13 research outputs found

    The occurrence of fungi on roots and stem bases of common wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare L.) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown under two levels of chemical protection

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    Investigations were carried out in 2007-2009 on the plots of the Felin Experimental Station belonging to the University of Life Science in Lublin. The studies comprised two cultivation lines of durum wheat (Triticum durum L.): STH 716 and STH 717, as well as the 'Tonacja' cultivar of common wheat (T. aestivum ssp. vulgare L.). Two levels of chemical protection were applied in the cultivation: minimal and complex protection. Infection of wheat roots and stem bases was recorded in each growing season at hard dough stage (87 in Tottman's scale, 1987). After three years of study, the mean disease indexes for the analyzed wheat genotypes in the experimental treatment with minimal protection were 31.13, 30.43 and 38.83 for, respectively, the 'Tonacja' cultivar and the cultivation lines of T. durum STH 716 and STH 717. In the experimental combination with complex protection, after three years of study the disease indexes ranged from 25.26 (T. durum STH 716) to 30.83 (T. durum STH 717). The results of mycological analysis of diseased plants showed that Fusarium spp., especially F. culmorum, F. avenaceum as well as Bipolaris sorokiniana and Rhizoctonia solani, caused root rot and necrosis of wheat stem bases. The analyzed chemical protection levels did not significantly influence grain yield of the investigated genotypes of T. aestivum and T. durum

    Evaluation of Atherosclerotic Risk Factors in Patients with Essential Hypertension and Coronary Arteries Disease with or without Renal Artery Stenosis

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    Wstęp Zwężenie tętnicy nerkowej wywołane zmianami miażdżycowymi często współistnieje ze zmianami o tym samym charakterze w obrębie aorty, tętnic wieńcowych, tętnic szyjnych czy tętnic kończyn dolnych. Podobnie jak u pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, również u osób z miażdżycowym zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej podkreśla się znacznie czynników ryzyka rozwoju miażdżycy. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia homocysteiny oraz innych czynników ryzyka rozwoju miażdżycy u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i chorobą wieńcową bez zwężenia oraz ze zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej. Oceniono również częstość zmian miażdżycowych w obrębie tętnic nerkowych u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym współistniejącym z chorobą wieńcową. Podjęto również próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, u których pacjentów poddawanych koronarografii szczególnie uzasadnione jest wykonanie arteriografii tętnic nerkowych. Materiał i metody Badaniami objęto 282 chorych w wieku 26&#8211;82 lat z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i współistniejącą chorobą wieńcową, u których wykonano w tym samym czasie koronarografię i arteriografię tętnic nerkowych. Wszystkim chorym pobrano krew w celu oceny biochemicznych czynników ryzyka miażdżycy, między innymi homocysteiny. Wyniki W badanej grupie 282 chorych było 200 (70,9%) mężczyzn i 82 (21,9%) kobiety. Zwężenie tętnicy nerkowej powyżej 50% światła tętnicy stwierdzono u 29 (10,3%) pacjentów, z czego u 7 (2,5%) chorych - zwężenie obu tętnic nerkowych. Pacjenci ze zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej charakteryzowali się wyższym stężeniem kreatyniny w osoczu (142,0 &plusmn; 59,2 mg% vs. 111,0 &plusmn; 28,1 mg%, p < 0,001). Również stężenie fibrynogenu w osoczu było wyższe w grupie ze zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej i wynosiło odpowiednio (399,9 &plusmn; 113,9 mg% vs. 352,2 &plusmn; 103,8 mg%, p < 0,05). Średnie stężenie homocysteiny w osoczu było wyższe u chorych ze zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej i wynosiło (14,1 &plusmn; 5,4 &#956;mol/l vs. 11,9 &plusmn; 4,5 &#956;mol/l, p < 0,05). Wielonaczyniowa choroba wieńcowa częściej występowała u pacjentów ze zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej (72,4% vs. 51,4%, p < 0,05). Wnioski Zwężenia tętnicy nerkowej w badanej grupie chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i chorobą wieńcową stwierdzono u 10,3% pacjentów. Wykazano, że obecność, zwłaszcza wielonaczyniowych, zmian miażdżycowych w obrębie tętnic wieńcowych jest czynnikiem, który może wskazywać na współistnienie zwężenia tętnicy nerkowej. Stężenie homocysteiny i fibrynogenu w osoczu było statystycznie znamiennie wyższe u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym, chorobą wieńcową i zwężeniem tętnicy nerkowej. Może to wskazywać na potencjalny udział obydwu czynników ryzyka miażdżycy w rozwoju zwężenia tętnicy nerkowej.Background Renal artery stenosis of atherosclerotic origin frequently coexists with atherosclerotic lesions in other vascular beds (aorta, coronary, carotid and peripheral arteries). Several risk factors contribute to the development of coronary artery disease as well as of renal artery stenosis. The aim of the study was to evaluate atherosclerotic risk factors in patients with essential hypertension and coronary disease with or without renal artery stenosis. The frequency of renal artery stenosis in patients with essential hypertension associated with coronary artery disease was estimated as well. Material and methods Coronary and renal arteriographies were performed at the same time in 282 patients (200 male, 82 female, age range: 26&#8211;82 years) with essential hypertension hypertension associated with coronary artery disease. The patients underwent clinical and biochemical evaluations. Results Renal artery stenosis was diagnosed in 29 patients (10.3% of the studied group). Patients with renal artery stenosis were characterized by higher plasma concentrations: creatinine (142.0 &plusmn; 59.2 mg% vs 111.0 &plusmn; 28.1 mg%, p < 0.001), fibrinogen (399.9 &plusmn; 113.9 mg% vs 352.2 &plusmn; 103.8 mg%, p < 0.05) and homocysteine (14.1 &plusmn; 5.4 &#956;mol/l vs 11.9 &plusmn; 4.5 &#956;mol/l, p < 0.05) as compared to patients without renal artery stenosis. Multi-vessel disease was more frequent among patients with renal artery stenosis (72.4% vs 51.4%, p < 0.05). Conclusions Renal artery stenosis was diagnosed in 10.3% of patients with essential hypertension and coronary artery disease. Atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries, especially multi-vessel disease, may indicate increased risk of coexisting renal artery stenosis. Our results indicate that fibrinogen and homocysteine, established atherosclerotic risk factors, may play a role in the development of renal artery stenosis

    Fusarium Head Blight, Mycotoxins and Strategies for Their Reduction

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of microscopic fungi, which commonly contaminate cereal grains. Contamination of small-grain cereals and maize with toxic metabolites of fungi, both pathogenic and saprotrophic, is one of the particularly important problems in global agriculture. Fusarium species are among the dangerous cereal pathogens with a high toxicity potential. Secondary metabolites of these fungi, such as deoxynivalenol, zearalenone and fumonisin B1 are among five most important mycotoxins on a European and world scale. The use of various methods to limit the development of Fusarium cereal head diseases and grain contamination with mycotoxins, before and after harvest, is an important element of sustainable agriculture and production of safe food. The applied strategies utilize chemical and non-chemical methods, including agronomic, physical and biological treatments. Biological methods now occupy a special place in plant protection as an element of biocontrol of fungal pathogens by inhibiting their development and reducing mycotoxins in grain. According to the literature, Good Agricultural Practices are the best line of defense for controlling Fusarium toxin contamination of cereal and maize grains. However, fluctuations in weather conditions can significantly reduce the effectiveness of plants protection methods against infection with Fusarium spp. and grain accumulation of mycotoxins

    Pathogenicity of Fusarium crookwellense Burgess, Nelson and Toussoun to 12 genotypes of oat (Avena sativa l.).

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    Within the years 2002-2004 12 genotypes of oat (Bachmat, Budrys, Bohun, Chwat, Cwał, Deresz, Hetman, Rajtar, Sam, Szakal, STH 5501, STH 5601) were examined to determine their susceptibility to Fusarium crookwellense. The examination was led under field conditions of Zamość region (south - eastern part of Poland),. Both oat grains and soil were inoculated with Fusarium crookwellense nr 47, what caused a reduction in numbers of seedlings - from 24.6% (cv. Bohun) to 52.9% (cv. Sam); plants before harvest - from 11.6 (cv. Bohun) to 68% (cv. Sam)..

    Reaction of Oat Genotypes to Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc. Infection and Mycotoxin Concentrations in Grain

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    Fusarium head blight and the contamination of cereals with toxic fungal metabolites are particularly important problems in global agriculture. The increasingly frequent isolation of F. equiseti from cereal grain and the sparse information in the literature on the harmfulness of this fungus to oat encouraged us to conduct the present research. The aim of the study was to determine the susceptibility of oat genotypes to panicle infection by F. equiseti and mycotoxin content in the grain. Field experiments involving 10 oat genotypes were conducted over three years (2015&ndash;2017). Oat panicles were inoculated with a conidial suspension of F. equiseti, which reduced the kernels yield by 38.34%, the number of kernels per panicle by 31.16% and 1000 kernels weight by 12.66%. F. equiseti accumulated type A trichothecenes (T-2 and HT-2 toxins, scirpentriol, diacetoxyscirpenol, T-2 triol, T-2 tetraol) and type B trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol, 3Ac-DON, 15Ac-DON, nivalenol, fusarenone X) in kernels at an average level of 0.0616 and 0.2035 mg&middot;kg&minus;1, respectively. The highest susceptibility to scabs caused by F. equiseti was found for genotype POB 4901/10, whereas cv. Elegant exhibited the highest resistance to F. equiseti in terms of yield reduction after inoculation

    Reaction of Oat Genotypes to <i>Fusarium equiseti</i> (Corda) Sacc. Infection and Mycotoxin Concentrations in Grain

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    Fusarium head blight and the contamination of cereals with toxic fungal metabolites are particularly important problems in global agriculture. The increasingly frequent isolation of F. equiseti from cereal grain and the sparse information in the literature on the harmfulness of this fungus to oat encouraged us to conduct the present research. The aim of the study was to determine the susceptibility of oat genotypes to panicle infection by F. equiseti and mycotoxin content in the grain. Field experiments involving 10 oat genotypes were conducted over three years (2015–2017). Oat panicles were inoculated with a conidial suspension of F. equiseti, which reduced the kernels yield by 38.34%, the number of kernels per panicle by 31.16% and 1000 kernels weight by 12.66%. F. equiseti accumulated type A trichothecenes (T-2 and HT-2 toxins, scirpentriol, diacetoxyscirpenol, T-2 triol, T-2 tetraol) and type B trichothecenes (deoxynivalenol, 3Ac-DON, 15Ac-DON, nivalenol, fusarenone X) in kernels at an average level of 0.0616 and 0.2035 mg·kg−1, respectively. The highest susceptibility to scabs caused by F. equiseti was found for genotype POB 4901/10, whereas cv. Elegant exhibited the highest resistance to F. equiseti in terms of yield reduction after inoculation

    Incidence of oat scab in 2013 and pathogenicity of Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb. to selected cultivars

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    W 2013 roku na polach Hodowli Roślin Strzelce, Sp. z o.o., grupa IHAR określono udział wiech z objawami fuzariozy dla 12 odmian owsa. W laboratorium przeprowadzono analizę mykologiczną ziarniaków i plew pochodzących z wiech z objawami chorobowymi z wykorzystaniem pożywki mineralnej. Procent wiech z objawami fuzariozy wahał się od 0,25% do 2,0%. Za główną przyczynę fuzariozy wiech owsa uznano gatunki Fusarium culmorum i F. poae. Ponadto z porażonych ziarniaków uzyskiwano gatunki F. sporotrichioides i F. oxysporum. Badania szkodliwości F. sporotrichioides dla owsa przeprowadzono w 2013 roku na polach doświadczalnych w okolicach Zamościa, na podstawie ścisłego doświadczenia polowego ze sztucznym zakażaniem wiech w fazie kwitnienia. Materiał infekcyjny stanowiła zawiesina zarodników F. sporotrichioides nr 88 o zagęszczeniu 5 × 105 × 1 ml-1. Szkodliwość F. sporotrichioides dla analizowanych odmian owsa określano na podstawie ubytku liczby ziarniaków w wiesze, plonu ziarna z 40 wiech (4×10 wiech) oraz masy 1000 ziaren. Ubytek liczby ziarniaków w wiesze, w wyniku sztucznego zakażania przez F. sporotrichioides wynosił od 0,5% (Arden) do 75,1% (Contender). W przypadku odmiany Arden nie zanotowano ubytku plonu ziarna w wyniku inokulacji wiech przez F. sporotrichioides, zaś u pozostałych odmian redukcja plonu ziarna wynosiła od 24,0% (Komfort) do 79,5% (Contender). Natomiast obniżka MTZ wynosiła od 0,1% (Arden) do 22,6% (Flämingsgold).The incidence of panicles with scab symptoms was assessed in 12 oat cultivars in the fields of Strzelce Plant Breeding Company IHAR group in 2013. The mycological analysis of grain and chaff separated from panicles with disease symptoms was made in the laboratory using a mineral medium. The percentage of panicles with scab symptoms ranged from 0.25% to 2.0%. The species Fusarium culmorum and F. poae were the main causal agents of Fusarium oat scab. Fusarium sporotrichioides and F. oxysporum were also isolated from infected kernels. A study of pathogenicity of F. sporotrichioides to oat was carried out in the experimental plots in Zamość region (southeastern Poland). Oat panicles were inoculated during flowering. The infectious material was a suspension of conidia of F. sporotrichioides no. 88 with a density of 5 × 105 spores per 1 ml. The pathogenicity of F. sporotrichioides to analyzed oat genotypes was determined on the basis of the reduction in the number of kernels per panicle, kernels yield from 40 panicles (4 × 10 panicles) and 1000 kernels weight. The reduction in the number of kernels in panicle as a result of inoculation of panicles with F. sporotrichioides ranged from 0.5% (Arden) to 75.1% (Contender). In the case of cv. Arden the reduction in kernels yield was not detected and in the case of other cultivars it ranged from 24.0% (Komfort) to 79.5% (Contender). The reduction in 1000 kernels weight ranged from 0.1% (Arden) to 22.6% (Flämingsgold)

    The Influence of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai T-22 and Other Biostimulants on Rhizosphere Beneficial Microorganisms of Carrot

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    The principles of good agricultural and horticultural practice, which consider both giving environmental protection and high yielding of plants, require modern cultivation methods. Modern cultivation of horticultural plants uses, for example, cover crops, living mulches, plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPMs), plant growth regulators (PGRs) and other biostimulants protecting the soil against degradation and plants against phytopathogens and stress. The purpose of field and laboratory studies was to determine the effect of Trianum P (containing Trichoderma harzianum Rifai T-22 spores), Beta-Chikol (a.s.&mdash;chitosan), Timorex Gold 24 EC (based on tea tree oil) and fungicide Zaprawa Nasienna T 75 DS/WS (a.s.&mdash;tiuram 75%) on the health of carrot (Daucus carota L.) plants and the microorganism population in the rhizosphere of this plant. Moreover, the antagonistic effect of rhizosphere fungi on selected carrot fungal pathogens was determined. Laboratory mycological analysis allowed one to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of fungi colonizing the underground parts of carrot plants. In addition, the total population of fungi and bacteria was determined (including Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp.) based on the microbiological analysis of the rhizosphere soil. The application of the plant growth-promoting fungus (Trichoderma harzianum T-22), chitosan and tea tree oil positively influenced the growth, development and health status of carrot plants. T. harzianum T-22, chitosan and fungicide most effectively protected carrots against infection by soil-borne fungi from the genus Alternaria, Fusarium, Haematonectria, Sclerotinia and Rhizoctonia. The rhizosphere population of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. in the treatments with Trianum P or Zaprawa Nasienna T 75 DS/WS was bigger than in the other experimental treatments. A reverse relationship was observed in the population of rhizosphere fungi. T. harzianum T-22, chitosan and tea tree oil promoted the growth of antagonistic fungi (Albifimbria sp., Clonostachys sp., Penicillium sp., Talaromyces sp. and Trichoderma sp.) in the carrot rhizosphere. Antagonistic activity of these fungi towards Alternaria dauci, Alternaria radicina, Sclerotiniasclerotiorum and Rhizoctonia solani was higher after the application of the preparations compared to control. Consequently, Trianum P, Beta-Chikol and Timorex Gold 24 EC can be recommended as plant biostimulants in ecological agricultural production, including Daucus carota cultivation

    Zdobienie ciała personelu medycznego w opiniach pacjentów / Body modification of the medical staff in patients’ opinions

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    Ocena wizerunku pracowników ochrony zdrowia dokonuje się zwykle przez pryzmat wiedzy i umiejętności zapewniających skuteczność terapii, poziom empatii oraz jakość relacji interpersonalnych z pacjentem. W prezentowanych badaniach zwrócono jednak uwagę na jeden z elementów wyglądu pracowników: widoczne sposoby zdobienia ciała. Zjawisko to jest przedmiotem licznych badań socjologicznych, psychologicznych i epidemiologicznych. Materiał i metody. Badania sondażowe przeprowadzono w okresie wrzesień-grudzień 2016 roku w placówkach służby zdrowia Lublina i Białej Podlaskiej. Autorskie kwestionariusze ankiety wypełniło 102 pacjentów poddawanych rehabilitacji. Wyniki. Stopień akceptacji zdobień ciała personelu, mierzony według pięciostopniowej skali Likerta istotnie (p <0.05) zależał od wieku, posiadania ozdób przez respondentów oraz ocenianego rodzaju zdobień, płci i ocenianej specjalności medycznej. Mediana stopnia akceptacji zdobień ciała personelu wyniosła 0 pkt. Wnioski. Co trzeci respondent nie akceptował zdobień ciała u personelu medycznego, co może wpływać na budowanie negatywnego wizerunku zawodu medycznego. Prezentowane wyniki sugerują potrzebę dalszych badań nad wpływem zdobień na jakość relacji interpersonalnych w terapii.In the presented research, the emphasis was put on one of the elements of employees appearance: visible ways of decorating the body. Material and methods. Surveys were conducted in September-December 2016 in health care institutions of Lublin and Biala Podlaska (Poland). 102 patients undergoing rehabilitation answered authorized survey questionnaires. Results. The degree of acceptance of body modification of the medical staff, measured according to the Likert scale of 5 was significantly dependent on age, if the respodents had body decorations themselves, and the type of decor, gender, and the assessed medical specialization. The median degree of acceptance of the body alteration of the medical personnel was 0 points. Conclusions. One third of the respondents did not accept the body alterations of the medical staff, which may have contributed to the negative image of the medical profession in general. The presented results suggest the need for further research