166 research outputs found

    Genetički resursi jednogodiŔnjih mahunarki umerenih klimata - III - lokalno gajene i održavane populacije gajenih vrsta

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    The genetic resources of legumes (Fabaceae Lindl.) are facing the narrowing the genetic basis of cultivated species, that is bottlenecks of the available gene pools. This is caused mostly by breeding, since it aims at improving yield and quality. The most widely cultivated crops are in a specific danger of losing numerous desirable traits due to a heavy selection pressure preferring usually yield. Using locally cultivated and maintained landraces of the economically most important annual legumes, such as chickpea (Cicer arietinum), lentil (Lens culinaris), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus), white lupin (Lupinus albus) and faba bean (Vicia faba) may assist breeding and various modern crop systems. They preserved numerous desirable traits that may be easily introgressed into modern cultivars and thus improve their performance.Biljni genetički resursi su oduvek bili smatrani živim blagom jedne zemlje i čitavog čovečanstva. Međutim, njihovo ex situ očuvanje i in situ održavanje suočava se sa ograničenim ljudskim resursima i finansijskom podrÅ”kom. Mahunarke (Fabaceae Lindl., syn. Leguminosae Juss. and Papilionaceae Giseke) odlikuju se suženom genetičkom osnovom gajenih vrsta, odnosno uskih grla raspoloživih izvora gena. Ovo je posledica, uglavnom, oplemenjivanja koje je usmereno na unapređenje prinosa i kvaliteta. KoriŔćenje lokalno gajenih i održavanih populacija ekonomski najznačajnih jednogodiÅ”njih mahunarki može biti od pomoći oplemenjivanju i raznim savremenim sistemima ratarenja. One su očuvale brojna poželjna svojstva, koja se lako mogu uneti u trenutno koriŔćene sorte i time unaprediti ishod njihovog gajenja

    Genetički resursi jednogodiŔnjih mahunarki umerenih klimata, I - divlji srodnici gajenih vrsta

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    This review is attempting to present the wild relatives of cool season annual legumes and thus hopefully answer to how and what these taxa, colloquially said, have to offer to the cultivated crops, in terms of yield, quality, stress resistance and other economically important issues. They represent a wide gene pool of various desirable traits, especially those related to abiotic and biotic stress resistance that may be introgressed into the advanced cultivars, with overcoming potential physiological or genetic barriers. The wide mutual variations of the most important characteristics may be extremely beneficial for the advanced cultivars due to numerous bottlenecks and their narrow genetic base. If considered from a wider point of view, wild relatives of cool season annual legumes represent not only a national or regional treasury, but also a tool to improve the modern agriculture to the benefit of the whole mankind.Ovaj pregledni rad teži da prikaže divlje srodnike jednogodiÅ”njih mahunarki i pokuÅ”a da odgovori kako i čime, nezvanični rečeno, ovi taksoni imaju da ponude gajenim vrstama, u smislu prinosa, kvaliteta, otpornosti na stres i ostale agronomski značajne osobine. Oni predstavljaju Å”iroki izvor gena za poželjna svojstva, posebno za ona u vezi s abiotičkim i biotičkim stresom, koja mogu biti unesena u postojeće sorte, prevazilazeći moguće fizioloÅ”ke ili genetičke prepreke. Å iroka međusobna varijabilnost najvažnije osobine može biti izuzetno korisna za postojeće sorte, usled brojnih 'uskih grla' i uzane genetičke osnove. Posmatrajući sa Å”ireg stanoviÅ”ta, divlji srodnici jednogodiÅ”njih mahunarki umerenih klimata predstavljaju ne samo nacionalno ili regionalno blago, već i sredstvo za unapređenje savremene poljoprivrede na dobrobit čitavog čovečanstva

    Genetički resursi jednogodiÅ”njih mahunarki umerenih klimata - II - zanemarene i nedovoljno koriŔćene gajene vrste

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    Plant genetic resources are a live treasury of both one country and the whole mankind, although their ex situ preservation and in situ conservation are very demanding in numerous ways, especially if human resources and financial issues are considered. Legumes (Fabaceae Lindl.) are facing the bottlenecks caused by breeding emphasizing yield and quality, raising the questions how to solve the issue of this narrowing the genetic basis of cultivated legume species. The reintroduction of neglected and underutilised crops, such as red vetchling (Lathyrus cicera), Cyprus vetchling (Lathyrus ochrus), French serradella (Ornithopus sativus), Ethiopian pea (Pisum abyssinicum), field pea (Pisum sativum var. arvense), fenugreek (Trigonella phoenum-graecum), bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia), Narbonne vetch (Vicia narbonensis), Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) may significantly assist many contemporary farming systems by diversifying their needs and improve the efficiency of environment resources.Ovaj pregledni rad teži da prikaže zanemarene i nedovoljno koriŔćene gajene jednogodiÅ”nje mahunarke i pokuÅ”a da odgovori kako ih sačuvati od potpunog nestanka. Ove vrste se odlikuju velikim potencijalom za visoke i kvalitetne prinose i otpornost na abiotički i biotički stres. Takođe, odlikuju se i brojnim agronomski značajnim osobinama. Å iroka međusobna varijabilnost najvažnijih svojstava može biti izuzetno korisna za proÅ”irenje raznovrsnosti postojećih sistema ratarenja, koji se u sve većoj meri odlikuju sve uzanijom genetičkom osnovom

    Tip lista i prinos zrna stočnog graŔka

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    A three-year trial (2000-2002) was aimed to investigate the grain yield of nine pea genotypes with different leaf type. One (Akatsievydnaya forma) had acacia (Aftl), four (NS-junior, Moravac, Javor and Amino) normal (AfTl) and four (Jezero, 4(1993), CD and Primeroy) afila (afTl) leaf type. Average plant height (PH), first pod height (FPH), internode number (IN), pod number per plant (PNP), grain number per plant (GNP), plant mass (PM), grain yield per plant (GYP) and per area unit (GYA), harvest index (HI) and thousand grains weight (TGW) were studied. There existed significant differences in all yield components, both between the different leaf type groups and between the genotypes of the same group. The AfTl cultivars had the greatest values for PH (75.2 cm), FPH (43.5 cm), IN (18.9), PNP (8.7), GNP (34.2), PM (15.89 g) and GYP (6.97 g). The afTl genotypes had the greatest HI (0.56), GYA (2980 t/ha) and TGW (255 g). As for the cultivars, NS-junior was characterized by the greatest values of PH (120.4 cm), FPH (68,6 cm). IN (22.2), PNP (11.3), GNP (42.5) and PM (17.95 g). Javor had the greatest GYP (8.56 g), while the greatest HI was determined in genotype 4(1993)(0,60). The greatest GYA was in Primeroy (4298 kg/ha) and the greatest TGW was measured in Moravac (301 g).Cilj trogodiÅ”njeg ogleda (2000-2002) bio je ispitivanje prinosa zrna devet genotipova graÅ”ka različitog tipa lista. Jedan od njih (Akatsievydnaya forma) imao je bagremasti (Aftl), četiri (NS-junior, moravac, javor i amino) normalni (AfTl) i četiri (jezero, 4(1993), CD i Primerov) afila (afTl) tip lista. Praćene su prosečna visina biljke (VB), visina prve mahune (VPM), broj internodija (BI), broj mahuna po biljci (BMB), broj zrna po biljci (BZB), masa biljke (MB), prinos zrna po biljci (PZB) i jedinici povrÅ”ine (PZP), žetveni indeks (ŽI) i masa hiljadu zrna (MHZ). Utvrđeno je postojanje značajnih razlika u komponentama prinosa zrna, kako između grupa sa različitim tipom lista, tako i među genotipovima u okviru iste grupe. Sorte AfTl genotipa odlikovale su se najvećim vrednostima VB (75,2 cm), VPM (43,5 cm), BI (18,9), BMB (8,7), BZB (34,2), MB (15,89 g) i PZP (6,97 g). Genotipovi afTl fenotipa imali su najveći ŽI (0,56), PZP (2980 t/ha) i MHZ (255 g). Sorta NS-junior odlikovala se najvećim vrednostima VB (120,4 cm), VPM (68,6 cm), BI (22,2), BMB (11,3), BZB (42,5) i MB (17,95 g). Najveći PZB (8,56 g) postigla je sorta javor, dok je najveći ŽI određen kod genotipa 4(1993) (0,60). Najveći PZP ostvarila je sorta Primerov (4298 kg/ha), a najveća MHS izmerena je kod moravca (301 g)

    Potencijal za koriŔćenje jednogodiÅ”njih leguminoza u ishrani životinja

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    Pea and common vetch have been successfully grown for green forage and forage dry matter production, with yields higher than 30 t ha-1 of green forage and 7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter. Pea and faba bean have the greatest potential as feed annual legumes, with more than 5,000 kg ha-1 and harvest indexes of nearly 0.50. When cut in the stages of full flowering and first pods forming, the average crude protein content of forage dry matter in most annual legumes ranges about 200 g kg-1. Although most modern cultivars of pea contain between 250 and 270 g kg-1 of crude proteins of grain dry matter, they are characterized by a rather low content of antinutritive factors. Forage dry matter of annual legumes may be regarded as rich in lysine, with 13.9 g kg-1 in hairy vetch and 12.7 g kg-1 in common vetch. It is notable that Narbonne vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) is rather rich in lysine, with average values of more than 20 g kg--1, closely followed by grass pea, with average values of nearly 20 g kg--1. Common vetch, Narbonne vetch and pea have higher content of methionine in comparison to other annual legumes such as grass pea and lentil.GraÅ”ak i grahorica se uspeÅ”no gaje u proizvodnji kao zelenog krmova i suve materije krmiva, i ostvaruju prinose veće od 30 t ha-1 zelenog krmiva i 7 t ha- 1 suve materije krmiva. GrÅ”ak i bob imaju najveći potencijal kao stočne jednogodiÅ”nje leguminoze, sa viÅ”e od 5,000 kg ha-1 I indeks žetve od približno 0.50. Ako se kosi u stadijumu punog cvetanja i formiranja prvih mahuna, prosečan sadržaj sirovog proteina u suvoj materiji krmiva kod većine jednogodiÅ”njih leguminoza je oko 200 g kg-1. Iako većina savremenih sorti graÅ”ka sadrži između 250 i 270 g kg-1 sirovih proteina u suvoj materiji zrna, karakteriÅ”e ih dosta nizak sadržaj anti-nutritivnih faktora. Suva materija jednogodiÅ”njih leguminoza se smatra bogatom lizinom, sa 13.9 g kg-1 kod maljave grahorice i 12.7 g kg-1 kod grahorice. Narbonne grahorica (Vicia narbonensis L.) je takođe bogata lizinom, sa prosečnim vrednostima većim od 20 g kg-1, zatim sastrica, sa prosečnim vrednostima od skoro 20 g kg--1. Grahorica, Narbonne grahorica i graÅ”ak imaju veći sadržaj metionina u poređenju sa ostalim jednogodiÅ”njim leguminozama kao Å”to su sastrica i sočivo

    Ideotypes in breeding vetches (Vicia spp.)

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    Vetches (Vicia spp.) are one of the oldest annual legume crops used in animal feeding throughout the temperate regions of Europe, Near and Middle East and North Africa. The most important species are bitter (V. ervilia (L.) Willd.), Hungarian (V. pannonica Crantz), common (V. sativa L.) and hairy (V. villosa Roth) vetches. They are used mostly in the form of fresh forage, forage dry matter, forage meal, silage, haylage, mature grain and straw, as well as for grazing. Generally, breeding programmes on bitter vetch, common vetch and Hungarian vetch are more advanced in the countries of South Europe, Asia Minor and Near East, while hairy vetch is becoming more and more interesting as green manure in North America and Japan. If cultivated for forage, an ideotype of a vetch plant should be characterised by slender stems with determinate growth, a number of photosythetically active leaves of at least 15 in full flowering and large leaflets. Determinate growth is one of the essential traits, since it prevents excessive lodging and an economically significant loss of lower leaves that, in a lodged stand, easily degrade. Closely related is uniform maturity, in terms of both concurrent flowering and pod and seed development, unlike the wild type in all vetches, especially in hairy vetch, notorious for its indeterminate stem growth and extremely prolonged time of flowering and seed maturing, with flowers, young pods and shattered seeds at the same time in one plant

    Possibilities for utilization of spring vetch for grain

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    Common vetch (Vicia sativa L) grain contains a high level of crude proteins but have limited utilisation because of high portion of Ī³-glutamyl-Ī² cyanoalanine and vicine. Various breeding progammes on reducing the toxins resulted in cultivars such as Australian Morava. A small-plot trial (2000-2002) was aimed at the breeding value of spring vetch accessions for grain yields. Thanks to a uniform stand, the Serbian cultivars Beograd and Novi Beograd had the highest grain yield (1225 and 1248 kg ha-1). The highest level of crude proteins was in the French Topaze (3.29 g kg-1 DM) and Novi Beograd (3.21 g kg-1 DM)

    Antinutritivni činioci nekih zrnenih mahunarki

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    Grain legumes, such as soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), lupins (Lupinus spp.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), represent one of the most quality and least expensive solutions for a long-term demand for plant protein in animal husbandry. One of the limitations to an increased use of grain legumes as feed is the presence of diverse compounds in their grain, commonly referred to as anti-nutritional factors, that both decrease nutritive value of grain legumes and, if taken in larger amounts, cause health problems that may be fatal for both human and the animals. By this reason, breeding programmes of all grain legumes is aimed at decreasing the content of anti-nutritional factors to a safe extent. Breeding of soybean cultivars for reduced amount of antinutritive factors resulted in the development of Kunitz-free soybean cultivars, which are suitable for thermal processing at lower temperatures and during a shorter period of time. This is the way of saving energy and preserving valuable nutritional composition of soybean grain. As for other species, the most significant progress has been made in protein pea, where all modern cultivars have either low or very low content of various antinutritional factors. Among the improvements are also 'zero-tannin' cultivars in faba bean, with a wide utilization in both animal feeding and bread industry, lowtoxin common vetch cultivars, 'sweet' cultivars in lupins and low-ODAP cultivars in grass pea.Zrnene mahunarke, poput soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), graÅ”ka (Pisum sativum L.), boba (Vicia faba L.), lupina (Lupinus spp.), obične grahorice (Vicia sativa L.) i sastrice (Lathyrus sativus L.) predstavljaju jedno od najkvalitetnijih i najjevtinijih reÅ”enja za dugoročni nedostatak biljnih proteina u stočarstvu. Jedno od ograničenja povećanju koriŔćenja zrnenih mahunarki u ishrani domaćih životinja jeste prisustvo različitih sastojaka u zrnu, tzv. antinutritivnih činilaca, koji umanjuju njihovu hranljivu vrednost i, u slučaju da se unesu u većoj količini, mogu da dovedu do teÅ”kih posledica po ljude i životinje. Iz tog razloga, oplemenjivanje svih zrnenih mahunarki usmereno je i ka snižavanju sadržaja antinutritivnih činilaca na bezopasan nivo. Oplemenjivanje soje na smanjeni sadržaj antinutritivnih činilaca dovelo je do stvaranja Kunitz-free sorti soje, pogodnih za termičku obradu na nižim temperaturama i kraćeg trajanja, Å”to je način uÅ”tede energije i očuvanja vrednih hranljivih sastojaka sojinog zrna. Å to se tiče drugih zrnenih mahunarki, najveći napredak ostvaren je kod proteinskog graÅ”ka, kod kojeg sve savremene sorte imaju nizak ili vrlo nizak sadržaj antinutritivnih činilaca. Među dostignućima su i zero-tannin sorte boba, sa Å”irokom upotrebom u stočarstvu i industriji hleba, sorte obične grahorice sa niskim sadržajem toksina, tzv. slatke sorte lupina i sorte sastrice sa niskim sadržajem ODAP

    Evaluation of forage yields in the urban populations of three Vicia species

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    The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is constantly enriched with the wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.), narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). A small-plot trial was carried out from the autumn 2005 to the summer 2007 at the Experiment Field of the Institute at Rimski Šančevi, which included seven urban populations of large-flowered vetch, seven of narrow-leafed vetch and seven of hairy vetch. The average yields varied from 13.7 t ha-1 of green for- age and 4.1 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the narrow-leafed vetch VN 03 to 50.9 t ha-1 of green forage and 11.7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the hairy vetch VV 06

    Protesti protiv nasilja: Istraživanje javnog mnjenja i stavova učesnika protesta

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje stavova građana i građanki Srbije o protestima ā€žSrbija protiv nasiljaā€ koji su se održavali tokom maja i juna 2023. kao i o drugim druÅ”tvenim i političkim temama. Istraživanje se sastojalo iz dva anketna ispitivanja: učesnika protesta održanog 03. juna 2023. u Beogradu, i javnog mnjenja građana Srbije, sprovedenog od 10. do 15. juna 2023
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