12 research outputs found

    Application of Phytoremediation in Restoring Sustainable Development to the Environment: Economic and Soil Conditions

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    The quality of soils as found in the Voivodeship of Łódź was analyzed from the point of view of potential application of the phytoremediation method, taking into account subdivision by heavy metals found in the soils as well as their origins and properties. Grades of soil purity are presented and border values of heavy metal content were identified.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie priorytetowych zagadnień i powiązań, dotyczących ekonomicznych i glebowych uwarunkowań zastosowania technologii fitoremediacji w przywracaniu zrównoważonego rozwoju środowiska. Analizie poddano zasadność stosowania fitoremediacji w przywracaniu zrównoważonego środowiska jako metody alternatywnej do kosztownej rekultywacji terenów w celu usuwania zanieczyszczeń, które jest niewykonalne do przeprowadzenia na dużych areałach. Wykazano opłacalność stosowania fitoremediacji w odzyskiwaniu pierwiastków śladowych z gleby w procesie phytominingu. Przeanalizowano jakość gleb występujących w województwie łódzkim w aspekcie potencjalnego zastosowania metody fitoremediacji z uwzględnieniem podziału metali ciężkich zawartych w glebach uwzględniający ich pochodzenie oraz właściwości. Przedstawiono klasy czystości gleb i wyznaczone w nich graniczne zawartości metali ciężkich

    Sustainable Energy Crop Production in Poland: Perspectives

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    In the context of achieving the targets of the energy economy, Poland’s demand for bioenergy is stimulated by several factors, including the biomass potential of agricultural cultivation. The objective of this article is to indicate perspectives for the sustainable production of energy crops in Poland through the production of total biomass as the main renewable source of energy utilized in the countries of Europe and supported by Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 23, 2009 on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources, currently in force. The most important reasons for promoting the production of plant biomass for energy purposes is the desire to work against climate change and reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. This article indicates the significant role of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in biofuels and their production. Note is also taken of agro- climatic and soil conditions for the production of biomass in Poland as well as the economic aspects using the Agricultural Production Space Valuation Ratio (APSVR).Zapotrzebowanie w Polsce na bioenergię w kontekście realizacji celów gospodarki energetycznej jest stymulowane przez szereg czynników, w tym potencjał biomasy pochodzący z upraw rolniczych. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na perspektywę zrównoważonej produkcji roślin energetycznych w Polsce poprzez produkcję całkowitej biomasy jako głównego odnawialnego źródła energii wykorzystywanego w krajach Europy, a wspieranego przez obecnie obowiązującą Dyrektywę Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2009/28/WE z dnia 23 kwietnia 2009 r. w sprawie promowania stosowania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych (OŹE). Najistotniejszymi powodami promowania produkcji biomasy roślinnej na cele energetyczne jest chęć przeciwdziałania zmianom klimatycznym i redukcja emisji gazów cieplarnianych. W artykule wskazano na znaczną rolę analizy LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) dla biopaliw i ich produkcji. Zwrócono uwagę na warunki agroklimatyczne i glebowe uwarunkowania produkcji biomasy w Polsce oraz ekonomiczny aspekt jakim jest wskaźnik waloryzacji rolniczej przestrzeni produkcyjnej (WWRPP)

    Use of Sewage Sludge in the Production of Plant Biomass for Energy: Biological and Economic Conditions

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    The goal of this article is a presentation of the legal, biological, and economic conditions of energy production using biomass, especially taking into account the application of sewage sludge certified for natural use in agriculture. Any increase in the production of biomass necessitates the introduction of cheap and highly-efficient plant production technologies that are environmentally- friendly. Use of certified sewage sludge can increase the economic efficiency of energy crops and have a beneficial impact on the environment.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie prawnych, biologicznych i ekonomicznych uwarunkowań produkcji energii z biomasy roślinnej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zastosowania osadów ściekowych mających certyfikat przyrodniczego wykorzystania w rolnictwie. Zwiększenie produkcji biomasy wymaga wprowadzenia tanich i wysokowydajnych technologii produkcji roślin przyjaznych środowisku. Zastosowanie certyfikowanych osadów ściekowych zwiększa efektywność ekonomiczną upraw energetycznych i korzystnie wpływa na środowisko

    Biomass Production of Selected Energy Plants: Economic Analysis and Logistic Strategies

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    The objective of this article is the conducting of an analysis of the production of selected energy plants that are already a basic source of agrobiomass in Poland. The analysis looks at environmental aspects and production conditions for biomass designated for energy for the Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita), common osier (Salix viminalis), silver-grass (Miscanthus x giganteus), and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). What is presented is an economic analysis of the production of selected energy plants, taking into account the costs of establishing plantations and their cost effectiveness. Moreover, logistic strategies for the delivery of biomass intended to secure continuous production of renewable energy as a part of sustainable development is signaled.Celem nieniejszego artykułu było przeprowadzenie analizy produkcji wybranych roślin energetycznych, które w Polsce są już podstawowym źródłem agrobiomasy. W treści analiza zawierała aspekty środowiskowe i uwarunkowania produkcji biomasy na cele energetyczne dla ślazowca pensylwańskiego (Sida hermaphrodita), wierzby wiciowej z rodzaju Salix,i miskanta olbrzymiego (Miscanthus x giganteus) i prosa rózgowatego (Panicum virgatum). Przedstawiono analizę ekonomiczną produkcji wybranych roślin energetycznych z uwzględnieniem kosztów plantacji i ich opłacalności oraz zasygnalizowano strategie logistyczne dla dostaw biomasy w celu zabezpieczenia stałej produkcji energii odnawialnej w zrównoważonym rozwoju

    Maximal Efficiency of PSII as a Marker of Sorghum Development Fertilized With Waste From a Biomass Biodigestion to Methane

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    The aim of experiments was to investigate a maximal efficiency of PSII, as a marker indicating growth, vigor, energetic value and physiological activity of sorghum fertilized with wastes from a biomass biodigestion to methane in a distillery integrated with a biogas plant using corn grains as substrate. The sorghum plants grown outdoor in different climate and in pots and in field were fertilized with different doses of the waste or Apol-humus – a soil improver and Stymjod – a nano-organic-mineral fertilizer. The maximal efficiency of PSII, in comparison with plant growth and health, chlorophyll content, gas exchange, activity of selected enzymes, element content in leaves and energetic value were studied. The wastes applied to soil resulted in increased maximal efficiency of PSII and the doses of 30 m3 ha-1 and 40–50 m3 ha-1 of the non-centrifuged and centrifuged ones, respectively, were most efficient. This enhancement was associated with the increased kinetics of plant growth, their health, fresh and dry biomass and physiological activity of plants as evidenced by activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase, RNase and dehydrogenase, as well as by gas exchange: net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration and index of chlorophyll content in leaves. The fertilization with Apol-humus and Stymjod additionally increased maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII and plant development, biomass yield and physiological activity. The results indicate that waste from a biomass biodigestion to methane can be used as a natural fertilizer in sorghum crops and this ensures their recycling and environmental protection. The measurement values of maximal efficiency of PSII were proportionally to the vigor, growth and physiological activity of the plants. The obtained results indicate that the maximal efficiency of PSII in sorghum plants is a non-destructive method for defining the degree of growth and may be used as a marker of plant vigor and health, development and physiological activity expressed by gas exchange and activity of selected enzymes

    Energy crops as a valuable material for biogas production

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    Biomasa roślinna od kilku lat jest przedmiotem szczególnego zainteresowania energetyki, polityki i sektora gospodarki. Potencjał energetyczny oraz możliwość ogólnej jej dostępności, a także perspektywa zagospodarowania odpadów, czyni biomasę podstawowym i powszechnie stosowanym w praktyce, odnawialnym źródłem energii. Dyrektywa UE kładzie nacisk na wzrost zużycia energii odnawialnej i redukcję niekontrolowanej emisji metanu w krajach członkowskich oraz do inwestowania w innowacyjne technologie, w tym beztlenową fermentację i produkcję biogazu. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę wybranych roślin energetycznych i sposób ich przetwarzania na biopaliwa gazowe, jako wiodące trendy w tej dziedzinie.Plant biomass for several years has been of particular interest for the energy, politics and economy sectors. Energy potential, general accessibility, and - undoubtedly - the possibility of green waste management, makes biomass one of the fundamental and commonly used in practice renewable energy sources. The European Union directive lays emphasis on the growth of renewable energy consumption and reduction of uncontrolled methane emissions, forces the member countries to invest in innovative technologies, including anaerobic digestion technology and biogas production. The article presents characteristics of selected energy crops and the ways of their conversion into gas biofuel, representing leading trends in this field

    Valorization of sorghum ash with digestate and biopreparations in the development biomass of plants in a closed production system of energy

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    Abstract Replacing chemical fertilizers with non-toxic waste that meet all fertilizing purposes, including ash from plant biomass and their management is becoming the important goal of sustainable agriculture concerning energy plants production in a closed system. This study aims to explore a novel strategy for utilizing natural sorghum ash together with digestate and ecological compounds, to replace synthetic fertilizers, for the energy plant development improvement and thus reduction of the environment pollution. Sorghum, as an energy plant, cultivated in low quality sandy and podzolic soils, in Central and North Poland climate, was fertilized with different doses of YaraMila Complex, a synthetic fertilizer (0, 150, 300 kg ha−1 Each dose was supplemented with different amounts of sorghum ash (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 t ha−1), used alone or with addition of APOL-HUMUS (soil improver; 10 L ha−1), biogas plant digestate (30 m3 ha−1) and Stymjod (nano-organic leaf fertilizer; 5 L ha−1). Added to each YaraMila Complex dose, the applied ash amounts (optimally 2–4 t ha−1), increased growth of plants, crop biomass, index of chlorophyll content, net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, content of intercellular CO2, activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase, RNase and dehydrogenase and energy properties. Sorghum ash used with the lesser YaraMila Complex doses of 0 or 150 kg ha−1 caused the enhanced growth of plants more than the doubled YaraMila Complex amounts applied alone (150 or 300 kg ha−1, correspondingly). Additionally, applied biogas plant digestate, APOL-HUMUS and Stymjod further increased the plant growth. This indicates that the application of natural sorghum ash accelerates energy plant development, can reduce by half the recommended synthetic fertilizer doses on poor and marginal soil and enables the cultivation of sorghum in a closed production cycle

    Rapid Evaluation of Germinability of Primed China Aster (Callistephus Chinensis Ness.) Seeds with Physiological and Biochemical Markers

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    The correlation between the sowing value of primed China aster seeds represented by germination percentage (GP), mean germination time (MGT), germination uniformity expressed as the time between 25% and 75% of germinated seeds (T75-25) and some selected physiological characteristics - total activity of dehydrogenases (TAD), activity of catalase (AC), activity of cell cycle (ACC) and electrolyte leakage (EL) has been analysed in order to find useful markers of biological quality of seeds. To achieve this objective, analyses of effects of three methods of water supply to seeds viz. - hydroconditioning by soaking in excessive amount of water (M1), hydroconditioning by soaking in limited amount of water (M2) or hydroconditioning by contact with solid carrier of water - matriconditioning (M3), three levels (30.0, 35.0 and 40.0%) of seed moisture content (m.c.) and three incubation periods (1, 8 and 10 days) during priming and hence their influence on germination properties (GP, MGT, T75-25) in comparison with TAD, AC, ACC and EL were determined. The results showed that MGT and T75-25 were correlated with TAD, AC, ACC and EL, irrespective of their priming method and sowing value. Therefore, all the investigated physiological/biochemical parameters of seed quality can be used as markers of germinability and sowing value reached by primed China aster seeds. The results also proved that, irrespective of the water supply method applied, hydration of seeds up to 37.5% m.c., and their incubation at 20 °C for 8 days, followed by drying to their initial moisture content, increased to the greatest extent the speed and uniformity of seed germination and their physiological activity

    The Promotive Effect of Cyanobacteria and Chlorella sp. Foliar Biofertilization on Growth and Metabolic Activities of Willow (Salix viminalis L.) Plants as Feedstock Production, Solid Biofuel and Biochar as C Carrier for Fertilizers via Torrefaction Process

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    The effect of foliar application of Cyanobacteria and Chlorella sp. monocultures on physiological activity, element composition, development and biomass weight of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.) and the possibility to prepare biofuel from it in the fortification process was studied. Triple foliar plant spraying with non-sonicated monocultures of Cyanobacteria (Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, Microcystis aeruginosa MKR 0105) and Chlorella sp. exhibited a considerably progressive impact on metabolic activity and development of plants. This biofertilization increased cytomembrane impermeability, the amount of chlorophyll in plants, photosynthesis productivity and transpiration, as well as degree of stomatal opening associated with a decreased concentration of intercellular CO2, in comparison to control (treatments with water, Bio-Algeen S90 or with environmental sample). The applied strains markedly increased the element content (N, P, K) in shoots and the productivity of crucial growth enzymes: alkaline or acid phosphorylase, total dehydrogenases, RNase and nitrate reductase. Treatments did not affect energy properties of the burnt plants. These physiological events were associated with the improved growth of willow plants, namely height, length and amount of all shoots and their freshly harvested dry mass, which were increased by over 25% compared to the controls. The effectiveness of these treatments depended on applied monoculture. The plant spraying with Microcystis aeruginosa MKR 0105 was a little more effective than treatment with Chlorella sp. and Anabaena sp. or the environmental sample. The research demonstrate that the studied Cyanobacteria and Chlorella sp. monocultures have prospective and useful potential in production of Salix viminalis L., which is the basic energy plant around the word. In this work, a special batch reactor was used to produce torrefaction material in an inert atmosphere: nitrogen, thermogravimetric analysis and DTA analysis, like Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The combustion process of Salix viminalis L. with TG-MS analysis was conducted as well as study on a willow torrefaction process, obtaining 30% mass reduction with energy loss close to 10%. Comparing our research results to other types of biomasses, the isothermal temperature of 245 °C during thermo-chemical conversion of willow for the carbonized solid biofuel production from Salix viminalis L. biomass fertilized with Cyanobacteria and Chlorella sp. is relatively low. At the end, a SEM-EDS analysis of ash from torrefied Salix viminalis L. after carbonization process was conducted

    The Effect of Apple Seed Stratification with Growth Regulators on Breaking the Dormancy of Seeds, the Growth of Seedlings and Chlorophyll Fluorescence

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    The aim of the study was to shorten the period of breaking dormancy in apple seeds and to improve the growth of the seedlings of ‘Gold Milenium’, ‘Ligol’ and ‘Szampion’. The whole seeds were removed from fruits directly after the harvest and were subjected to stratification (3 °C for 90 days in darkness) in distilled water or an aqueous solutions of 500 mM salicylic acid (SA), 10−3 M jasmonic acid (JA), gibberellin A3 (GA3) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at 250 mg·dm−3 and 100 mg·dm−3, respectively. Growth regulators were applied separately or in a mixture containing SA, JA, GA3 and BAP. The germinability and seed germination rate, seedlings growth, chlorophyll content index and the maximum quantum efficiency of Photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were investigated. The obtained results revealed that stratification in water positively affected the dormancy removal in ‘Gold Milenium’, ‘Ligol’ and ‘Szampion’ seeds. Application of SA, GA3, BAP, JA during seed stratification additionally stimulated the seeds’ germination rate as well as the growth of seedlings, index of chlorophyll content and maximum PSII efficiency (Fv/Fm). The most pronounced results were obtained after the seed stratification in GA3 alone or in a mixture containing SA, GA3, BAP and JA. Due to such a treatment, the germination of ‘Ligol’ seeds increased by 40% and they germinated faster in comparison to the control seeds. Such treatments also promoted the growth of seedlings, chlorophyll content and maximum quantum efficiency of Photosystem II (Fv/Fm). The present study indicates that the application of GA3 or the mixture of SA, GA3, BAP and JA during the stratification of seeds is an effective method to increase and accelerate the germination of seeds and juvenile seedlings’ growth in order to shorten the apple breeding cycle. Further studies are needed to optimize the appropriate concentration of growth regulators applied simultaneously during seeds stratification