47 research outputs found

    The Analysis of an Economic Growth Model with Tax Evasion and Delay

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    In this paper we formulate an economic model with tax evasion, corruption and taxes. In the first part the static model is considered, where there are a representative agent and a public institution. The public institution by its tax collectors detects the tax evasion and enacts a system of tax on capital and fines. The representative agent is endowed with a capital k, k>0, and he has to pay a tax on this capital at a rate t1, t1 being in interval (0,1].The agent can try to evades the tax on capital by concealing a capital e1 of the total capital. The optimal tax evasion level which maximizes expected net profit is determined. In the second part, the dynamic model of tax evasion is presented, where the representative agent chooses at each moment in time the level of tax evasion so as maximize expected net profit on infinite horizon, taking into account of the motion equation for the capital k(t), that depend on k(t-Ď„) and e1(t-Ď„). Using the delay t as bifurcation parameter we have shown that a Hopf bifurcation occurs when this parameter passes through the critical value t0. The direction of the Hopf bifurcation, the stability and the period of bifurcating period solution are also discussed and characterized.delayed differential equations, economic growth, tax evasion

    Hopf bifurcation in a dynamic IS-LM model with time delay

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    In this paper we investigate the impact of delayed tax revenues on the fiscal policy out-comes. Choosing the delay as a bifurcation parameter we study the direction and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions. With respect to the delay we show when the system is stable. Some numerical examples are finally given for justifying the theoretical results.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Stores Instead of factories. From Deindustrialization to Modern Trade - Statistical Analysis of Suceava

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    Abstract The role of industrialization was to turn Romania from a rather agrarian country into a country with an industrial profile. We can say that the communist period was marked by forced industrialization, which had even created an industrial tradition that characterized the centralized economy of the country. The Romanian retail is currently characterized by an accelerated development, which leads to increased competitiveness, crystallization of modern trade forms, consolidation of modern retail networks and, last but not least, the attainment of attractive profit rates. Today, after the period of the communist regime, characterized by strong industrialization, Suceava has become a powerful trade center. Many malls are located in the place of former factories, which have been left behind or moved out of urban centers. Romanians are doing shopping in over 60 malls today. Most of the modern retail spaces, about 75% of the total, are grouped in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi, Constanta, Craiova and Brasov. In a short time, the area of modern retail space per thousand people became the largest in the country. The paper presents and analyses the transition of Suceava, from a commercial dimension perpetuated since the medieval times until the late nineteenth - early twentieth century to an industrial dimension started, timidly, in the early twentieth century and continued into an advanced form after the Second World War, during the communist regime. The paper also presents the return to a commercial dimension, after the communist regime


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    Regional disparities in labor productivity basically explain regions` divergent development path. Education and specialization of labor force are key factors, which are nowadays changing rapidly and have an impact on development. Improved education is usually regarded as a source of productivity increase. The specialization of regions in traditional activities, such as subsistence agriculture, keeps a higher employment rate, but low productivity. During the empirical analysis, we used a series of regression and correlation methods, econometric tests to highlight the link, degree of intensity, and the relationship between education and growth through the use of the Pearson correlation coefficient. Territorial analysis of the employment of less educated people compresses important issues regarding territorial disparities in economic welfare. In particular, the analysis of education in Romania comprises two aspects (in the territorial and European regional context), each of which is structured according to the indicators survey: education level, gross domestic product, adult participation in lifelong learning, employment and the salary level based on information from the Population and Housing Census by making statistical correlations and interpretations

    Hopf bifurcation in a dynamic IS-LM model with time delay

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    The paper investigates the impact of delayed tax revenues on the fiscal policy out-comes. Choosing the delay as a bifurcation parameter we study the direction and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions. We show when the system is stable with respect to the delay. Some numerical examples are given to confirm the theoretical results.delay differential equation; stability; Hopf bifurcation; IS-LM model

    Stability analysis of a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis model with inclusion of glucocorticoid receptor and memory

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    This paper analyzes a four-dimensional model of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis that includes the influence of the glucocorticoid receptor in the pituitary. Due to the spatial separation between the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands, distributed time delays are introduced in the mathematical model. The existence of the positive equilibrium point is proved and a local stability and bifurcation analysis is provided, considering several types of delay kernels. The fractional-order model with discrete time delays is also taken into account. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical findings.Comment: 9 page