378 research outputs found

    Time Asymptotics for a Critical Case in Fragmentation and Growth-Fragmentation Equations

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    Fragmentation and growth-fragmentation equations is a family of problems with varied and wide applications. This paper is devoted to description of the long time time asymptotics of two critical cases of these equations, when the division rate is constant and the growth rate is linear or zero. The study of these cases may be reduced to the study of the following fragmentation equation:∂∂tu(t,x)+u(t,x)=∫_x∞k_0(xy)u(t,y)dy.\frac{\partial}{\partial t} u(t,x) + u(t,x)=\int\limits\_x^\infty k\_0(\frac{x}{y}) u(t,y) dy.Using the Mellin transform of the equation, we determine the long time behavior of the solutions. Our results show in particular the strong dependence of this asymptotic behavior with respect to the initial data

    Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the solutions to the fully parabolic Keller-Segel system in the plane

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    In the present article we consider several issues concerning the doubly parabolic Keller-Segel system in the plane, when the initial data belong to critical scaling-invariant Lebesgue spaces. More specifically, we analyze the global existence of integral solutions, their optimal time decay, uniqueness and positivity, together with the uniqueness of self-similar solutions. In particular, we prove that there exist integral solutions of any mass, provided that \e>0 is sufficiently large. With those results at hand, we are then able to study the large time behavior of global solutions and prove that in the absence of the degradation term the solutions behave like self-similar solutions, while in presence of the degradation term global solutions behave like the heat kernel

    Semi-group theory for the Stokes operator with Navier-type boundary conditions on LpL^{p}-spaces

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    In this article we consider the Stokes problem with Navier-type boundary conditions on a domain Ω\Omega, not necessarily simply connected. Since under these conditions the Stokes problem has a non trivial kernel, we also study the solutions lying in the orthogonal of that kernel. We prove the analyticity of several semigroups generated by the Stokes operator considered in different functional spaces. We obtain strong, weak and very weak solutions for the time dependent Stokes problem with the Navier-type boundary condition under different hypothesis on the initial data u0\boldsymbol{u}_0 and external force f\boldsymbol{f}. Then, we study the fractional and pure imaginary powers of several operators related with our Stokes operators. Using the fractional powers, we prove maximal regularity results for the homogeneous Stokes problem. On the other hand, using the boundedness of the pure imaginary powers we deduce maximal Lp−LqL^{p}-L^{q} regularity for the inhomogeneous Stokes problem
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