57 research outputs found
Coidempotent subcoalgebras and short exact sequences of finitary 2-representations
In this article, we study short exact sequences of finitary 2-representations of a weakly fiat 2-category. We provide a correspondence between such short exact sequences with fixed middle term and coidempotent subcoalgebras of a coalgebra 1-morphism defining this middle term. We additionally relate these to recollements of the underlying abelian 2-representations
Additive versus abelian 2-representations of fiat 2-categories
We study connections between additive and abelian 2-rep- resentations of fiat 2-categories, describe combinatorics of 2-categories in terms of multisemigroups and determine the annihilator of a cell 2- representation. We also describe, in detail, examples of fiat 2-categories associated to sl2-categorification in the sense of Chuang and Rouquier, and 2-categorical analogues of Schur algebras
Transitive 2-representations of finitary 2-categories
In this article, we define and study the class of simple transitive -representations of finitary -categories. We prove a weak version of the classical Jordan-H{\"o}lder Theorem where the weak composition subquotients are given by simple transitive -representations. For a large class of finitary -categories we prove that simple transitive -representations are exhausted by cell -representations. Finally, we show that this large class contains finitary quotients of -Kac-Moody algebras
Crystals and affine Hecke algebras of type D
The Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon-Ariki theory asserts that the K-group of the
representations of the affine Hecke algebras of type A is isomorphic to the
algebra of functions on the maximal unipotent subgroup of the group associated
with a Lie algebra where is or the affine Lie algebra
, and the irreducible representations correspond to the upper
global bases. Recently, N. Enomoto and the first author presented the notion of
symmetric crystals and formulated analogous conjectures for the affine Hecke
algebras of type B. In this note, we present similar conjectures for certain
classes of irreducible representations of affine Hecke algebras of type D. The
crystal for type D is a double cover of the one for type B.Comment: 8 page
Serre functors for Lie algebras and superalgebras
We propose a new realization, using Harish-Chandra bimodules, of the Serre
functor for the BGG category associated to a semi-simple complex
finite dimensional Lie algebra. We further show that our realization carries
over to classical Lie superalgebras in many cases. Along the way we prove that
category and its parabolic generalizations for classical Lie
superalgebras are categories with full projective functors. As an application
we prove that in many cases the endomorphism algebra of the basic
projective-injective module in (parabolic) category for classical
Lie superalgebras is symmetric. As a special case we obtain that in these cases
the algebras describing blocks of the category of finite dimensional modules
are symmetric. We also compute the latter algebras for the superalgebra
.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier in 201
Hochschild cohomology of polynomial representations of GL2
We compute the Hochschild cohomology algebras of Ringel-self-dual blocks of polynomial representations of GL2 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>2 , that is, of any block whose number of simple modules is a power of p>2. These algebras are finite-dimensional and we provide an explicit description of their bases and multiplications
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