11 research outputs found

    Telocytes in pleura: two- and three-dimensional imaging by transmission electron microscopy

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    Information about the ultrastructure of connective (interstitial) cells supporting the pleural mesothelium is scarce. Our aim has been to examine whether telocytes (TCs) are present in pleura, as in epicardium and mesentery. TCs are a distinct type of cell, characterized by specific prolongations named telopodes (Tp). We have used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron tomography (ET) to determine whether ultrastructural diagnostic criteria accepted for TCs are fulfilled by any of the cell subpopulations existing in the sub-mesothelial layer in mouse and human pleura. TCs have been identified with TEM by their characteristic prolongations. Tp appear long and moniliform, because of the alternation of podomeres (thin segments of less than 0.2 μm) and podoms (small dilations accommodating caveolae, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum). Tp ramifications follow a dichotomic pattern and establish specialized cell-to-cell junctional complexes. TCs, via their Tp, seem to form an interstitial network beneath the mesothelium, covering about two-thirds of the abluminal mesothelial layer. ET has revealed complex junctional structures and tight junctions connecting pleural TCs, and small vesicles at this level in Tp. Thus, pleural TCs share significant similarities with TCs described in other serosae. Whether TCs are a (major) player in mesothelial-cell-induced tissue repair remains to be established. Nevertheless, the extremely long thin Tp and complex junctional structures that they form and the release of vesicles (or exosomes) indicate the participation of TCs in long-distance homo- or heterocellular communication

    Telocytes and putative stem cells in the lungs: electron microscopy, electron tomography and laser scanning microscopy

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    This study describes a novel type of interstitial (stromal) cell — telocytes (TCs) — in the human and mouse respiratory tree (terminal and respiratory bronchioles, as well as alveolar ducts). TCs have recently been described in pleura, epicardium, myocardium, endocardium, intestine, uterus, pancreas, mammary gland, etc. (see www.telocytes.com). TCs are cells with specific prolongations called telopodes (Tp), frequently two to three per cell. Tp are very long prolongations (tens up to hundreds of μm) built of alternating thin segments known as podomers (≤ 200 nm, below the resolving power of light microscope) and dilated segments called podoms, which accommodate mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and caveolae. Tp ramify dichotomously, making a 3-dimensional network with complex homo- and heterocellular junctions. Confocal microscopy reveals that TCs are c-kit- and CD34-positive. Tp release shed vesicles or exosomes, sending macromolecular signals to neighboring cells and eventually modifying their transcriptional activity. At bronchoalveolar junctions, TCs have been observed in close association with putative stem cells (SCs) in the subepithelial stroma. SCs are recognized by their ultrastructure and Sca-1 positivity. Tp surround SCs, forming complex TC-SC niches (TC-SCNs). Electron tomography allows the identification of bridging nanostructures, which connect Tp with SCs. In conclusion, this study shows the presence of TCs in lungs and identifies a TC-SC tandem in subepithelial niches of the bronchiolar tree. In TC-SCNs, the synergy of TCs and SCs may be based on nanocontacts and shed vesicles

    Dermal Telocytes: A Different Viewpoint of Skin Repairing and Regeneration

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    Fifteen years after their discovery, telocytes (TCs) are yet perceived as a new stromal cell type. Their presence was initially documented peri-digestively, and gradually throughout the interstitia of many (non-)cavitary mammalian, human, and avian organs, including skin. Each time, TCs proved to be involved in diverse spatial relations with elements of interstitial (ultra)structure (blood vessels, nerves, immune cells, etc.). To date, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) remained the single main microscopic technique able to correctly and certainly attest TCs by their well-acknowledged (ultra)structure. In skin, dermal TCs reiterate almost all (ultra)structural features ascribed to TCs in other locations, with apparent direct implications in skin physiology and/or pathology. TCs’ uneven distribution within skin, mainly located in stem cell niches, suggests involvement in either skin homeostasis or dermatological pathologies. On the other hand, different skin diseases involve different patterns of disruption of TCs’ structure and ultrastructure. TCs’ cellular cooperation with other interstitial elements, their immunological profile, and their changes during remission of diseases suggest their role(s) in tissue regeneration/repair processes. Thus, expanding the knowledge on dermal TCs could offer new insights into the natural skin capacity of self-repairing. Moreover, it would become attractive to consider that augmenting dermal TCs’ presence/density could become an attractive therapeutic alternative for treating various skin defects

    Caveolin-1-Knockout Mouse as a Model of Inflammatory Diseases

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    Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is the scaffold protein of caveolae, which are minute invaginations of the cell membrane that are involved in endocytosis, cell signaling, and endothelial-mediated inflammation. CAV1 has also been reported to have a dual role as either a tumor suppressor or tumor promoter, depending on the type of cancer. Inflammation is an important player in tumor progression, but the role of caveolin-1 in generating an inflammatory milieu remains poorly characterized. We used a caveolin-1-knockout (CAV1−/−) mouse model to assess the inflammatory status via the quantification of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels, as well as the ability of circulating lymphocytes to respond to nonspecific stimuli by producing cytokines. Here, we report that the CAV1−/− mice were characterized by a low-grade systemic proinflammatory status, with a moderate increase in the IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-12p70 levels. CAV1−/− circulating lymphocytes were more prone to cytokine production upon nonspecific stimulation than the wild-type lymphocytes. These results show that CAV1 involvement in cell homeostasis is more complex than previously revealed, as it plays a role in the inflammatory process. These findings indicate that the CAV1−/− mouse model could prove to be a useful tool for inflammation-related studies

    Emerging therapeutic targets in oncologic photodynamic therapy

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    [Background]: Reactive oxygen species sustain tumorigenesis and cancer progression through deregulated redox signalling which also sensitizes cancer cells to therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising anti-cancer therapy based on a provoked singlet oxygen burst, exhibiting a better toxicological profile than chemo- and radiotherapy. Important gaps in the knowledge on underlining molecular mechanisms impede on its translation towards clinical applications.[Aims and Methods]: The main objective of this review is to critically analyse the knowledge lately gained on therapeutic targets related to redox and inflammatory networks underlining PDT and its outcome in terms of cell death and resistance to therapy. Emerging therapeutic targets and pharmaceutical tools will be documented based on the identified molecular background of PDT.[Results]: Cellular responses and molecular networks in cancer cells exposed to the PDT-triggered singlet oxygen burst and the associated stresses are analysed using a systems medicine approach, addressing both cell death and repair mechanisms. In the context of immunogenic cell death, therapeutic tools for boosting anti-tumor immunity will be outlined. Finally, the transcription factor NRF2, which is a major coordinator of cytoprotective responses, is presented as a promising pharmacologic target for developing co-therapies designed to increase PDT efficacy.[Conclusion]: There is an urgent need to perform in-depth molecular investigations in the field of PDT and to correlate them with clinical data through a systems medicine approach for highlighting the complex biological signature of PDT. This will definitely guide translation of PDT to clinic and the development of new therapeutic strategies aimed at improving PDT.Work was supported by the M-Era.Net grant NANOTHER (contract 52/2016) and the Nucleu Program PN 18.21/2018 (grant PN18.21.01.02/2018), financed by the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation. The open access was funded by the Ministry of Research and Innovation in Romania, under Program 1 – The Improvement of the National System of Research and Development, Subprogram 1.2 – Institutional Excellence – Projects of Excellence Funding in RDI, Contract No. 7PFE/16.10.201

    Emerging therapeutic targets in oncologic photodynamic therapy

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    Background: Reactive oxygen species sustain tumorigenesis and cancer progression through deregulated redox signalling which also sensitizes cancer cells to therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising anti-cancer therapy based on a provoked singlet oxygen burst, exhibiting a better toxicological profile than chemo- and radiotherapy. Important gaps in the knowledge on underlining molecular mechanisms impede on its translation towards clinical applications. Aims and Methods: The main objective of this review is to critically analyse the knowledge lately gained on therapeutic targets related to redox and inflammatory networks underlining PDT and its outcome in terms of cell death and resistance to therapy. Emerging therapeutic targets and pharmaceutical tools will be documented based on the identified molecular background of PDT. Results: Cellular responses and molecular networks in cancer cells exposed to the PDT-triggered singlet oxygen burst and the associated stresses are analysed using a systems medicine approach, addressing both cell death and repair mechanisms. In the context of immunogenic cell death, therapeutic tools for boosting anti-tumor immunity will be outlined. Finally, the transcription factor NRF2, which is a major coordinator of cytoprotective responses, is presented as a promising pharmacologic target for developing co-therapies designed to increase PDT efficacy. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to perform in-depth molecular investigations in the field of PDT and to correlate them with clinical data through a systems medicine approach for highlighting the complex biological signature of PDT. This will definitely guide translation of PDT to clinic and the development of new therapeutic strategies aimed at improving PDT

    Low-Concentrations of Fatty Acids Induce an Early Increase in IL-8 Levels in Normal Human Astrocytes

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    Fatty acids (FAs) have been shown to exhibit a pro-inflammatory response in various cell types, but astrocytes have been mostly overlooked. FAs, both saturated and unsaturated, have previously been shown to induce pro-inflammatory responses in astrocytes at high concentrations of hundreds of µg/mL. SSO (Sulfo-N-succinimidyl Oleate sodium), an inhibitor of FA translocase CD36, has been shown to prevent inflammation in the mouse brain by acting on local microglia and infiltrating monocytes. Our hypothesis was that SSO treatment would also impact astrocyte pro-inflammatory response to FA. In order to verify our assumption, we evaluated the expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in normal human astrocyte cell culture pre-treated (or not) with SSO, and then exposed to low concentrations of both saturated (palmitic acid) and unsaturated (oleic acid) FAs. As a positive control for astrocyte inflammation, we used fibrillary amyloid. Neither Aβ 1–42 nor FAs induced CD36 protein expression in human astrocytes in cell culture At low concentrations, both types of FAs induced IL-8 protein secretion, and this effect was specifically inhibited by SSO pre-treatment. In conclusion, low concentrations of oleic acid are able to induce an early increase in IL-8 expression in normal human astrocytes, which is specifically downregulated by SSO