656 research outputs found

    A Second-Order Unsplit Godunov Scheme for Cell-Centered MHD: the CTU-GLM scheme

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    We assess the validity of a single step Godunov scheme for the solution of the magneto-hydrodynamics equations in more than one dimension. The scheme is second-order accurate and the temporal discretization is based on the dimensionally unsplit Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) method of Colella. The proposed scheme employs a cell-centered representation of the primary fluid variables (including magnetic field) and conserves mass, momentum, magnetic induction and energy. A variant of the scheme, which breaks momentum and energy conservation, is also considered. Divergence errors are transported out of the domain and damped using the mixed hyperbolic/parabolic divergence cleaning technique by Dedner et al. (J. Comput. Phys., 175, 2002). The strength and accuracy of the scheme are verified by a direct comparison with the eight-wave formulation (also employing a cell-centered representation) and with the popular constrained transport method, where magnetic field components retain a staggered collocation inside the computational cell. Results obtained from two- and three-dimensional test problems indicate that the newly proposed scheme is robust, accurate and competitive with recent implementations of the constrained transport method while being considerably easier to implement in existing hydro codes.Comment: 31 Pages, 16 Figures Accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physic

    High-order conservative finite difference GLM-MHD schemes for cell-centered MHD

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    We present and compare third- as well as fifth-order accurate finite difference schemes for the numerical solution of the compressible ideal MHD equations in multiple spatial dimensions. The selected methods lean on four different reconstruction techniques based on recently improved versions of the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes, monotonicity preserving (MP) schemes as well as slope-limited polynomial reconstruction. The proposed numerical methods are highly accurate in smooth regions of the flow, avoid loss of accuracy in proximity of smooth extrema and provide sharp non-oscillatory transitions at discontinuities. We suggest a numerical formulation based on a cell-centered approach where all of the primary flow variables are discretized at the zone center. The divergence-free condition is enforced by augmenting the MHD equations with a generalized Lagrange multiplier yielding a mixed hyperbolic/parabolic correction, as in Dedner et al. (J. Comput. Phys. 175 (2002) 645-673). The resulting family of schemes is robust, cost-effective and straightforward to implement. Compared to previous existing approaches, it completely avoids the CPU intensive workload associated with an elliptic divergence cleaning step and the additional complexities required by staggered mesh algorithms. Extensive numerical testing demonstrate the robustness and reliability of the proposed framework for computations involving both smooth and discontinuous features.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figure, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics (Aug 7 2009

    Linear stability analysis of magnetized relativistic jets: the nonrotating case

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    We perform a linear analysis of the stability of a magnetized relativistic non-rotating cylindrical flow in the aproximation of zero thermal pressure, considering only the m = 1 mode. We find that there are two modes of instability: Kelvin-Helmholtz and current driven. The Kelvin-Helmholtz mode is found at low magnetizations and its growth rate depends very weakly on the pitch parameter. The current driven modes are found at high magnetizations and the value of the growth rate and the wavenumber of the maximum increase as we decrease the pitch parameter. In the relativistic regime the current driven mode is splitted in two branches, the branch at high wavenumbers is characterized by the eigenfunction concentrated in the jet core, the branch at low wavenumbers is instead characterized by the eigenfunction that extends outside the jet velocity shear region.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Linear and nonlinear evolution of current-carrying highly magnetized jets

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    We investigate the linear and nonlinear evolution of current-carrying jets in a periodic configuration by means of high resolution three-dimensional numerical simulations. The jets under consideration are strongly magnetized with a variable pitch profile and initially in equilibrium under the action of a force-free magnetic field. The growth of current-driven (CDI) and Kelvin-Helmholtz (KHI) instabilities is quantified using three selected cases corresponding to static, Alfvenic and super-Alfvenic jets. During the early stages, we observe large-scale helical deformations of the jet corresponding to the growth of the initially excited CDI mode. A direct comparison between our simulation results and the analytical growth rates obtained from linear theory reveals good agreement on condition that high-resolution and accurate discretization algorithms are employed. After the initial linear phase, the jet structure is significantly altered and, while slowly-moving jets show increasing helical deformations, larger velocity shear are violently disrupted on a few Alfven crossing time leaving a turbulent flow structure. Overall, kinetic and magnetic energies are quickly dissipated into heat and during the saturated regime the jet momentum is redistributed on a larger surface area with most of the jet mass travelling at smaller velocities. The effectiveness of this process is regulated by the onset of KHI instabilities taking place at the jet/ambient interface and can be held responsible for vigorous jet braking and entrainment.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    On the convergence of Magnetorotational turbulence in stratified isothermal shearing boxes

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    We consider the problem of convergence in stratified isothermal shearing boxes with zero net magnetic flux. We present results with the highest resolution to-date--up to 200 grid-point per pressure scale height--that show no clear evidence of convergence. Rather, the Maxwell stresses continue to decrease with increasing resolution. We propose some possible scenarios to explain the lack of convergence based on multi-layer dynamo systems.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Fully Convective Magnetorotational Turbulence in Stratified Shearing Boxes

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    We present a numerical study of turbulence and dynamo action in stratified shearing boxes with zero magnetic flux. We assume that the fluid obeys the perfect gas law and has finite (constant) thermal diffusivity. We choose radiative boundary conditions at the vertical boundaries in which the heat flux is propor- tional to the fourth power of the temperature. We compare the results with the corresponding cases in which fixed temperature boundary conditions are applied. The most notable result is that the formation of a fully convective state in which the density is nearly constant as a function of height and the heat is transported to the upper and lower boundaries by overturning motions is robust and persists even in cases with radiative boundary conditions. Interestingly, in the convective regime, although the diffusive transport is negligible the mean stratification does not relax to an adiabatic state.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Magnetic Helicities and Dynamo Action in Magneto-rotationally Driven Turbulence

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    We examine the relationship between magnetic flux generation, taken as an indicator of large-scale dynamo action, and magnetic helicity, computed as an integral over the dynamo volume, in a simple dynamo. We consider dynamo action driven by Magneto-Rotational Turbulence (MRT) within the shearing-box approximation. We consider magnetically open boundary conditions that allow a flux of helicity in or out of the computational domain. We circumvent the problem of the lack of gauge invariance in open domains by choosing a particular gauge -- the winding gauge -- that provides a natural interpretation in terms of average winding number of pairwise field lines. We use this gauge precisely to define and measure the helicity and helicity flux for several realizations of dynamo action. We find in these cases, that the system as a whole does not break reflectional symmetry and the total helicity remains small even in cases when substantial magnetic flux is generated. We find no particular connection between the generation of magnetic flux and the helicity or the helicity flux through the boundaries. We suggest that this result may be due to the essentially nonlinear nature of the dynamo processes in MRT.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, ApJ accepte

    Making Fanaroff-Riley I radio sources. Numerical Hydrodynamic 3D Simulations of Low Power Jets

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    Extragalactic radio sources have been classified into two classes, Fanaroff-Riley I and II, which differ in morphology and radio power. Strongly emitting sources belong to the edge-brightened FR II class, and weakly emitting sources to the edge-darkened FR I class. The origin of this dichotomy is not yet fully understood. Numerical simulations are successful in generating FR II morphologies, but they fail to reproduce the diffuse structure of FR Is. By means of hydro-dynamical 3D simulations of supersonic jets, we investigate how the displayed morphologies depend on the jet parameters. Bow shocks and Mach disks at the jet head, which are probably responsible for the hot spots in the FR II sources, disappear for a jet kinetic power L_kin < 10^43 erg/s. This threshold compares favorably with the luminosity at which the FR I/FR II transition is observed. The problem is addressed by numerical means carrying out 3D HD simulations of supersonic jets that propagate in a non-homogeneous medium with the ambient temperature that increases with distance from the jet origin, which maintains constant pressure. The jet energy in the lower power sources, instead of being deposited at the terminal shock, is gradually dissipated by the turbulence. The jets spread out while propagating, and they smoothly decelerate while mixing with the ambient medium and produce the plumes characteristic of FR I objects. Three-dimensionality is an essential ingredient to explore the FR I evolution because the properties of turbulence in two and three dimensions are very different, since there is no energy cascade to small scales in two dimensions, and two-dimensional simulations with the same parameters lead to FRII-like behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, to appear on A&

    Numerical Simulations of Torsional Alfv\'en Waves in Axisymmetric Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes

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    We investigate numerically Alfv\'en waves propagating along an axisymmetric and non-isothermal solar flux tube embedded in the solar atmosphere. The tube magnetic field is current-free and diverges with height, and the waves are excited by a periodic driver along the tube magnetic field lines. The main results are that the two wave variables, the velocity and magnetic field perturbations in the azimuthal direction, behave differently as a result of gradients of physical parameters along the tube. To explain these differences in the wave behavior, the time evolution of the wave variables and the resulting cutoff period for each wave variable are calculated, and used to determine regions in the solar chromosphere where strong wave reflection may occur.Comment: Submitted to Solar Physics (accepted