216 research outputs found

    Antinutritivni činioci nekih zrnenih mahunarki

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    Grain legumes, such as soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), lupins (Lupinus spp.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), represent one of the most quality and least expensive solutions for a long-term demand for plant protein in animal husbandry. One of the limitations to an increased use of grain legumes as feed is the presence of diverse compounds in their grain, commonly referred to as anti-nutritional factors, that both decrease nutritive value of grain legumes and, if taken in larger amounts, cause health problems that may be fatal for both human and the animals. By this reason, breeding programmes of all grain legumes is aimed at decreasing the content of anti-nutritional factors to a safe extent. Breeding of soybean cultivars for reduced amount of antinutritive factors resulted in the development of Kunitz-free soybean cultivars, which are suitable for thermal processing at lower temperatures and during a shorter period of time. This is the way of saving energy and preserving valuable nutritional composition of soybean grain. As for other species, the most significant progress has been made in protein pea, where all modern cultivars have either low or very low content of various antinutritional factors. Among the improvements are also 'zero-tannin' cultivars in faba bean, with a wide utilization in both animal feeding and bread industry, lowtoxin common vetch cultivars, 'sweet' cultivars in lupins and low-ODAP cultivars in grass pea.Zrnene mahunarke, poput soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), graÅ”ka (Pisum sativum L.), boba (Vicia faba L.), lupina (Lupinus spp.), obične grahorice (Vicia sativa L.) i sastrice (Lathyrus sativus L.) predstavljaju jedno od najkvalitetnijih i najjevtinijih reÅ”enja za dugoročni nedostatak biljnih proteina u stočarstvu. Jedno od ograničenja povećanju koriŔćenja zrnenih mahunarki u ishrani domaćih životinja jeste prisustvo različitih sastojaka u zrnu, tzv. antinutritivnih činilaca, koji umanjuju njihovu hranljivu vrednost i, u slučaju da se unesu u većoj količini, mogu da dovedu do teÅ”kih posledica po ljude i životinje. Iz tog razloga, oplemenjivanje svih zrnenih mahunarki usmereno je i ka snižavanju sadržaja antinutritivnih činilaca na bezopasan nivo. Oplemenjivanje soje na smanjeni sadržaj antinutritivnih činilaca dovelo je do stvaranja Kunitz-free sorti soje, pogodnih za termičku obradu na nižim temperaturama i kraćeg trajanja, Å”to je način uÅ”tede energije i očuvanja vrednih hranljivih sastojaka sojinog zrna. Å to se tiče drugih zrnenih mahunarki, najveći napredak ostvaren je kod proteinskog graÅ”ka, kod kojeg sve savremene sorte imaju nizak ili vrlo nizak sadržaj antinutritivnih činilaca. Među dostignućima su i zero-tannin sorte boba, sa Å”irokom upotrebom u stočarstvu i industriji hleba, sorte obične grahorice sa niskim sadržajem toksina, tzv. slatke sorte lupina i sorte sastrice sa niskim sadržajem ODAP

    Structural characteristics, compression and strength properties of plain weft-knitted fabrics before and after washing

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    The structural characteristics, compression, and strength properties of knitted fabrics, before and after washing, were investigated in this paper. The experimental material consisted of three plain weft-knitted fabrics produced of cotton, wool, and organic wool. The structural characteristics of the knitted fabrics were analyzed by measuring the number of courses and Wales per centimeter, stitch density, yarn loop length, weight, and thickness. The compression properties were determined by measuring compressibility, thickness loss, and compressive resilience. The strength properties were investigated by measuring the bursting strength and ball traverse elongation. The results showed that stitch density and raw material composition affect compression properties, raw material composition affects strength properties, and washing affects structural characteristics, compression, and strength properties of knitted fabrics. After washing, all knitted fabrics increased in the number of courses and Wales per centimeter, stitch density, weight, thick-ness, compressibility, thickness loss, and ball traverse elongation, and decreased in compressive resilience and bursting strength. Additionally, shrinkage of the knitted fabrics was observed after washing. Also, cotton and organic wool knit-ted fabrics decreased in yarn loop length, while wool knitted fabric increased in yarn loop length after washing

    Phytic acid content in different dry bean and faba bean landraces and cultivars

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    Phytic acid (inositol hexakisphosphate) is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues. Phosphorus in this form is not available to non-ruminants, due to lack in the enzyme phytase that separates phosphorus from phytate molecules. Phytic acid is a strong chelator of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, and can therefore contribute to mineral deficiencies in people whose diet rely on these foods as basic mineral intake. Phytic acid may be considered also as a phytonutrient, providing an antioxidant effect. Its content in plants is influenced by genotype, environmental, edaphic and agro-climatic factors, but also by species characteristics. Cereals and legumes are rich in phytic acid. The aim of this research was to examine the phytic acid content in seeds of diverse genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.), and to compare Serbian landraces and cultivars with widely distributed foreign cultivars. Faba beans had lower phytic acid content (mean 6.969 mg/g) in comparison to Phaseolus sp. (mean 8.095 mg/g). The lowest content was found in landrace from Temska (KVF-6-NS), 2.106 mg/g, and the highest in cultivar Panonski Gradigtanac (10.47 mg/g) and Sarajevski zeleni (10.310 mg/g). According to phytic acid content, faba beans are grouped into two groups on one side of the dendrogram. Hierarchical cluster method of the multivariate analysis grouped dry beans genotypes into two larger and one small group (with only two members)

    Words related to some annual egumes in Slavic and other indo-European languages

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    The Indo-European languages form the largest and the most widely distributed linguistic family in the world today. There is an extensive vocabulary common to all Slavic languages, including numerous words related to legumes. A large number of annual legumes were domesticated in the regions inhabited by Indo-European tribes, such as faba bean, pea, lentil, vetches and vetchlings. The Primitive Slavic *bob'', was derived from the Primitive Indo-European root *bhabha, denoting something swelling. There are Slavic languages with two words for lentil, with one of them derived from the Primitive Indo-European root *s(w)okw-, meaning juice, and another from the Primitive Indo-European root *lent- and *lent-s-. The Primitive Slavic *gorch'' has its root in the Primitive Indo-European *ghArs-, being one of the words denoting a leguminous plant. The Primitive Slavonic word for grain *zt''rno, has its origin in the Primitive Indo-European *ger[a]n- and *gran meaning both grain and to mature.

    Transcription factor p53 exhibits increased binding to the A2-macroglobulin gene promoter and decreased glycosylation in fetal and adult rat liver during the acute-phase response

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    The binding affinity of p53 for the MG promoter was assessed by DNA-affinity chromatography with the extended Ī±2-macroglobulin (MG) gene promoter (-852/+12) and immunoblot analysis. During the increased MG gene transcription observed in the fetus and the acute-phase (AP) response in both the fetus and the adult, p53 exhibited increased binding to the MG promoter. This increase was accompanied by decreased O-linked N-acetyl glucosamine glycosylation of p53. We suggest that the enzymatic removal of sugar moieties in vivo serves to activate the MG gene promoter binding potential of p53 and its participation in upregulated MG gene transcription.DNK afinitetna hromatografija, sa promotorskim regionom gena za alfa2-makroglobulin (MG) (-852/+12), i imunoblot analiza su pokazale povećan afinitet vezivanja p53 za promotorski region gena za MG u kontrolnoj jetri fetusa, kao i ulogup53 u transkripcionoj regulaciji gena za MG i u fetalnoj i adultnoj jetri tokom akutno-faznog odgovora (AFO). Povećanje vezivanja p53 za promotorski region gena za MG je praćeno smanjenjem stepena glikozilacije p53. Rezultati sugeriÅ”u da u in vivo uslovima uklanjanje Å”ećernih ostataka sa p53 omogućava njegovo vezivanje za promotorski region MG gena, kao i ulogu u transkripcionoj aktivaciji ispitivanog gena tokom AFO.Projekat ministarstva br. 143002

    The radioprotective efficacy of the rat acute-phase protein alpha2-macroglobulin on bone marrow cells

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    The rat acute phase protein Ī±2-macroglobulin (Ī±2M) plays an important role in the restoration of disrupted homeostasis by inhibiting different types of non-specific proteases and facilitating the transport of cytokines, growth factors and hormones. Previously, we observed that administration of Ī±2M to experimental animals prior to the infliction of life- threatening trauma in the form of scalding or total-body irradiation, significantly improved their survival rates. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the radioprotective effect on blood cells of Ī±2M that, when administered 30 min before irradiation with 6.7 Gy (LD50/30), provides 100% survival of experimental animals where in unprotected irradiated rats the said dose results in 50% lethality. We observed that rats pretreated with Ī±2M, after an initial decline, exhibited complete recovery of the leukocyte count due to the preservation of bone marrow cells, observed as a stable mitotic index. In untreated irradiated rats the decrease of the mitotic index reflected the significant destruction of bone marrow cells that resulted in a protracted decline in the leukocyte count. We conclude that the radioprotection provided by Ī±2M was in part mediated through cytoprotection of new blood cells produced in the bone marrow.Pacovski alfa2-makroglobulin (Ī±2M) ima važnu ulogu u uspostavljanju naruÅ”ene homeostaze inhibicijom različitih tipova nespecifičnih proteaza i olakÅ”avajući transport citokina, hormona rasta i hormona. NaÅ”a ranija istraživanja su pokazala da administracija Ī±2M eksperimentalnim životinjama u traumama tipa opekotine ili ozračivanja celog organizma značajno povećava njihovu stopu preživljavanja. Cilj ove studije je bio izučavanje radioprotektivne uloge Ī±2M na ćelije kosne srži. Ī±2M je apliciran 30 minuta pre ozračivanja pacova dozom od 6.7 Gy (LD50/30) X-zraka i omogućio je 100% preživljavanje pacova za razliku od ozračenih pacova bez tretmana kod kojih je smrtnost bila 50%. Rezultati su pokazali da tretiranje životinja sa Ī±2M, nakon inicijalnog pada, omogućavaju potpuni oporavak broja leukocita kao posledica očuvanja ćelija kosne srži, Å”to se uočava preko stabilnog mitotskog indeksa. Kod ozračenih pacova bez tretmana signifikantno smanjenje mitotskog indeksa, kao posledica naruÅ”avanja ćelija kosne srži, rezultuje i u prolongiranom padu broja leukocita. Na osnovu ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da se radioprotektivna uloga Ī±2M delom odvija putem citoprotekcije novih krvnih ćelija u kosnoj srži.Projekat ministarstva br. 143002

    Potencijal manje rasprostranjenih vrsta jednogodiŔnjih mahunarki za prinos zrna - Bob (Vicia faba l)

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L) represents one of the most important protein sources for both human consumption, mainly in the form of immature pods and immature grains, and animal feeding, mostly in the form of mature grains A small-plot trial has been carried out at the Rimski Sancevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops during 2005 and 2006, including ten faba bean genotypes of diverse geographic origin from the Annual Forage Legumes Collection of the Forage Crops Department (Tab. 1). All genotypes were sown in early March, with a crop density of 55 plants nr2, and were harvested in the stage of full maturity of the first pods. There were significant differences in all monitored characteristics between the ten examined genotypes at the levels of 0.05 and 0.01 (Table 2). Grain yield measured after the harvest and at a moisture content of 14 %, in average varied between 3670 kg ha-1 in Tanagra and 6860 kg ha-1 in B-413. Straw yield, determined on the basis of grain yield per plant and plant mass of the samples taken before the harvest, in average ranged from 3518 kg ha-1 in Tanagra to 6690 kg ha-1 in B-413. Harvest index, calculated as a ratio between grain yield per plant and plant mass, in average varied from 0.60 Mammoth and 0.59 in Petite Windsor to 0.44 in PP 1 and Debek. Potential grain crude protein yield, determined on the basis of grain yield and an average value of grain crude protein content in faba bean of 325 g kg-1, in average ranged between 1193 kg ha-1 in Tanagra and 2230 kg ha-1 in B-413. Potential straw crude protein yield, determined on the basis of straw yield and an average value of straw crude protein content in faba bean of 99 g kg-1, in average ranged from 348 kg ha-1 in Tanagra and 374 kg ha-1 in Petite Windsor to 714 kg ha-1 in B-412. Faba bean has a considerable potential for grain production, with grain yields at the same level as protein pea and grain crude protein yields of more than 1500 kg ha-1, and can respresent an excellent additional protein feed to soya bean meal. Although less rich than grain, faba bean straw can be a source of protein for various purposes. The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Institute for Agrobotany in Tapioszele, Hungary, the Fodder Crops and Pastures Institute in Larissa, Greece, the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, the national Plant Germplasm System, USA, and the Institute of Plant Production Piest'any in Piest'any, Slovakia, as donors of the Annual Forage Legumes Collection.Mikroogled, izveden tokom 2005. i 2006. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å ančevima, uključio je deset genotipova boba (Vicia faba L) različitog geografskog porekla. Prosečan prinos zrna varirao je između 3670 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Tanagra i 6860 kg ha-1 kod genotipa B-413. NajviÅ”i prosečni prinos slame utvrđen je kod genotipa B-413 (6690 kg ha-1), dok je najniži prinos slame utvrđen kod genotipa Tanagra (3518 kg ha-1). Genotipovi Mammoth i Petite Windsor odlikovali su se značajno viÅ”im žetvenim indeksom u odnosu na ostalih osam ispitivanih genotipova boba (0,60 i 0,59). Prosečne vrednosti ostvarivog prinosa sirovih proteina zrna, kretale su se od 1193 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Tanagra do 2230 kg ha-1 kod genotipa B-413. NajviÅ”i prosečni prinos slame utvrđen je kod genotipa B-412 (714 kg ha-1), dok je značajno niži prinos sirovih proteina slame utvrđen kod genotipova Tanagra i Petite Windsor (348 kg ha-1 i 374 kg ha-1)

    Zanemarene gajene mahunarke Srbije - bob (Vicia faba)

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    Faba bean is cultivated locally in Serbia with no available official data. The collection at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad contains 141 accessions of food and feed faba bean. Forage yields in faba bean may surpass 40 t ha-1 of green forage and 8 t ha-1 of forage dry matter, while grain yields are often higher than 5 t ha-1. Faba bean may produce more than 1,500 kg ha-1 of forage crude protein and about 2,000 kg ha-1 of grain crude protein, as well as more than 250 kg ha-1 of above-ground biomass nitrogen. The first Serbian feed faba bean breeding programme, carried out at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, resulted in registration of two cultivars in 2007, Gema and Å arac, with more than 4,500 kg ha-1 of grain and more than 45 t ha-1 of green forage.Bob se u Srbiji gaji lokalno i bez zvaničnih podataka. Zbirka Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu sadrži 141 akcesiju povrtarskog i stočnog boba. Prinosi krme boba mogu da premaÅ”e 40 t ha-1 zelene krme i 8 t ha-1 suve materije krme, dok su prinosi zrna često veći od 5 t ha-1. Bob može da proizvede viÅ”e od 1.500 kg ha-1 sirovih proteina krme i oko 2.000 kg ha-1 sirovih proteina zrna, kao i viÅ”e od 250 kg ha-1 azota nadzemne biomase. U okviru prvog srpskog programa oplemenjivanja boba, koji se odvija u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, tokom 2007. stvorene su i priznate dve sorte, Gema i Å arac, sa prinosima od viÅ”e od 4.500 kg ha-1 zrna i viÅ”e od 45 t ha-1 zelene krme

    Dynamic associations of transcription factors with the rat liver nuclear matrix are functionally related to differential alpha-2-macroglobulin gene expression

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    Participation of the nuclear matrix in regulation of alpha-2-macroglobulin (Ī±2M) gene transcription during rat liver development and the acute-phase (AP) response are examined. DNA affinity chromatography of fetal and adult liver internal nuclear matrix proteins under basal and AP conditions with the Ī±2M gene promoter (-852/+12) and immunoblot analysis revealed diverse patterns of association of transcription factors with the nuclear matrix. HNF-6, C/EBPĪ±, and STAT5b were involved in basal and C/EBPĪ², STAT1, and STAT3 in AP-stimulated Ī±2M expression. These findings support the assumption that transcription factor-nuclear matrix interactions serve to channel gene regulatory proteins to DNA sequences.Cilj rada je ispitivanje učeŔća jedarnog matriksa u regulaciji transkripcije gena za alfa-2-makroglobulin tokom razvića jetre pacova i akutno faznog odgovora (AFO). Nakon DNK afinitetne hromatografije proteina unutraÅ”nje mreže jedarnog matriksa fetalne i adultne jetre, u bazalnim i AFO uslovima, sa promotorskim elementom gena za Ī±2M (-852/+12) i imunoblot analize, identifikovane su dinamičke asocijacije transkripcionih faktora uključenih u regulaciju ekspresije gena za Ī±2M sa jedarnim matriksom. HNF-6, C/EBPĪ±, STAT5b su uključeni u regulaciju bazalne ekspresije gena za Ī±2M, dok C/EBPĪ², STAT1, STAT3 posreduju u regulaciji ekspresije ovog gena tokom AFO. Opisane interakcije doprinose razumevanju predloženih mehanizama kojima se transkripcioni faktori usmeravaju ka ciljnim regulatornim elementima DNK.Projekat ministarstva br. 143002
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