124 research outputs found

    A new peculiar <i>Liolaemus</i> species of the “<i>chiliensis</i>” phyletic group from the volcanic Cordilleran landscapes of Southern Mendoza Province, Argentina (Iguania, Lacertilia, Reptilia)

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    A new lizard of the genus Liolaemus, belonging to the evolutionary “chiliensis” group, is described. Specimens come from the Peteroa Volcano region (2400 m), close to the Chilean frontier, in the Andean mountains of Southern Mendoza Province, Argentina. The new species is related to coeruleus, cristiani and neuquensis, species from the same cordilleran environments, all of these taxa being characterized by the lack of precloacal pores in males. A specific rank may be also supported for Liolaemus bellii neuquensis from Copahue Volcano, 2500 m, Neuquen, which meet the criteria of the now so called “evolutionary species” (sensu Frost and Hillis, 1990) on the basis of its distinctive characters.Se describe una nueva especie de Liolaemus de las regiones cordilleranas del sur-oeste de Mendoza (Departamento Malargüe), en particular cerca de las fuentes termales (Baños del Azufre), a 10 km del Volcán Peteroa, a una altitud de 2400 m. Esta nueva especie se caracteriza por la completa ausencia de los poros precloacales en los machos y se relaciona con otras especies del grupo “chiliensis” (sensu lato), también carentes de dichos poros, como coeruleus, neuquensis y cristiani, todas distribuidas en las áreas fronterizas de Argentina o Chile, a lo largo de unos 500 km en latitud y en ambientes ecológicamente similares. Se propone elevar a categoría específica Liolaemus belli neuquensis, por presentar caracteres diferenciales suficientes para separarlo como “evolutionary species” de las otras subespecies de Liolaemus bellii, todas alopátricas.Si descrive una nuova specie di Liolaemus della cordigliera del sud-ovest di Mendoza (Departamento Malargüe), più precisamente in prossimità delle sorgenti termali di Baños del Azufre, a circa 10 km dal Vulcano Peteroa, e a una altitudine di 2400 m. Questa specie é caratterizzata da una totale assenza di pori precloacali nei maschi, condizione morfologica poco frequente nel genere Liolaemus, presentando relazioni morfo-ecologiche con altre forme, pure senza pori precloacali, appartenenti al grande gruppo evolutivo “chiliensis”, come coeruleus, neuquensis e cristiani, conosciute per località di altitudine e ambiente naturale similari, situate nello stesso arco andino, alla frontiera argentino-chilena, per una estensione di circa 500 km di latitudine. Durante questo studio si é considerato opportuno elevare a categoria specifica, come “evolutionary species”, la sottospecie Liolaemus belli neuquensis, ben differenziata morfologicamente dalle altre forme trinominali allopatiche di Liolaemus bellii.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new peculiar <i>Liolaemus</i> species of the “<i>chiliensis</i>” phyletic group from the volcanic Cordilleran landscapes of Southern Mendoza Province, Argentina (Iguania, Lacertilia, Reptilia)

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    A new lizard of the genus Liolaemus, belonging to the evolutionary “chiliensis” group, is described. Specimens come from the Peteroa Volcano region (2400 m), close to the Chilean frontier, in the Andean mountains of Southern Mendoza Province, Argentina. The new species is related to coeruleus, cristiani and neuquensis, species from the same cordilleran environments, all of these taxa being characterized by the lack of precloacal pores in males. A specific rank may be also supported for Liolaemus bellii neuquensis from Copahue Volcano, 2500 m, Neuquen, which meet the criteria of the now so called “evolutionary species” (sensu Frost and Hillis, 1990) on the basis of its distinctive characters.Se describe una nueva especie de Liolaemus de las regiones cordilleranas del sur-oeste de Mendoza (Departamento Malargüe), en particular cerca de las fuentes termales (Baños del Azufre), a 10 km del Volcán Peteroa, a una altitud de 2400 m. Esta nueva especie se caracteriza por la completa ausencia de los poros precloacales en los machos y se relaciona con otras especies del grupo “chiliensis” (sensu lato), también carentes de dichos poros, como coeruleus, neuquensis y cristiani, todas distribuidas en las áreas fronterizas de Argentina o Chile, a lo largo de unos 500 km en latitud y en ambientes ecológicamente similares. Se propone elevar a categoría específica Liolaemus belli neuquensis, por presentar caracteres diferenciales suficientes para separarlo como “evolutionary species” de las otras subespecies de Liolaemus bellii, todas alopátricas.Si descrive una nuova specie di Liolaemus della cordigliera del sud-ovest di Mendoza (Departamento Malargüe), più precisamente in prossimità delle sorgenti termali di Baños del Azufre, a circa 10 km dal Vulcano Peteroa, e a una altitudine di 2400 m. Questa specie é caratterizzata da una totale assenza di pori precloacali nei maschi, condizione morfologica poco frequente nel genere Liolaemus, presentando relazioni morfo-ecologiche con altre forme, pure senza pori precloacali, appartenenti al grande gruppo evolutivo “chiliensis”, come coeruleus, neuquensis e cristiani, conosciute per località di altitudine e ambiente naturale similari, situate nello stesso arco andino, alla frontiera argentino-chilena, per una estensione di circa 500 km di latitudine. Durante questo studio si é considerato opportuno elevare a categoria specifica, come “evolutionary species”, la sottospecie Liolaemus belli neuquensis, ben differenziata morfologicamente dalle altre forme trinominali allopatiche di Liolaemus bellii.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new species of Liolaemus lacking precloacal pores in males from the Andean south-eastern mountains of Mendoza Province, Argentina (Liolaemidae, Iguania, Lacertilia, Reptilia)

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    A new Liolaemus species related to L. thermarum from Peteroa volcano region and also lacking precloacal pores in adult males, has been described from the frontier area of Pehuenche pass, Malargiie dept., Mendoza province. It lives at about 2500 meters of altitude, in a rocky habitat with streamlets and thermal springs. Morphological and ecological data suggest to establish a peculiar Andean species group, the "’neuquensis" group, assembling the new species, L. thermarum and L. cristiani from Chile, at the same latitude, besides L. coeruleus and L. neuquensis from the close frontier mountains of Neuquen. Their habitat is a volcanic landscape scattered with thermal springs and isolated clusters of Araucaria woods, relic of a primeval antantandic biome, fossil in the above cited Andean district of Mendoza province. Differences between the "neuquensis"' and “elongatus" groups are outlined, but the ancestral phyletic relationships of these liolaemine lizards are also taken into account.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new peculiar <i>Liolaemus</i> species of the “<i>chiliensis</i>” phyletic group from the volcanic Cordilleran landscapes of Southern Mendoza Province, Argentina (Iguania, Lacertilia, Reptilia)

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    A new lizard of the genus Liolaemus, belonging to the evolutionary “chiliensis” group, is described. Specimens come from the Peteroa Volcano region (2400 m), close to the Chilean frontier, in the Andean mountains of Southern Mendoza Province, Argentina. The new species is related to coeruleus, cristiani and neuquensis, species from the same cordilleran environments, all of these taxa being characterized by the lack of precloacal pores in males. A specific rank may be also supported for Liolaemus bellii neuquensis from Copahue Volcano, 2500 m, Neuquen, which meet the criteria of the now so called “evolutionary species” (sensu Frost and Hillis, 1990) on the basis of its distinctive characters.Se describe una nueva especie de Liolaemus de las regiones cordilleranas del sur-oeste de Mendoza (Departamento Malargüe), en particular cerca de las fuentes termales (Baños del Azufre), a 10 km del Volcán Peteroa, a una altitud de 2400 m. Esta nueva especie se caracteriza por la completa ausencia de los poros precloacales en los machos y se relaciona con otras especies del grupo “chiliensis” (sensu lato), también carentes de dichos poros, como coeruleus, neuquensis y cristiani, todas distribuidas en las áreas fronterizas de Argentina o Chile, a lo largo de unos 500 km en latitud y en ambientes ecológicamente similares. Se propone elevar a categoría específica Liolaemus belli neuquensis, por presentar caracteres diferenciales suficientes para separarlo como “evolutionary species” de las otras subespecies de Liolaemus bellii, todas alopátricas.Si descrive una nuova specie di Liolaemus della cordigliera del sud-ovest di Mendoza (Departamento Malargüe), più precisamente in prossimità delle sorgenti termali di Baños del Azufre, a circa 10 km dal Vulcano Peteroa, e a una altitudine di 2400 m. Questa specie é caratterizzata da una totale assenza di pori precloacali nei maschi, condizione morfologica poco frequente nel genere Liolaemus, presentando relazioni morfo-ecologiche con altre forme, pure senza pori precloacali, appartenenti al grande gruppo evolutivo “chiliensis”, come coeruleus, neuquensis e cristiani, conosciute per località di altitudine e ambiente naturale similari, situate nello stesso arco andino, alla frontiera argentino-chilena, per una estensione di circa 500 km di latitudine. Durante questo studio si é considerato opportuno elevare a categoria specifica, come “evolutionary species”, la sottospecie Liolaemus belli neuquensis, ben differenziata morfologicamente dalle altre forme trinominali allopatiche di Liolaemus bellii.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new species of Liolaemus lacking precloacal pores in males from the Andean south-eastern mountains of Mendoza Province, Argentina (Liolaemidae, Iguania, Lacertilia, Reptilia)

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    A new Liolaemus species related to L. thermarum from Peteroa volcano region and also lacking precloacal pores in adult males, has been described from the frontier area of Pehuenche pass, Malargiie dept., Mendoza province. It lives at about 2500 meters of altitude, in a rocky habitat with streamlets and thermal springs. Morphological and ecological data suggest to establish a peculiar Andean species group, the "’neuquensis" group, assembling the new species, L. thermarum and L. cristiani from Chile, at the same latitude, besides L. coeruleus and L. neuquensis from the close frontier mountains of Neuquen. Their habitat is a volcanic landscape scattered with thermal springs and isolated clusters of Araucaria woods, relic of a primeval antantandic biome, fossil in the above cited Andean district of Mendoza province. Differences between the "neuquensis"' and “elongatus" groups are outlined, but the ancestral phyletic relationships of these liolaemine lizards are also taken into account.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    An updated biosystematic approach to the leiosaurid genus <i>Pristidactylus</i>

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    A general discussion of the intra- and intergeneric biological relationships of the leiosaurid genus Pristidactylus has been carried out. Its cis-trans cordilleran species groups are reported and compared, also in agreement with results of the very recent molecular and morphological research by Frost et al. (2001). The new family Leiosauridae, including Enyalius, Diplolaemus, Leiosaurus and Pristidactylus, is taken into account, and ancient evolutionary relationships of the last named genus are considered. Present specific characters of Chilean, but mainly of Argentinian Pristidactylus taxa, are analyzed and compared. They are likely adaptive features from ancestral times of their common preglacial origin. Critical comments on the now postulated primitive position of the terrestrial forms instead of the formerly accepted arboreal forms as plesiomorphic evolutionary stage are presented as well.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    An updated biosystematic approach to the leiosaurid genus <i>Pristidactylus</i>

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    A general discussion of the intra- and intergeneric biological relationships of the leiosaurid genus Pristidactylus has been carried out. Its cis-trans cordilleran species groups are reported and compared, also in agreement with results of the very recent molecular and morphological research by Frost et al. (2001). The new family Leiosauridae, including Enyalius, Diplolaemus, Leiosaurus and Pristidactylus, is taken into account, and ancient evolutionary relationships of the last named genus are considered. Present specific characters of Chilean, but mainly of Argentinian Pristidactylus taxa, are analyzed and compared. They are likely adaptive features from ancestral times of their common preglacial origin. Critical comments on the now postulated primitive position of the terrestrial forms instead of the formerly accepted arboreal forms as plesiomorphic evolutionary stage are presented as well.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    An updated biosystematic approach to the leiosaurid genus <i>Pristidactylus</i>

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    A general discussion of the intra- and intergeneric biological relationships of the leiosaurid genus Pristidactylus has been carried out. Its cis-trans cordilleran species groups are reported and compared, also in agreement with results of the very recent molecular and morphological research by Frost et al. (2001). The new family Leiosauridae, including Enyalius, Diplolaemus, Leiosaurus and Pristidactylus, is taken into account, and ancient evolutionary relationships of the last named genus are considered. Present specific characters of Chilean, but mainly of Argentinian Pristidactylus taxa, are analyzed and compared. They are likely adaptive features from ancestral times of their common preglacial origin. Critical comments on the now postulated primitive position of the terrestrial forms instead of the formerly accepted arboreal forms as plesiomorphic evolutionary stage are presented as well.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The Present Status of Argentinean Polychrotid Species of the Genus <i>Pristidactylus</i> and Description of Its Southernmost Taxon as a New Species

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    A new species of Pristidactylus from the southern Patagonian region of Argentina is described. This new species shows peculiar throat coloration in males, a secondary sex character that is unique in this genus. Different character combinations led to the revalidation of Pristidactylus araucanus from the basaltic districts of Mendoza and Neuquén, Argentina. The conservative retention of the juvenile pattern in adult females, besides other mensural characters in both sexes, indicates its specific identity relative to Pristidactylus scapulatus and Pristidactylus fasciatus. General considerations of the evolutionary history of the genus Pristidactylus are reviewed and a key to the Argentinean taxa is provided.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The Present Status of Argentinean Polychrotid Species of the Genus <i>Pristidactylus</i> and Description of Its Southernmost Taxon as a New Species

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    A new species of Pristidactylus from the southern Patagonian region of Argentina is described. This new species shows peculiar throat coloration in males, a secondary sex character that is unique in this genus. Different character combinations led to the revalidation of Pristidactylus araucanus from the basaltic districts of Mendoza and Neuquén, Argentina. The conservative retention of the juvenile pattern in adult females, besides other mensural characters in both sexes, indicates its specific identity relative to Pristidactylus scapulatus and Pristidactylus fasciatus. General considerations of the evolutionary history of the genus Pristidactylus are reviewed and a key to the Argentinean taxa is provided.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse