2 research outputs found

    Susceptibility of larval stages of Leptophobia aripa Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) to entomopathogens

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    Under laboratory conditions, the efficacy of four formulations based on Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki, Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana plus a control (distilled water) on the larval development stages of the Leptophobia aripa Boisduval plague were evaluated. 15 larvae were collected for each stage, placed in groups of 5 per plate for a total of five treatments with three repetitions. As food, leaves of the cabbage crop were taken and sprinkled with the products as appropriate. The larvae were examined under a stereoscopic microscope for 7 days, and the Abbott formula was used to determine the percentage of mortality. Among the results, in the case of the first and second larval stage, the entomopathogens B. thuringiensis var kurstaki had higher efficiency with 56.70% and 60% mortality respectively, in the third and fourth stage the species B. bassiana shows greater effectiveness with 66.70% and 50%, in the fifth stage M. anisopliae registers a mortality of 36.70%. The third larval stage was selected as the most susceptible to the application of B. thuringiensis var kurstaki, B. bassiana and M. anisopliae respectively.En condiciones de laboratorio se evalu贸 la eficacia de cuatro formulados a base de Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki, Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana m谩s un testigo (agua destilada) sobre los estados de desarrollo larval de la plaga Leptophobia aripa Boisduval. Se colectaron 15 larvas por cada estadio, colocadas en grupos de 5 por placa para un total de cinco tratamientos con tres repeticiones. Como alimento se ocuparon hojas del cultivo de col que fueron asperjadas con los productos seg煤n corresponda. Las larvas se examinaron al microscopio estereosc贸pico por 7 d铆as, y para la determinaci贸n del porcentaje de mortalidad se utiliz贸 la f贸rmula de Abbott. Entre los resultados se tiene que, para el caso del primer y segundo estadio larval, el entomopat贸geno B. thuringiensis var kurstaki tuvo mayor eficiencia con un 56,70% y 60% de mortalidad respectivamente, en el tercer y cuarto estadio la especie B. bassiana muestra mayor efectividad con 66,70% y 50%, en el quinto estadio el M. anisopliae registra una mortalidad de 36,70%. Se seleccion贸 al tercer estadio larval como el m谩s susceptible a la aplicaci贸n de B. thuringiensis var kurstaki, B. bassiana y M. anisopliae respectivamente