224 research outputs found

    Bubbling with L2L^2-almost constant mean curvature and an Alexandrov-type theorem for crystals

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    A compactness theorem for volume-constrained almost-critical points of elliptic integrands is proven. The result is new even for the area functional, as almost-criticality is measured in an integral rather than in a uniform sense. Two main applications of the compactness theorem are discussed. First, we obtain a description of critical points/local minimizers of elliptic energies interacting with a confinement potential. Second, we prove an Alexandrov-type theorem for crystalline isoperimetric problems

    Electron-phonon coupling in semimetals in a high magnetic field

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    We consider the effect of electron-phonon coupling in semimetals in high magnetic fields, with regard to elastic modes that can lead to a redistribution of carriers between pockets. We show that in a clean three dimensional system, at each Landau level crossing, this leads to a discontinuity in the magnetostriction, and a divergent contribution to the elastic modulus. We estimate the magnitude of this effect in the group V semimetal Bismuth.Comment: 2 figure

    Acoustic attenuation rate in the Fermi-Bose model with a finite-range fermion-fermion interaction

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    We study the acoustic attenuation rate in the Fermi-Bose model describing a mixtures of bosonic and fermionic atom gases. We demonstrate the dramatic change of the acoustic attenuation rate as the fermionic component is evolved through the BEC-BCS crossover, in the context of a mean-field model applied to a finite-range fermion-fermion interaction at zero temperature, such as discussed previously by M.M. Parish et al. [Phys. Rev. B 71, 064513 (2005)] and B. Mihaila et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 090402 (2005)]. The shape of the acoustic attenuation rate as a function of the boson energy represents a signature for superfluidity in the fermionic component

    Numerical Approximations Using Chebyshev Polynomial Expansions

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    We present numerical solutions for differential equations by expanding the unknown function in terms of Chebyshev polynomials and solving a system of linear equations directly for the values of the function at the extrema (or zeros) of the Chebyshev polynomial of order N (El-gendi's method). The solutions are exact at these points, apart from round-off computer errors and the convergence of other numerical methods used in connection to solving the linear system of equations. Applications to initial value problems in time-dependent quantum field theory, and second order boundary value problems in fluid dynamics are presented.Comment: minor wording changes, some typos have been eliminate

    Ground state correlations and mean-field in 16^{16}O: Part II

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    We continue the investigations of the 16^{16}O ground state using the coupled-cluster expansion [exp(S)\exp({\bf S})] method with realistic nuclear interaction. In this stage of the project, we take into account the three nucleon interaction, and examine in some detail the definition of the internal Hamiltonian, thus trying to correct for the center-of-mass motion. We show that this may result in a better separation of the internal and center-of-mass degrees of freedom in the many-body nuclear wave function. The resulting ground state wave function is used to calculate the "theoretical" charge form factor and charge density. Using the "theoretical" charge density, we generate the charge form factor in the DWBA picture, which is then compared with the available experimental data. The longitudinal response function in inclusive electron scattering for 16^{16}O is also computed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Spin noise spectroscopy to probe quantum states of ultracold fermionic atomic gases

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    Ultracold alkali atoms provide experimentally accessible model systems for probing quantum states that manifest themselves at the macroscopic scale. Recent experimental realizations of superfluidity in dilute gases of ultracold fermionic (half-integer spin) atoms offer exciting opportunities to directly test theoretical models of related many-body fermion systems that are inaccessible to experimental manipulation, such as neutron stars and quark-gluon plasmas. However, the microscopic interactions between fermions are potentially quite complex, and experiments in ultracold gases to date cannot clearly distinguish between the qualitatively different microscopic models that have been proposed. Here, we theoretically demonstrate that optical measurements of electron spin noise -- the intrinsic, random fluctuations of spin -- can probe the entangled quantum states of ultracold fermionic atomic gases and unambiguously reveal the detailed nature of the interatomic interactions. We show that different models predict different sets of resonances in the noise spectrum, and once the correct effective interatomic interaction model is identified, the line-shapes of the spin noise can be used to constrain this model. Further, experimental measurements of spin noise in classical (Boltzmann) alkali vapors are used to estimate the expected signal magnitudes for spin noise measurements in ultracold atom systems and to show that these measurements are feasible

    Staying Thermal with Hartree Ensemble Approximations

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    We study thermal behavior of a recently introduced Hartree ensemble approximation, which allows for non-perturbative inhomogeneous field configurations as well as for approximate thermalization, in the ϕ4\phi^4 model in 1+1 dimensions. Using ensembles with a free field thermal distribution as out-of-equilibrium initial conditions we determine thermalization time scales. The time scale for which the system stays in approximate quantum thermal equilibrium is an indication of the time scales for which the approximation method stays reasonable. This time scale turns out to be two orders of magnitude larger than the time scale for thermalization, in the range of couplings and temperatures studied. We also discuss simplifications of our method which are numerically more efficient and make a comparison with classical dynamics.Comment: 19 pages latex; extensively rewritten to improve presentation, data essentially unchanged, analysis sharpened and one table adde

    Renormalization constants and beta functions for the gauge couplings of the Standard Model to three-loop order

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    We compute the beta functions for the three gauge couplings of the Standard Model in the minimal subtraction scheme to three loops. We take into account contributions from all sectors of the Standard Model. The calculation is performed using both Lorenz gauge in the unbroken phase of the Standard Model and background field gauge in the spontaneously broken phase. Furthermore, we describe in detail the treatment of γ5\gamma_5 and present the automated setup which we use for the calculation of the Feynman diagrams. It starts with the generation of the Feynman rules and leads to the bare result for the Green's function of a given process.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figures; v2: sign in eq.(29) corrected; final result unchange

    Colloquial words and expressions in professional environment

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    Language generally represents a means of communications in society, a complex reality that may be conceptualized in various ways as it is differently approached. Due to the current explosive development of science and technology to satisfy the multi-folded demands and desires of people worldwide as well as the increase of inter-cultural changes, many words belonging to the “terminological bank” have passed into the common literary or even colloquial vocabulary. When we speak about professionalisms we refer to the lexical units used in a definite trade, profession or calling by people connected by common interests both at work and at home