patients were enrolled. Twenty-two received secukinumab and 13 received ixekizumab as their 2nd-or 3rd-line biological treatment. Before treatment initiation and 6 months later, laboratory examinations measuring metabolic and inflammatory panels and body composition analyses were performed. RESULTS: After 6 months, a significant reduction was observed in psoriasis area severity index (p < 0.001) from 18 to 0, in c-reactive protein (p < 0.001) from 6.6 to 4.00 mg/L, in low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (p = 0.004) from 3.69 to 3.19 mmol/L, and an improvement in high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (p = 0.022) from 1.31 to 1.40 mmol/L. Median baseline body mass index was 32.80 kg/m2 . The body composition parameters did not show any significant changes. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-interleukin-17 therapy of severe psoriatic patients does not cause significant changes in body composition parameters. Improvements in the lipid and inflammatory parameters might have a beneficial effect on patients’ cardiometabolic status. This effect might be detectable in high-risk obese psoriatic patients

    Nationwide experiences with trough levels, durability, and disease activity among inflammatory bowel disease patients following COVID-19 vaccination.

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has complicated the management of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).This study aimed to assess the efficacy of different anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines under different treatments in IBD patients and identify predictive factors associated with lower serological response, including anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drug levels.A prospective, double-center study of IBD patients was conducted following messenger ribonucleotide acid (mRNA) and non-mRNA anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.Healthy control (HC) patients were enrolled to reduce bias. Baseline and control samples were obtained 14 days after the second dose to assess the impact of conventional and biological treatments. Clinical and biochemical activity, serological response level, and anti-TNF drug levels were measured.This study included 199 IBD (mean age, 40.9 ± 12.72 years) and 77 HC participants (mean age, 50.3 ± 12.36 years). Most patients (76.9%) and all HCs received mRNA vaccines. Half of the IBD patients were on biological treatment (anti-TNF 68.7%). Biological and thiopurine combined immunomodulation and biological treatment were associated with lower serological response (p < 0.001), and mRNA vaccination promoted better antibody levels (p < 0.001). Higher adalimumab levels caused lower serological response (p = 0.006). W8 persistence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 level was equal in IBD and HC groups. Vaccination did not aggravate clinical disease activity (p = 0.65).Anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is considerably efficacious in IBD patients, with mRNA vaccines promoting better antibody levels. The negative impact of combined biological treatment, especially with high adalimumab drug levels, on serological response to vaccination should be considered. Although midterm durability of vaccination is encouraging, more data are needed to expand the existing understanding on this issue

    Inflammation, adenoma and cancer: Objective classification of colon biopsy specimens with gene expression signature

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    Gene expression analysis of colon biopsies using high-density oligonucleotide microarrays can contribute to the understanding of local pathophysiological alterations and to functional classification of adenoma (15 samples), colorectal carcinomas (CRC) (15) and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) (14). Total RNA was extracted, amplified and biotinylated from frozen colonic biopsies. Genome-wide gene expression profile was evaluated by HGU133plus2 microarrays and verified by RT-PCR. We applied two independent methods for data normalization and used PAM for feature selection. Leave one-out stepwise discriminant analysis was performed. Top validated genes included collagenIV alpha 1, lipocalin-2, calumenin, aquaporin-8 genes in CRC; CD44, met proto-oncogene, chemokine ligand-12, ADAM-like decysin-1 and ATP-binding casette-A8 genes in adenoma; and lipocalin-2, ubiquitin D and IFITM2 genes in IBD. Best differentiating markers between Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease were cyclin-G2; tripartite motif-containing-31; TNFR shedding aminopeptidase regulator-1 and AMICA. The discriminant analysis was able to classify the samples in overall 96.2% using 7 discriminatory genes (indoleamine-pyrrole-2,3-dioxygenase, ectodermal-neural cortex, TIMP3, fucosyltransferase-8, collectin sub-family member 12, carboxypeptidase D, and transglutaminase- 2). Using routine biopsy samples we successfully performed whole genomic microarray analysis to identify discriminative signatures. Our results provide further insight into the pathophysiological background of colonic diseases. The results set up data warehouse which can be mined further

    Depresszív tüneteket és öngyilkossági gondolatokat befolyásoló tényezők gyulladásos bélbetegségben szenvedők körében: Multicentrikus tanulmány

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    Bevezetés: A gyulladásos bélbetegség olyan kórkép, mely a diagnózistól kezdve élethosszig hatással van a betegek fizi- kális és pszichés egészségi állapotára és életminőségére. Célkitűzés: Megvizsgálni gyulladásos bélbetegek körében a depresszív tünetek és az öngyilkossági gondolatok előfor- dulásának gyakoriságát, valamint az ezekkel összefüggésben lévő betegség- és terápiaspecifikus tényezőket. Módszer: A vizsgálatban 300 fő vett részt (átlagéletkor 38,8 év, férfiak 47%, nők 53%). A depresszív tüneteket (PHQ-9), öngyilkossági gondolatokat (PHQ-9 9. tétele), a reménytelenség mértékét (Beck Reménytelenség Skála) és a beteg- séggel összefüggő jóllét mértékét (SIBDQ) vizsgáltuk online formában. Eredmények: A vizsgálati személyek 28,6%-a mutatott depresszív tüneteket, és 9,3%-uk a magas rizikójú csoportba tartozik a reménytelenség tekintetében. Öngyilkossági gondolatokat a válaszadók 16%-a jelzett, ebből magas rizikót a minta 5,3%-a mutatott. A lineáris regressziós modell eredménye alapján a depresszív tüneteket magyarázó tényezők közé tartozik a reménytelenség mértéke, a bélen kívüli tünet fennállása, fájdalomcsillapító rendszeres szedése, a női nem, valamint a betegség aktivitása. Következtetés: A vizsgálatunkban szereplő gyulladásos bélbetegek öngyilkossági gondolatainak és depresszív tünetei- nek előfordulási aránya a nemzetközi adatokkal egyezően magas, amire kiemelt figyelmet érdemes fordítani a betegek pszichés vezetése során. A pszichológiai tényezők rendszeres vizsgálata és kezelése fontos része kell hogy legyen a betegek gondozásának, mivel javíthat a páciensek szubjektív állapotán, és a betegség lefolyására is pozitív hatással lehet