10 research outputs found

    Intelligent Diagnosis of Thyroid Ultrasound Imaging Using an Ensemble of Deep Learning Methods

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    Background and Objectives: At present, thyroid disorders have a great incidence in the worldwide population, so the development of alternative methods for improving the diagnosis process is necessary. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, we developed an ensemble method that fused two deep learning models, one based on convolutional neural network and the other based on transfer learning. For the first model, called 5-CNN, we developed an efficient end-to-end trained model with five convolutional layers, while for the second model, the pre-trained VGG-19 architecture was repurposed, optimized and trained. We trained and validated our models using a dataset of ultrasound images consisting of four types of thyroidal images: autoimmune, nodular, micro-nodular, and normal. Results: Excellent results were obtained by the ensemble CNN-VGG method, which outperformed the 5-CNN and VGG-19 models: 97.35% for the overall test accuracy with an overall specificity of 98.43%, sensitivity of 95.75%, positive and negative predictive value of 95.41%, and 98.05%. The micro average areas under each receiver operating characteristic curves was 0.96. The results were also validated by two physicians: an endocrinologist and a pediatrician. Conclusions: We proposed a new deep learning study for classifying ultrasound thyroidal images to assist physicians in the diagnosis process


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    Eventraţia diafragmului este o anomalie congenitală sau dobândită, cu o incidenţă de 1 la 10.000 de copii. Presupune ascensiunea anormală a domului diafragmatic, datorată înlocuirii fi brelor musculare cu un ţesut fi broelastic în exces. Simptomatologia este variată, putând fi absentă sau sub forma unor acuze respiratorii ce pot merge până la detresă respiratorie. Infecţiile respiratorii recurente sunt cele mai frecvente manifestări. Autorii prezintă cazul unui pacient în vârstă de 3 ani de sex masculin, spitalizat în repetate rânduri pentru infecţii respiratorii, „dextrocardie“ aparentă, datorate unei eventraţii diafragmatice stângi, pentru care s-a realizat cu succes plicatura diafragmului


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    Dosage of nitric oxide, a relatively new biomarker, is a non-invasive method, increasingly accessible to clinicians, used mainly in the field of pneumology, for the purpose of monitoring the respiratory tract inflammation. The goal of this paper is to present the experience of the Pediatric Department of the Filantropia Municipal Hospital in Craiova relating to nitric oxide dosing and asthma pathology, the result of the 10 years of experience with the portable exhaled air analyzer. We selected three of our most important researches, presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congresses

    C-Reactive Protein as a Marker of Inflammation in Children and Adolescents with Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) in the pediatric population has been reported in many studies to be associated with an inflammatory response. However, to our knowledge, there is no definitive conclusion in the form of a meta-analysis. The issue we aimed to address is whether C-reactive protein (CRP) is a trustworthy marker in detecting inflammation in children and adolescents with MetS. We systematically searched PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the ISI Web of Science, and SCOPUS until 31 June 2023 for studies involving children and adolescents with MetS where hsCRP or CRP were measured. After the screening process, we identified 24 full-text articles that compared 930 patients with MetS with either healthy (n = 3782) or obese (n = 1658) controls. The risk of bias in the included studies was assessed using the Begg’s rank correlation test and Egger’s regression test. Statistical analysis was carried out based on pooled mean differences (MDs) and an associated 95% CI. Data analysis showed that MetS is associated with higher levels of CRP than those in healthy controls (MD = 1.28, 95% CI: (0.49–2.08), p = 0.002) in obese patients (MD = 0.88, 95% CI: (0.38–1.39), p = 0.0006). However, conventional methods of CRP analysis were found to be more accurate in differentiating between children and adolescents with obesity and those with MetS, compared with hsCRP (MD = 0.60, 95% CI: (−0.08–1.28), p = 0.08). No risk of bias was assessed. In conclusion, CRP is a reliable inflammatory marker for differentiating pediatric patients with MetS from healthy ones. On the other hand, it did not prove to be very accurate in distinguishing between patients who had MetS and those who were obese. There should be more research performed in this field

    Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Medication Adherence to Direct-Acting Agents in Patients with Hepatitis C

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    This study aims to develop a new self-report tool (HCV-AD) measuring adherence factors, intentional or unintentional, during Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAA) aiming to achieve high efficacy, otherwise resulting in drug resistance and treatment failure. Two phases were conducted: in the first phase, items were generated based on an extensive literature review, and, in the second phase, a prospective cohort study was conducted using HCV patients from Gastroenterology Department from University County Hospital of Craiova, Romania (n = 222), to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. A number of 19 items were generated following a systematic review and through expert opinion. The internal consistency reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha. The construct validity was assessed using correlations with two other instruments: visual analog scale (VAS) and medication possession ratio (MPR). The final questionnaire (HCV-AD10) was derived through exploratory factor analysis, with 82% of total variance explained. This instrument appeared as a reliable and valid measure for medication adherence, with Cronbach’s alpha (0.867) and significant high positive correlations between adherence scores calculated with HCV-AD10 and VAS (ρ = 0.61, p < 0.001) or with HCV-AD10 and MPR (ρ = 0.75, p < 0.001). This research would make a worthwhile contribution to HCV management

    Gastric Cancer Angiogenesis Assessment by Dynamic Contrast Harmonic Imaging Endoscopic Ultrasound (CHI-EUS) and Immunohistochemical Analysis—A Feasibility Study

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    Tumor vascular perfusion pattern in gastric cancer (GC) may be an important prognostic factor with therapeutic implications. Non-invasive methods such as dynamic contrast harmonic imaging endoscopic ultrasound (CHI-EUS) may provide details about tumor perfusion and could also lay out another perspective for angiogenesis assessment. Methods: We included 34 patients with GC, adenocarcinoma, with CHI-EUS examinations that were performed before any treatment decision. We analyzed eighty video sequences with a dedicated software for quantitative analysis of the vascular patterns of specific regions of interest (ROI). As a result, time-intensity curve (TIC) along with other derived parameters were automatically generated: peak enhancement (PE), rise time (RT), time to peak (TTP), wash-in perfusion index (WiPI), ROI area, and others. We performed CD105 and CD31 immunostaining to calculate the vascular diameter (vd) and the microvascular density (MVD), and the results were compared with CHI-EUS parameters. Results: High statistical correlations (p < 0.05) were observed between TIC analysis parameters MVD and vd CD31. Strong correlations were also found between tumor grade and 7 CHI-EUS parameters, p < 0.005. Conclusions: GC angiogenesis assessment by CHI-EUS is feasible and may be considered for future studies based on TIC analysis

    Efficacy of Endobiliary Radiofrequency Ablation in Preserving Survival, Performance Status and Chemotherapy Eligibility of Patients with Unresectable Distal Cholangiocarcinoma: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Cholangiocarcinoma is the most common malignancy of the bile ducts causing intrahepatic, hilar, or distal bile duct obstruction. Most jaundiced patients are diagnosed with unresectable tumors in need for palliative bile duct drainage and chemotherapy. Endobiliary radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an adjuvant technique that may be applied prior to biliary stenting. The aim of our study was to assess the efficacy of endobiliary RFA prior to stent insertion in patients with unresectable distal cholangiocarcinomas. Methods: Twenty-five patients (eight treated with RFA and stenting and 17 treated with stenting alone) were included in a case-controlled study. We prospectively assessed the impact of RFA on the survival rate, the patient performance status, and the preservation of eligibility for chemotherapy based on the patient laboratory profile. Results: Patients treated with RFA prior to stenting proved to have a significantly longer survival interval (19 vs. 16 months, p = 0.04, 95% CI) and significantly better performance status. Moreover, the laboratory profiles of patients treated with RFA has been proven superior in terms of total bilirubin, liver enzymes, and kidney function, thus making patients likely eligible for palliative chemotherapy. Post-ERCP adverse events were scarce in both the study group and the control group. Conclusion: Given the isolated adverse events and the impact on the patient survival, performance, and laboratory profile, RFA can be considered safe and efficient in the management of patients with unresectable distal cholangiocarcinomas

    A Decision-Tree Approach to Assist in Forecasting the Outcomes of the Neonatal Brain Injury

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    Neonatal brain injury or neonatal encephalopathy (NE) is a significant morbidity and mortality factor in preterm and full-term newborns. NE has an incidence in the range of 2.5 to 3.5 per 1000 live births carrying a considerable burden for neurological outcomes such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, cognitive impairments, and hydrocephaly. Many scoring systems based on different risk factor combinations in regression models have been proposed to predict abnormal outcomes. Birthweight, gestational age, Apgar scores, pH, ultrasound and MRI biomarkers, seizures onset, EEG pattern, and seizure duration were the most referred predictors in the literature. Our study proposes a decision-tree approach based on clinical risk factors for abnormal outcomes in newborns with the neurological syndrome to assist in neonatal encephalopathy prognosis as a complementary tool to the acknowledged scoring systems. We retrospectively studied 188 newborns with associated encephalopathy and seizures in the perinatal period. Etiology and abnormal outcomes were assessed through correlations with the risk factors. We computed mean, median, odds ratios values for birth weight, gestational age, 1-min Apgar Score, 5-min Apgar score, seizures onset, and seizures duration monitoring, applying standard statistical methods first. Subsequently, CART (classification and regression trees) and cluster analysis were employed, further adjusting the medians. Out of 188 cases, 84 were associated to abnormal outcomes. The hierarchy on etiology frequencies was dominated by cerebrovascular impairments, metabolic anomalies, and infections. Both preterms and full-terms at risk were bundled in specific categories defined as high-risk 75–100%, intermediate risk 52.9%, and low risk 0–25% after CART algorithm implementation. Cluster analysis illustrated the median values, profiling at a glance the preterm model in high-risk groups and a full-term model in the inter-mediate-risk category. Our study illustrates that, in addition to standard statistics methodologies, decision-tree approaches could provide a first-step tool for the prognosis of the abnormal outcome in newborns with encephalopathy

    Ductus Venosus Agenesis and Portal System Anomalies—Association and Outcome

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    To evaluate the prenatal diagnosis of agenesis of ductus venosus (ADV) and portal venous system (PVS) anomalies and describe the outcome of these cases, either isolated or associated. We evaluated the intrahepatic vascular system regarding the presence of normal umbilical drainage and PVS characteristics in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The associated anomalies and umbilical venous drainage were noted. Follow-up was performed at six months follow-up. Ultrasonography was performed in 3517 cases. A total of 19 cases were prenatally diagnosed: 18 ADV cases, seven abnormal PVS cases, and six associations of the two anomalies. We noted an incidence of 5.1‰ and 1.9‰ for ADV and PVS anomalies, respectively. Out of the 18 ADV cases, 27.7% were isolated. Five cases (26.3%) presented genetic anomalies. PVS anomalies were found in 33.3% of the ADV cases. ADV was present in 85.7% of the PVS anomalies. DV and PVS abnormalities were found with a higher than reported frequency. Normal DV is involved in the normal development of the PVS. Additional fetal anomalies are the best predictor for the outcome of ADV cases. Evaluation of PVS represents a powerful predictor for ADV cases and addresses the long-term prognosis