75 research outputs found

    Density and community structure of soil- and bark-dwelling microarthropods along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical montane rainforest

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    Microarthropod communities in the soil and on the bark of trees were investigated along an elevation gradient (1,850, 2,000, 2,150, 2,300 m) in a tropical montane rain forest in southern Ecuador. We hypothesised that the density of microarthropods declines with depth in soil and increases with increasing altitude mainly due to the availability of resources, i.e. organic matter. In addition, we expected bark and soil communities to differ strongly, since the bark of trees is more exposed to harsher factors. In contrast to our hypothesis, the density of major microarthropod groups (Collembola, Oribatida, Gamasina, Uropodina) was generally low and decreased with altitude. However, as we predicted the density of each of the groups decreased with soil depth. Density of microarthropods on tree bark was lower than in soil. Overall, 43 species of oribatid mites were found, with the most abundant higher taxa being Poronota, pycnonotic Apheredermata, Mixonomata and Eupheredermata. The oribatid mite community on bark did not differ significantly from that in soil. The number of oribatid mite species declined with altitude (24, 23, 17 and 13 species at 1,850, 2,000, 2,150 and 2,300 m, respectively). Rarefaction curves indicate that overall about 50 oribatid mite species are to be expected along the studied altitudinal gradient. Results of this study indicate (1) that microarthropods may be limited by the quality of resources at high altitudes and by the amount of resources at deeper soil layers, and (2) that the bark of trees and the soil are habitats of similar quality for oribatid mites

    Thermochemistry in the system Cu In S at 298 K

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    Thermochemistry in the system Cu In S at 723 K

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    Chemical stability of CuInS2 in oxygen at 298 K

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    A thermochemical analysis is performed in the quaternary system Cu In S O at 298 K, including the respective four ternaries. The Cu In phase diagram is updated with respect to the new experimental as well as to the new thermochemical results in the literature. Free energies of In6S7, In2.8S4, CuIn2, and Cu2In2O5 have been estimated. Consistent sets of data are used for the calculations of the ternary systems with the program THERMO, and the results are used to calculate the quaternary tetrahedron Cu In S O with the program THERMOQ; the algorithm is given. Twelve quaternary two phase equilibria have been found. They are used to calculate predominance area diagrams of the quaternary system with the program STADIAQ for different oxygen partial pressures. The algorithm of this program is given. From these diagrams it becomes obvious that CuInS2 is unstable in air and even in UHV systems and should react to form In 2 SO4 3 and Cu2S at oxygen pressures larger than log p pascal 51.5. The results are useful for research in fields such as oxidation and crystal growth of CuInS2 and for development of processes for producing this compoun