13 research outputs found

    A Study of the Correlation between Bacterial Culture and Histological Examination in Children with Helicobacter pylori Gastritis

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is one of the most common chronic bacterial infections in the world, and it is currently estimated that approximately half of the world’s population is infected with the bacterium. The correct diagnosis and effective treatment of H. pylori gastric infection are essential in controlling this condition. The available diagnostic methods have advantages and limitations related to factors such as age of patients, technical difficulty level, costs and extensive accessibility in hospitals. The eradication therapy of H. pylori infection is still a challenge for gastroenterologists. One of the main causes of failure in H. pylori eradication is antibiotic resistance. Biopsy cultures are the most widely used methods among the antimicrobial susceptibility tests. In case of a negative culture, H. pylori can be clearly recognised in histological sections. The sensitivity and specificity of histology for the diagnosis depend on clinical settings, density of colonisation and the experience of the histopathologist. A prospective study was performed in order to analyse patients with H. pylori gastric infection with positive histology and positive culture versus positive histology and negative culture


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    Introducere. Examinarea prin computer-tomograf (CT) deţine un rol important în orientarea diagnostică în Urgenţă. Obiective. Ne-am propus să identifi căm utilitatea examinării CT, în urgenţa pediatrică. Material şi metode. Studiul are un design cross-secţional, referindu-se la anul 2010. Din cele 92.959 de vizite înregistrate la Unitatea de Primiri Urgenţe, a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „M.S. Curie“, Bucureşti, un număr de 9.258 pacienţi reprezentau urgenţe (lotul A), iar 90 constituiau urgenţe majore (lotul B). S-au efectuat un număr de 102 examinări CT. Datele au fost exprimate procentual. Rezultate. Procentul de vizite asociat cu examinare CT, a fost de 1% în lotul A şi 1‰, exprimat global. Toţi pacienţii lotului B au fost supuşi investigaţiei CT. Principalele indicaţii au fost: traumatismele cranio-cerebrale (TCC) – 50%, hipertensiune intracraniană (HIC) – 35%, politraumatisme – 12,7% şi suspiciunile de malformaţii – 5,9%. Rata de detecţie globală a unei leziuni a fost de 51%. Pentru TCC, rata a fost de 49%, identifi cându-se următoarele leziuni: edem cerebral difuz (19%), hemoragii intracraniene (15,6%), fracturi osoase (15,6%), leziuni de părţi moi (29%). Pentru HIC, rata de detecţie a fost de 43%, pentru politraumatisme 84,6%, iar pentru suspiciunile de malformaţii 100%. Ratele de detecţie lezională, pe diverse categorii de indicaţii (senzitivitatea metodei) nu diferă semnifi cativ statistic faţă de alte studii. Concluzie. La pacienţii de vârstă pediatrică, indicaţiile de CT, în urgenţă, s-au efectuat după o atentă selecţie a cazurilor, iar examinarea s-a dovedit utilă în cazul traumatismelor şi a suspiciunilor de hipertensiune intracraniană

    Endoscopical Aspects of <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> Gastritis in Children

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    The current gold standard for the detection of Helicobacter pylori in children remains upper endoscopy plus mucosal biopsies. Endoscopy has the advantage of being able to detect complications of Helicobacter pylori infection and to rule out other upper gastro-intestinal pathologies. An additional advantage of endoscopy with gastric biopsy is that it allows physicians to obtain mucosa for urease testing, histological examination and bacterial culture. In children, there is a high correlation between antral nodularity at endoscopy and the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. The authors have proposed to investigate the correlations between macroscopic aspects during endoscopy and histological findings, in order to identify those endoscopic and histopathological features that can help the clinician in clinical practice


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    Deşi mortalitatea prin sepsis a scăzut în ultimii ani, şocul septic rămâne o cauză majoră de morbiditate şi mortalitate la copilul sub vârsta de cinci ani. Rinichiul este implicat şi constant afectat în această patologie, infecţiile bacteriene reprezentând o cauză frecventă de îmbolnăvire. Insufi cienţa renală acută poate fi principala manifestare a bolii şi o problemă terapeutică majoră. Autorii prezintă implicarea renală în meningococemie şi în sindromul hemolitic uremic cauzat de E coli O157:H7 şi de pneumococ, boli ce necesită abordare diagnostică şi terapeutică specifi că


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    Fibroza chistică (FC) este cea mai comună afecţiune autozomal recesivă la populaţia caucaziană. Boala pulmonară se caracterizează prin afectarea clearance-ului mucociliar cu obstrucţia căilor aeriene, infecţie şi infl amaţie cronică. Wheezingul este un simptom comun în FC, dar în unele cazuri este determinat de prezenţa con comitentă a astmului. Nu există un consens în cum defi nim astmul în fi broza chistică, dar diagnosticul se bazează în principal pe istoricul personal şi familial de atopie al pacientului


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    Introducere. Otita medie (OM) acută este una dintre cele mai comune infecţii diagnosticate în patologia copilului, cu evoluţie autolimitată cel mai frecvent (1,2). Ea poate duce în 2-6% dintre cazuri (2) spre complicaţii supurative intracraniene cu evoluţie nefavorabilă, fatală în 8-26,3% din ele (2,3). Apariţia semnelor neurologice în evoluţia unei otite supurative necesită investigaţii imagistice de urgenţă (2-8). Material şi metodă. Se prezintă cazul unei fetiţe de 10 ani diagnosticată cu otită supurată complicată, transferată la Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „M.S. Curie“ Bucureşti în secţia ORL după o evoluţie a bolii de 2 săptămâni. Copilul se prezintă la internare cu: febră, otoree purulentă, semne neurologice reprezentate de cefalee, convulsii, redoare de ceafă. Se efectuează în urgenţă un examen computer tomografi c (CT) cu substanţă de contrast intravenoasă (iv). Rezultat. Examenul CT, extins şi la nivel cervical evidenţiază prezenţa unui proces litic la nivelul stâncii temporale şi soluţie de continuitate între antrul mastoidian şi meninge, şi evidenţierea unui abces epidural perisigmoidian, tromboza de sinus sigmoid extinsă la nivelul jugularei şi sinusului lateral, semne de meningită, cerebrită cerebeloasă, abces cerebral şi empiem subdural. Concluzii. Complicaţiile în infecţiile urechii medii sunt rare, însă apariţia semnelor neurologice la examenul fi zic impune un examen imagistic care poate preciza arhitectura locală, prezenţa complicaţiilor locale sau la distanţa pentru instituirea unui tratament adecvat şi rapid


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    Constipaţia este un fenomen comun în practica pediatrică. Prevalenţa sa este în creştere, fiind prezentă, conform diferitelor statistici, la 0,7-29,6% dintre copii. Constipaţia este întâlnită la toate grupele de vârstă, cu severitate şi durată variabile, de la forme uşoare şi de scurtă durată la forme severe şi de lungă durată, cu impactare fecală şi in continenţă fecală. Acest articol revede aspectele epidemiologice, clinice şi terapeutice ale constipaţiei la copil, funcţionale în majoritatea cazurilor

    The Challenging Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Disease in Children—One Case Report and Literature Review

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    Childhood interstitial lung disease (chILD) includes a heterogeneous spectrum of rare respiratory disorders in children associated with substantial morbi-mortality. Interstitial tissue, and other pulmonary structures, epithelium, blood vessels, or pleura are involved, resulting in a restrictive lung disfunction. Respiratory symptoms set in progressively and are often subtle, making thorough clinical history and physical examination fundamental. The etiology often is obscure. The clinical presentation mimics pneumonia or asthma, leading to a diagnostic delay. Challenging diagnosis may require genetic tests, bronchoalveolar lavage, or lung biopsy. Alongside general supportive therapeutic measures, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive or antifibrotic agents may be used, based on data derived from adult studies. However, if accurate diagnosis and treatment are delayed, irreversible chronic respiratory failure may ensue, impacting prognosis. The most frequent chILD is hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), although it is rare in children. HP is associated with exposure to an environmental antigen, resulting in inflammation of the airways. Detailed antigen exposure history and identification of the inciting trigger are the cornerstones of diagnostic. This article provides the current state of chILD, revealing specific features of HP, based on a clinical case report of a patient admitted in our clinic, requiring extensive investigations for diagnosis, with a favorable long-term outcome

    The Role of Mannose-Binding Lectin and Inflammatory Markers in Establishing the Course and Prognosis of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children

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    Background: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most significant childhood diseases worldwide and a leading infectious cause of death in children. This study aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of the inflammatory markers—C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT)—and the polymorphic glycoprotein mannose-binding lectin (MBL), deficiency of which is associated with severe infections, in the determination of the optimal type and timing of therapeutic intervention for CAP in childhood. Methods: Retrospective evaluation was conducted on a cohort of 204 children aged 4 months–17 years hospitalized with CAP. Their levels of CRP, PCT, and MBL were assessed for their association with a variety of outcomes, including the incidence of local and systemic complications, admission to the ICU, duration of antibiotic treatment and hospital stay, and death. Results: CRP and PCT proved to be better predictors of complications of CAP than MBL. The area under the curve (AUC) value was highest for PCT as a predictor of systemic complications (AUC = 0.931, 95%CI 0.895–0.967), while CRP (AUC = 0.674, 95%CI 0.586–0.761) performed best as a predictor of local complications (AUC = 0.674, 95%CI 0.586–0.761). Regarding admission to the ICU, CRP was the weakest predictor (AUC = 0.741), while PCT performed the best (AUC = 0.833), followed by MBL (AUC = 0.797). Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for the optimal threshold generated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, rendering sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 87% for PCT in assessing the risk of systemic complications, compared to sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 90% for CRP. MBL showed relatively high sensitivity (96%) but low specificity (25%) for predicting the need for ICU admission. Conclusions: Early measurement of CRP, PCT, and MBL provides clinicians with important information regarding the course and prognosis of children diagnosed with CAP, thus ensuring prompt, optimal therapeutic management

    Pulse Wave Velocity as a Marker of Vascular Dysfunction and Its Correlation with Cardiac Disease in Children with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

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    One of the main markers of arterial stiffness is pulse wave velocity (PWV). This parameter is well studied as a marker for end-organ damage in the adult population, being considered a strong predictor of major cardiovascular events. This study assessed PWV in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) as a marker of cardiovascular risk. We conducted a prospective observational single-center cohort study of 42 consecutively pediatric patients (9&ndash;18 years old) with terminal CKD and dialysis, at the Hemodialysis Department of the &ldquo;M. S. Curie&rdquo; Hospital, Bucharest. We measured PWV by echocardiography in the ascending aorta (AscAo) and the descending aorta (DescAo), and we correlated them with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Fifteen patients (35.7%) presented vascular dysfunction defined as PWV above the 95th percentile of normal values in the AscAo and/or DescAo. Cardiac disease (LVH/LV remodeling) was discovered in 32 patients (76.2%). All patients with vascular damage also had cardiac disease. Cardiac damage was already present in all patients with vascular disease, and the DescAo is more frequently affected than the AscAo (86.6% vs. 46.9%). Elevated PWV could represent an important parameter for identifying children with CKD and high cardiovascular risk