20 research outputs found

    Collaboration and Virtualization in Large Information Systems Projects

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    A project is evolving through different phases from idea and conception until the experiments, implementation and maintenance. The globalization, the Internet, the Web and the mobile computing changed many human activities, and in this respect, the realization of the Information System (IS) projects. The projects are growing, the teams are geographically distributed, and the users are heterogeneous. In this respect, the realization of the large Information Technology (IT) projects needs to use collaborative technologies. The distribution of the team, the users' heterogeneity and the project complexity determines the virtualization. This paper is an overview of these aspects for large IT projects. It shortly present a general framework developed by the authors for collaborative systems in general and adapted to collaborative project management. The general considerations are illustrated on the case of a large IT project in which the authors were involved.large IT projects, collaborative systems, virtualization, framework for collaborative virtual systems

    Collaboration and Virtualization in Large Information Systems Projects

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    A project is evolving through different phases from idea and conception until the experiments, implementation and maintenance. The globalization, the Internet, the Web and the mobile computing changed many human activities, and in this respect, the realization of the Information System (IS) projects. The projects are growing, the teams are geographically distributed, and the users are heterogeneous. In this respect, the realization of the large Information Technology (IT) projects needs to use collaborative technologies. The distribution of the team, the users' heterogeneity and the project complexity determines the virtualization. This paper is an overview of these aspects for large IT projects. It shortly present a general framework developed by the authors for collaborative systems in general and adapted to collaborative project management. The general considerations are illustrated on the case of a large IT project in which the authors were involved

    An empirical analysis of stakeholders’ expectations and integrated reporting quality

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    Within the present-day economic situation ensuring a competitive position coincides with its ability of managing its relationship with the stakeholders regarding the distribution of the added value and setting up of a legit consensus between them and the company itself. The main objectives of the study focus both on identifying the reasons that led to the development of the information transparency in order to satisfy the stakeholders’ expectations within the Integrated Reporting (IR) and on the dynamic analysis of the main economic and financial factors (from a sample of 180 companies quoted on the stock exchange during 2008–2017) that were the foundation of the statistical design for evaluating the companies’ ability to satisfy the stakeholders’ expectations. The research methods refer to identifying those evaluation methods in terms of the IR’s quality and compliance regarding the stakeholders’ expectations based on the analysis of the database and the econometric model. The final results can be very useful both for those companies that are already using or will choose to apply the IR in the near future and for the potential stakeholders as they have the option of evaluating before-hand the degree of satisfaction of their expectations in relationship with the reporting company

    Development of a fast timing barrel scintillator hodoscope using silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for the P̅ANDA experiment

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    Das P̅ANDA Experiment bei FAIR in Darmstadt, Deutschland, wird Antiproton-Proton Annihilationsprozesse bei einem Antiprotonen Impuls von 1.5 GeV/c bis 15 GeV/c verwenden, um die starke Wechselwirkung zu untersuchen. Der PANDA Detektor befindet sich derzeit im Bau und wird ab 2022 in Betrieb sein. Um die resultierenden Teilchen nach der Kollision genau zu indentifizieren und zwischen aufeinander-folgenden Ereignissen zu unterscheiden, braucht das Experiment ein fortgeschrittenes Detektorsystem fĂŒr die Teilchenidentification. Wir arbeiten an der Entwicklung und dem Bau eines Flugzeitdetektors, der SciTil (Scintillator Tile) Hodoscope Detektor, der im Zentralbereich (〖20〗^°-〖140〗^°) liegt und eine FlĂ€che von ~5.7m^2 hat. Der SciTil Hodoscope Detektor wird aus 1920 Szintillatoren errichtet werden, wobei jeder Szintillator eine Dimension von 90x30x5 mm^3 hat und von Silizium Photomultipliern (SiPM) ausgelesen wird. Der Detektor muss eine Zeitauflösung unter σ=100 ps haben und darf eine maximale radiale Dicke von 2 cm aufweisen. Die Entwicklung eines einzelnen Prototypen (Szintillator+SiPMs) ist in der Endphase. Nach der Optimierung von Szintillatormaterial, Reflexionsmaterial, Sensoren etc. ist die beste gemessene Zeitauflösung σ~50 ps, die mit 4 Hamamatsu SiPMs (S13360) in einer seriellen Verbindung erreicht wurde.The P̅ANDA experiment at FAIR situated in Darmstadt, Germany will use proton-antiproton collisions, with momenta ranging from 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c, for strong interaction studies. The detector is currently under construction. It will be in operation after 2022. In order to identify the charged particles accurately, and differentiate between subsequent events, the detector will need several advanced particle identification systems. We are working on the development of a SciTil (Scintillator Tile) hodoscope detector, which will be located in the central region (20Âș-140Âș) and cover ~5.7 m^2 area. It is built out of 1920 scintillator tiles, each of which has a dimension of 90x30x5 mm^3, and is readout by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM). The SciTil detector will be capable of providing fast and highly accurate event timing. The requirements for this detector are an intrinsic time resolution below σ = 100 ps and a geometry which fits along 2 cm in radial direction. The goal of this thesis is to investigate and improve the time resolution of a single scintillator tile. After optimizing the scintillator material, sensors, wrapping etc., the best time resolution we achieved was σ~50 ps with 4 Hamamatsu SiPMs S13360-3050-PE connected in series

    Multidetector computed tomography in acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding

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    John Palma, Marius Mihaila, Frank PilleulDépartement de Radiologie Digestive et des Urgences, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, CHU, Lyon, FranceBackground: The aim of this study is to evaluate multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in acute massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding, with endoscopy and surgery as reference examinations.Methods: A single-center retrospective study involving 34 patients with acute massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding was carried out. All patients were evaluated by MDCT scan then endoscopic or surgical examinations. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of MDCT scan were calculated using the extravasation of the contrast agent as the main criterion.Results: Extravasation of the contrast agent was found in 30 of 34 patients (88%). The bleeding site seen on CT was always the same as on endoscopic or surgical examinations (100%). Sensitivity of MDCT scan was 94%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, and negative predictive value 50% (P < 0.001). Twelve diverticulum bleedings were seen on MDCT scan compared with 13 (92%) on endoscopic or surgical examinations. Angiodysplasia was overestimated by MDCT scan.Conclusion: MDCT scan appears to be an excellent tool to find and localize the bleeding site in cases of acute massive lower gastrointestinal disease.Keywords: MDCT, acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding, extravasation, contrast agen

    Rolul masurarii mortalitatii evitabile in aprecierea starii de sanatate a populatiei

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    Measuring the health status of the population is difficult, since many aspects have to be considered. In present, the emphasis is on using tools that includes as many dimensions of health as is possible; also, calculating synthetic and comprehensive indicators covering many aspects of health has become a common practice. Avoidable mortality (with its two components: treatable and preventable causes) is useful in measuring the health status of the population, but also in planning and assessing the healthcare services. In Romania, the avoidable mortality is less studied and data existing at international level require deepening in researching this phenomenon, in order to identify potential weaknesses of the health system and healthcare impact of different policies. For Romania, the level (first place in the EU countries) and increasing trend of phenomenon (mainly for diseases that are treatable) should alert policy makers and politicians. Scientific evidence must accurately reflect reality and decision making process must be supported by a good understanding of the phenomenon.Starea de sanatate a populatiei este dificil de masurat, dat fiind multitudinea aspectelor ce trebuie considerate. Astazi se pune accentul pe folosirea unor instrumente care sa curpinda cat mai multe dimensiuni ale sanatatii, iar calcularea unor indicatori cat mai sintetici si comprehensivi, care sa includa cat mai multe aspecte ale sanatatii a devenit o practica curenta. Mortalitatea evitabila (cu cele doua componente ale sale: cauze tratabile si prevenibile) este, de asemenea, utila in aprecierea starii de sanatate a populatiei, precum si pentru planificarea si evaluarea performantei serviciilor medicale. In Romania, mortalitatea evitabila este putin studiata, iar datele existente la nivel international reclama aprofundarea cercetarii acestui fenomen, in vederea identificarii potentialelor puncte slabe ale sistemului de sanatate si a impactului diferitelor politici din domeniul sanitar. Pentru Romania, nivelul fenomenului (primul loc in randul tarilor din UE) si tendinta de crestere (in principal pentru afectiuni care sunt 100% tratabile) trebuie sa atentioneze decidentii si politicienii