159 research outputs found

    Immediate loading with fixed full-arch prostheses in the maxilla: review of the literature

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    Objectives: To critically review the evidence-based literature on immediate loading of implants with fixed full- arch prostheses in the maxilla to determine 1) currently recommended performance criteria and 2) the outcomes that can be expected with this procedure. Study Desing: Studies from 2001 to 2011 on immediate loading with fixed full-arch maxillary prostheses were reviewed. Clinical series with at least 5 patients and 12 months of follow-up were included. Case reports, studies with missing data and repeatedly published studies were excluded. In each study the following was assessed: type of study, implant type, number of patients, number of implants, number of implants per patient, use of post-extrac - tion implants, minimum implant length and diameter, type of prosthesis, time until loading, implant survival rate, prosthesis survival rate, marginal bone loss, complications andmean follow-up time. Criteria for patient selection, implant primary stability and bone regeneration were also studied. Results: Thirteen studies were included, reporting a total of 2484 immediately loaded implants in 365 patients. Currently accepted performance criteria regarding patient and implant selection, and surgical and prosthetic pro - cedures were deduced from the reviewed articles. Implant survival rates went from 87.5% to 100%, prosthesis survival rates from 93.8% to 100% and radiographic marginal bone loss from 0.8 mm to 1.6 mm.No intraoperative complications and only minor prosthetic complications were reported. Conclusions: The literature on immediate loading with fixed full-arch prostheses in the maxilla shows that a successful outcome can be expected if adequate criteria are used to evaluate the patient, choose the implant and perform the surgical and prosthetic treatment. Lack of homogeneity within studies limits the relevance of the con - clusions that can be drawn, and more controlled randomized studies are necessary to enable comparison between the immediate and the conventional loading procedures

    Factors that influence the position of the peri-implant soft tissues: a review

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    Introduction: The implantological rehabilitation of the anterior sector is one of the most demanding and complex treatments due to the necessity of obtaining an optimum esthetic result. At the level of the soft tissues, it involves obtaining the complete formation of the papilla and creating a harmonic contour of the gingival margin.Objective: A bibliographical review has been carried out on the factors that influence the final position of the soft tissues.Material and methods: A search has been carried out in the Pubmed database of articles written in English and Spanish. Articles that presented a clinical series of less than five patients and a monitoring of less than one year were excluded.Results: At the level of the papilla, there are two decisive factors that play an influential role: the formation of the biological width and the distance between the alveolar crest and the contact point. The position of the gingival margin depends mainly of the height and width of the facial bone, as well as on the biotype. The surgical technique, as well as certain prosthodontics aspects related to the implant, can influence the final position of the soft tissues.Conclusions: Although, today we know much more about the factors that influence the position of the soft tissues, there are still certain aspects that should be studied more in-depth, for example the influence of the micro and macro-structure of the implant in the position of the soft tissues

    Malignant mental nerve neuropathy : systematic review

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    Malignant mental neuropathy (MMN) is a neurological manifestation of cancer, characterized by the presence of hypoesthesia or anesthesia restricted to the territory of the mental branch of the mandibular nerve. A systematic review of the literature has been made on MMN, analyzing the etiology, pathogeny, clinical characteristics, complementary tests and the prognosis. Sixteen studies, providing 136 cases were selected. Breast cancer and lymphomas were the most frequently associated malignant diseases. The most frequent pathogenic mechanisms producing neurological involvement were: peripherally, mandibular lesions; and centrally, tumors at the base of the cranium. Regarding clinical characteristics, manifestation of MMN was the primary symptom of malignant disease in 27.7% of cases, and a first symptom of recurrence in 37.7%. The group of selected studies included 50 orthopantomographs, 9 mandibular computed tomographies and 50 radiographic examinations of the cranial region. The most affected region was the mandible. The appearance of MMN is an ominous prognosis for the progression of the disease, with a mortality of 78.5% within a mean of 6.9 months

    Replantation of a maxillary second molar after removal of a third molar with a dentigerous cyst: Case report and 12-month follow-up

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    The aim of this study was to describe the replantation of a maxillary second right molar, which had been removed for surgical reasons in order to remove a dentigerous cyst associated with the adjacent third molar, and the case's 12-month follow-up. A 51-year-old man presented swelling in the right maxillary area. Radiographic examination showed a large radiolucency in close proximity to the third molar, suggesting a follicular cyst. The third molar was extracted and the cyst underwent curettage. The second molar had to be extracted to enable complete removal of the cyst and to achieve primary closure of the wound, which would have been impossible without repositioning the molar. With this objective, extraoral endodontic treatment was performed, the root-end was resected and prepared with ultrasonic retrotips, and root-end filling was accomplished with MTA before the molar was replanted. At the 12-month follow-up, the tooth showed no clinical signs or symptoms, probing depth was no greater than 3 mm and radiographic examination showed no evidence of root resorption or periapical lesion

    Dental implants with versus without peri-implant bone defects treated with guided bone regeneration

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    Background: The guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique is highly successful for the treatment of peri-implant bone defects. The aim was to determine whether or not implants associated with GBR due to peri-implant defects show the same survival and success rates as implants placed in native bone without defects. Material and Methods: Patients with a minimum of two submerged dental implants: one suffering a dehiscence or fenestration defect during placement and undergoing simultaneous guided bone regeneration (test group), versus the other entirely surrounded by bone (control group) were treated and monitored annually for three years. Complications with the healing procedure, implant survival, implant success and peri-implant marginal bone loss were assessed. Statistical analysis was performed with non-parametric tests setting an alpha value of 0.05. Results: Seventy-two patients and 326 implants were included (142 test, 184 control). One hundred and twenty-five dehiscences (average height 1.92±1.11) and 18 fenestrations (average height 3.34±2.16) were treated. At 3 years post-loading, implant survival rates were 95.7% (test) and 97.3% (control) and implant success rates were 93.6% and 96.2%, respectively. Mean marginal bone loss was 0.54 (SD 0.26 mm) for the test group and 0.43 (SD 0.22 mm) for the control group. No statistically significant differences between both groups were found. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, implants with peri-implant defects treated with guided bone regeneration exhibited similar survival and success rates and peri-implant marginal bone loss to implants without those defects. Large-scale randomized controlled studies with longer follow-ups involving the assessment of esthetic parameters and hard and soft peri-implant tissue stability are neede

    Maxillary sinus lift performed using ultrasound. Evaluation of 21 patients

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sinus membrane perforations that occurred during a sinus lift procedure using the ultrasound technique, and to evaluate the bone gain obtained. Materials and methods: In 21 patients, 26 sinus lifts were performed using ultrasound and filled with bone graft material. The bone height and the bone gain obtained were observed in postoperative orthopantomographs, correcting for previous distortion. Results: Of the 26 maxillary sinus lifts, 4 Schneiderian membrane perforations were observed. The average bone height prior to the intervention was 3.5 mm (scale 0.6- 8.7 mm ) and the average postsurgical bone height was 10.8 mm (scale 7.5- 15.6 mm). An average bone gain of 7.2 mm was observed (range 2.5- 11.7 mm). Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, during ultrasound sinus lift, few Schneiderian membrane perforations occurred and all were small

    Vestibular bone window for the extraction of impacted lower third molars : four case reports

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    Four patients attending for the extraction of an impacted lower third molar are reported. The aim of this paper is was to describe a technical approach, which facilitates impacted lower third molar extraction, minimizing the ostectomy, thus reducing secondary postoperative manifestations and avoiding possible periodontal defects on the distal side of the second mandibular molar. To facilitate the extraction of the crown, roots or the complete molar, a small ostectomy in the form of a window can be made in the vestibular cortical, approaching the extraction through the resultant mesial space

    Influence of perforation of the sinus membrane on the survival rate of implants placed after direct sinus lift : literature update

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    The aim of this paper was to review the procedures adopted when a perforation of the sinus membrane takes place during a direct sinus lift for filling with bone graft; and the survival of implants in those cases in which perforation of the sinus membrane occurred. A bibliographical search in PUBMED was carried out of articles published from 1997 to 2008, with the key words ?sinus perforation? and ?membrane perforation?. All articles specifying the two following criteria were included: (a) procedure in the case of perforation of the sinus membrane during direct sinus lift; and (b) the number and survival rate of implants placed in direct sinus lift with perforated and non perforated membrane. Six articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In all the articles the sinus lift was continued when a perforation of the sinus membrane took place. In maxillary sinus lift procedures with perforation of the membrane a 88.6% implant survival rate was obtained, and in maxillary sinus lifts with intact membrane the survival rate rose to 98%. In case of small perforation of the sinus membrane, it is possible to continue with the procedure; there is no consensus on the procedure when a perforated membrane is to be repaired, but the method of choice according to the majority of authors is to use a resorbable membrane. In the case of large perforation, there is no consensus either, although the majority of authors choose to abandon the procedure. The survival of the implants diminishes when they are placed in sinus lifts with perforated membrane

    State of the art and clinical recommendations in periapical implant lesions. 9th Mozo-Grau Ticare Conference in Quintanilla, Spain

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    This manuscript summarizes the statements and clinical recommendations in periapical implant lesions, as per the state of the art and expert opinion agreement among the participants in the 9th Mozo-Grau Conference 2016 held in Quintanilla (Valladolid, Spain). The current status of the concept, frequency, etiology, diagnosis, clinical classification, surgical procedure and prognosis are described. If following implant placement localized pain develops in the periapical area, with or without radiographic changes, the diagnosis of periapical implant lesion should be suspected. It is important to monitor the condition in order to identify any change in its evolution. Radiological changes in the periapical radiographs are not always manifest in the early stages, and in this regard small-volume cone beam computed tomography can help us visualize such peri-implant changes. The early diagnosis of periapical implant lesions during the osseointegration phase and the provision of early treatment result in increased implant survival rates, thereby avoiding the need for implant extraction

    The outcome of intraoral onlay block bone grafts on alveolar ridge augmentations: a systematic review

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to systematically review clinical studies examining the survival and success rates of implants placed with intraoral onlay autogenous bone grafts to answer the following question: do ridge augmentations procedures with intraoral onlay block bone grafts in conjunction with or prior to implant placement influence implant outcome when compared with a control group (guided bone regeneration, alveolar distraction, native bone or short dental implants.)? Material and Method: An electronic data banks and hand searching were used to find relevant articles on vertical and lateral augmentation procedures performed with intraoral onlay block bone grafts for dental implant therapy published up to October 2013. Publications in English, on human subjects, with a controlled study design –involv- ing at least one group with defects treated with intraoral onlay block bone grafts, more than five patients and a minimum follow-up of 12 months after prosthetic loading were included. Two reviewers extracted the data. Results: A total of 6 studies met the inclusion criteria: 4 studies on horizontal augmentation and 2 studies on vertical augmentation. Intraoperative complications were not reported. Most common postsurgical complications included mainly mucosal dehiscences (4 studies), bone graft or membrane exposures (3 studies), complete failures of block grafts (2 studies) and neurosensory alterations (4 studies). For lateral augmentation procedures, implant survival rates ranged from 96.9% to 100%, while for vertical augmentation they ranged from 89.5% to 100%. None article studied the soft tissues healing. Conclusions: Survival and success rates of implants placed in horizontally and vertically resorbed edentulous ridges reconstructed with block bone grafts are similar to those of implants placed in native bone, in distracted sites or with guided bone regeneration. More surgical challenges and morbidity arise from vertical augmentations, thus short implants may be a feasible optio