23 research outputs found

    Brand positioning of a Slovak company

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    In this paper, authors examined the aspects of the current positioning of the company Makyta, compared with seven selected companies. Positioning represents how the brand awareness is located in the mind of customers and competitors. Selected companies are analyzed as company\u27s competitors within the analyzed product portfolio. The brand positioning is discussed within the regional market of Žilina County

    Changes in perception of gender stereotypes in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic

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    Women’s participation in an ever-widening range of occupations is related to growing emancipation, their physical and mental fitness, their ability to solve complex problems based on acquired scientific knowledge, skills, and a strong specific disposition in leading teams. With their natural empathy, inherent to women – mothers, feelings, responsibility, and rational thinking, they show that they are rightly given the same opportunities as their male co-workers. They occupy a wide range of manual work, they are irreplaceable in services, health care, education, science, parliament, but also the police or the armed forces. They do business, run multinational companies, fly aircrafts etc. Less than a century ago, it was rare to see women in the military, and yet women now fight in ground combat, command air combat, pilot combat aircraft, and oversee medical operations. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the participation of women in the tasks of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic in terms of gender stereotypes and to identify the possibilities of full employment of women in the civil service in the reflection of the current military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

    HDI index dimensions in the context of hybrid threats

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    The Human Development Index (HDI index) is considered a summary index of the perception of human well-being in a selected economy. It consists of 3 sub-dimensions: the population's education, health and income. It is considered a vital indicator of the perception of the state of human development, and based on it, countries are compared in the mentioned areas. Our contribution aims to analyze the position of European countries in the context of the HDI index and, at the same time, to apply expanded indicators of education and health. Subsequently, we apply these new, supplemented dimensions in comparing the selected countries and in the context of hybrid h. Within the methodology, we use the methods of agglomerative cluster analysis and paired T-test

    Hybrid threats and their impact on the performance of the business environment

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    The paper aims to assess the impact of hybrid threats on the performance of the business environment of the European Union countries. Hybrid threats were represented by six threats and their consequences, namely unavailability of ICT services due to hardware or software failure, unavailability of ICT services, unavailability of ICT services due to external attack, destruction or corruption of data due to malware infection or unauthorised intrusion, disclosure of confidential data due to intrusion, pharming, phishing attack or deliberate action of own employees, disclosure of confidential data due to negligent action of own employees. The performance of the business environment was assessed through the Country Competitiveness Index. The results showed that our selected threats and their consequences had a statistically significant impact on the performance of the business environment. We observed an adverse effect for unavailability of ICT services due to hardware or software failure, destruction, or corruption of data due to mal-ware infection or unauthorised intrusion, and disclosure of confidential data due to intrusion, pharming, phishing attack, or deliberate actions of own employees. Positive impacts on business environment performance were observed for unavailability of ICT services (insider attack), unavailability of ICT services due to external attacks and disclosure of confidential data due to negligent actions of own employees

    The influence of education on the issue of hybrid threats

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    The contribution is devoted to the issue of hybrid threats in connection with the level of education achieved. Hybrid threats represent coordinated activities by which different interest groups try to influence people in other areas. The research subjects are the respondents divided according to their levels of education. Data for the research were collected through the questionnaire method. The study was based on predetermined hypotheses, subsequently verified by statistical tests. The research was conducted with 157 respondents. The research results reveal that the level of education impacts the knowledge of the concept of hybrid threats. The verified hypothesis confirms this conclusion, the result of which is at the level of value p = 0.0482. The second hypothesis proves the danger of hybrid threats and their relationship with achieved education, calculated at the level of p=0.0334. The research also focused on the area related to information sharing and its subsequent verification. The hypothesis, aimed at verifying information from multiple sources, did not confirm the differences between university-educated respondents and respondents with secondary education. The verified hypothesis represented the value level of p = 0.039. To eliminate hybrid threats, effective and efficient measures would be used to prevent the spread of negative impacts on society. In this context, the hypothesis was established for examining the differences between educational attainment and protection methods against hybrid threats. The result of the verified hypothesis at the level of p = 0.04 confirms the differences between the level of education. It shows that people with higher education consider an effective educational process to protect against misinformation, compared to people with secondary education who favour repressive measures and various forms of control by the government


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    Gender differences are deeply rooted in history and are also reflected in the social environment and individual social relationships. Based on his physical abilities, a man is perceived as a leader whereas a woman is naturally understood as being subordinate to her leader. This claim persists in many cultures even in the 21st century and it causes social inequalities. The present research on gender differences is therefore a topical issue, touching on inequality between women and men in workplaces manifested in their unequal remuneration, often discriminatory to women. The present study focuses on the clustering of selected EU countries in relation to a specific indicator that reflects the remuneration reflecting gender inequalities. Since this topic is included in social work, it needs to be addressed and further explored

    Uwarunkowania zrównoważonego rozwoju organizacji

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Zrównoważony rozwój organizacji, oprócz tworzenia przewag rynkowych, wymaga obecnie dostrzegania wzajemnego wpływu całego spektrum otoczenia, szczególnie w aspekcie społecznym. Organizacje odpowiedzialne dbają o środowisko w którym działają i doceniają pracowników, dzięki czemu odpowiednio zarządzając ich wiedzą, potrafi ą wprowadzać innowacje pochodzące nie tylko z zewnątrz, lecz także wypływające z kreatywności osób w nich zatrudnionych. Wykorzystując specyfikę komunikacji marketingowej nowego pokolenia pracowników i klientów, firmy kładą nacisk na szkolenia menadżerów oraz zapewniają dogodne warunki pracy, m.in. matkom dzielącym obowiązki zawodowe z wychowywaniem dzieci. Niniejsza publikacja stara się przybliżyć czytelnikom, jak umiejętnie wykorzystać wspominane uwarunkowania w celu przyspieszenia zrównoważonego rozwoju organizacji."(...

    Zastosowanie metody Balanced Scorecard do mierzenia wydajności firmy

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    Ocena wydajności przedsiębiorstwa zapewnia właścicielom/menedżerom miejsce do zarządzania ekspertami, a inwestorom pozwala podejmować świadome decyzje, dotyczące bezpieczeństwa inwestycji, ponieważ firmy często znajdują się w skomplikowanym i stale zmieniającym się środowisku gospodarki rynkowej. Kontrolowanie wyników finansowych jest kluczem do sukcesu każdej firmy. Wskaźniki wydajności finansowej są skutecznym wyrazem udziałów biznesowych, dlatego też są one niezwykle istotne. Warto jednak przy tym podkreślić, że jeśli kierownictwo kładzie zbyt duży nacisk na zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem za pomocą wskaźników finansowych, długoterminowa rentowność organizacji staje się zagrożeniem. Rozszerzenie informacji za pomocą wskaźników pozafinansowych staje się prawdziwym impulsem do długoterminowej strategii firmy. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie przykładu, w jaki sposób oceniać wyniki przedsiębiorstwa za pomocą syntezy wskaźników finansowych z wykorzystaniem metody BSC.The company performance assessment provides the owners/managers with a place to manage experts, and on the other hand allows investors to make informed decisions about investment security, as companies often find themselves in a complex and ever-changing market economy environment. Controlling financial results is the key to the success of any company. Financial performance indicators are an effective expression of business shares, so performance indicators are undoubtedly important, for example, different business incentives. On the other hand, if management puts too much emphasis on business management through financial indicators, long-term profitability of the organization becomes a threat. Extending information with non-financial indicators becomes a real impulse for the company's long-term strategy. The aim of our article is to show the reader an example of how to evaluate the company's results by means of the synthesis of financial indicators using the BSC method

    Reflections of both the strategic thinking and managing of classics

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    Dynamics of the external environment requires the company's management to anticipate future developments, continuously analyse and monitor their environment, search for new opportunities, and objectively evaluate the potential of the company with sufficient advance to prepare an appropriate strategy for future development and prosperity. With the growing pressure to improve strategic management of organizations, companies employ outstanding managers – strategists whose main task is to ensure the long-term success of an organization in challenging, changing and heavy influenced (to-be or not to-be) environment. Several variables play significant roles and it is difficult to predict them. This paper discusses the concepts of strategic management with an emphasis on creating a suitable business strategy. Its benefit is the comparison of the ideas of military strategists and underlying of parallels in nowadays-strategic management.Dynamika środowiska zewnętrznego wymaga od kierownictwa firmy przewidywania przyszłych zmian, ciągłej analizy i monitorowania ich otoczenia, poszukiwania nowych możliwości i obiektywnej oceny potencjału firmy z wystarczającym wyprzedzeniem, aby przygotować odpowiednią strategię dla przyszłego rozwoju i dobrobytu. Wraz z rosnącą presją na poprawę zarządzania strategicznego w organizacjach, firmy zatrudniają wybitnych menedżerów – strategów, których głównym zadaniem jest zapewnienie długofalowego sukcesu organizacji w trudnym, zmiennym i ciężkim otoczeniu (przyszłym lub nie). Kilka zmiennych odgrywa znaczącą rolę i trudno je przewidzieć. Artykuł omawia pojęcia zarządzania strategicznego z naciskiem na stworzenie odpowiedniej strategii biznesowej. Jego zaletą jest porównanie pomysłów strategów wojskowych i porównanie z dzisiejszym zarządzaniem strategicznym