11 research outputs found
pH gleb różnych pięter klimatycznych w Tatrach Polskich
The pH value of the soil upper horizons from 1600 profiles situated on the various altitudes above sea level has been determined. The statistically significant differences between the medium pH values of the soils of the specified biotopes from the respective climatic belts have been ascertained only in the case of: rendzinas, brown soils and pseudogley soils. Unlike the soils derived from the alkali - weathering rocks, the soils derived from the crystalline rocks do not demonstrate the significant differentiation in consideration of the acidity in relation to the altitude above sea level
Zdolnosc buforowa gleb Podhala
In this paper the results of buffer ability investigations of 10 profiles of the Podhale region are presented. Buffer curves are plotted - buffer capacities and buffering areas are calculated for them. The obtained results were compared with some physico-chemical properties. It was found that the soils of Podhale region belong mainly to strongly buffered soils and their basebuffering ability is higher than acid-buffer one. The differences of the buffering degree are caused first of all by different mechanical composition, the content of humus and carbonates, and the degree of base saturation. Buffer areas are significantly correlated with sorption properties of the soils. The highest buffer ability is in alluvial and deluvial soils (among the tested soils) and the lowest one is in forest podzolized acid brown soils. Knowledge of buffer abilities of these soils is very important because of high precipitation (with the low pH of rainfall) in this region.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zdolności buforowej gleb z dziesięciu profilów glebowych Podhala. Wykreślono dla nich krzywe buforowe, obliczono pojemności buforowe i powierzchnie buforowania. Uzyskane dane porównano z niektórymi właściwościami fizykochemicznymi gleb. Stwierdzono, że gleby Podhala należą w większości do silnie zbuforowanych i mają większą zdolność buforowania zasad aniżeli kwasów. Różnice w stopniu zbuforowania poszczególnych gleb wynikają przede wszystkim z ich różnic w: składzie granulometrycznym, zawartości próchnicy i węglanów, oraz stopniu wysycenia kompleksu sorpcyjnego zasadami. Wielkość powierzchni buforowych jest więc istotnie skorelowana z właściwościami sorpcyjnymi gleb. Największą zdolność buforowania kwasów, spośród badanych gleb, wykazały gleby napływowe, a najmniejszą, leśne gleby brunatne kwaśne bielicowane. Znajomość zdolności buforowych gleb tego regionu jest bardzo ważna w związku z występowaniem tu dużej ilości opadów o niskim pH
Sorption properties of lithogenic soils from non-forest areas of the Tatra National Park
Investigations have been carried out on the soil material taken from 46 profiles representing lithogenic soils from non-forest areas of the Tatra National Park. When selecting soil material an altitude above sea level (over 1250 m a.s.l.), a rock parent type (non-calcareous and calcareous) were taken into account, in case of non calcerous soils, the weakly developed soils - rankers were selected.
On the basis of the investigetions the following conclusions have been drawn: sorption properties of ectohumus horizons in most of investigated lithogenic soils (rankers and rendzinas) are differ- enciated and formed under the influence of parent rocks. Ectohumus of Oh horizons of rankers sorbed exchangeable cations in following order H+>Ca2+≥Mg2+>K+>Na+. In composition of cations in Oh horizons of rendzinas dominated cations of calcium and the order was as follows: Ca2+>Mg2+>H+>K+≥Na+.
In ectohumus of Oh horizons of rendzinas occurring under bilberry heath and pine dwarf and rankers the composition of exchangeable ions as well as a degree of base saturation were close. In investigated soils sorption properties of mineral or organic-mineral horizons AC or ABC, occurring in direct contact with the parent rock, were formed under the influence of lithogenic factor
Sklad frakcyjny prochnicy i wlasciwosci gleb pod wybranymi zespolami lakowymi polan tatrzanskich
Przedstawiona praca miała na celu porównanie składu próchnicy gleb polan tatrzańskich pod zespołami: Hieracio-Nardetum i Gladiolo-Agrostietum. W glebach pod zespołem Hieracio-Nardetum na podstawie: wysokiej zawartości C org. (2.59-20.52%), dominacji frakcji densymetrycznej o gęstości poniżej 2.0 g/cm³ (21.7-91.8%) i niskiego stopnia humifikacji (5-68%), stwierdzono cechy próchnicy typu mor lub moder. Próchnicę glebową pod zespołem Gladiolo-Agrostietum na podstawie stopnia humifikacji (53-80%), ilości cięższej frakcji densymetrycznej (85.8-97.7%) i % C org. (2.63-7.38%), można określić jako mull lub mull/moder. W składzie frakcyjnym próchnicy gleb pod zespołem Hieracio-Nardetum przeważają połączenia próchniczne niehydrolizujące. Zawartość frakcji ekstrahowanej 0.1M NaOH jest wyższa w próchnicy pod zespołem Gladiolo-Agrostietum niż Hieracio- Nardetum.Presented paper aimed at comparison of the humus composition of Tatra Mts. glade soils under Hieracio-Nardetum and Gladiolo-Agrostietum. On the ground of high organic carbon contents (2.59-20.52%), prevalence of densimetric fraction with a density below 2.0 g/cm³ (21.7-91.8%) and low degree of humification (4.6-68%), it was found that there are humus of mor or moder type. It is possible to determine the humus of soil under Gladiolo-Agrostietum, on the ground of degree of humification (53.2-79.7%), quantity of heavier densimetric fraction (85.8-97.7%) and organic carbon contents (2.63-7.38%), as mull or mull/moder type. Humic non-hydrolvsing compounds prevail in the fractional composition of the soil humus under Hieracio-Nardetum association. Fraction contents extracted by 0.1M NaOH in the soil humus under Gladiolo-Agrostietum is higher than under Hieracio-Nardetum
Zinc, lead and cadmium in the turf soils of the Podhale region
A total content of zinc, lead and cadmium have been determined in the turf soils of the Podhale region. Zn and Pb contents in the mineral soils is not high, as a result of their low content in the parent rocks. A higher content, particularly of Cd, occurs in rendzinas and a gley-podzol ectohumus horizon. An accumulation of the examined metals in the upper horizons in relation to the parent rock, expressed by the accumulation coefficient WA, is considerable, particularly in the case of Cd. The acid reaction of the major part of the examined soils increases risk of the accumulation ot this toxic metal in the ground flora of meadows and pastures
Zasoby węgla w glebach Beskidu Śląskiego i Małego użytkowanych rolniczo
Organic carbon stocks (SOCs) were determined in 14 pedons of the Little and Silesian Beskids (7 from each one: arable land and grassland) and compared with the C-stocks occurring in the soils of Ciężkowickie and Silesian Foothills. They were similar to SOCs in the soils of the Silesian Foothills, but significantly higher than in the soils of the Ciężkowickie Foothills. The participation of SOCs 0–30 cm layer at the stocks of this element in the whole pedon was higher than in the soils of the foothills. Different types of land used (arable land, grassland) did not affect the quantity of SOCs in pedons and layers
Aluminium in the soils and plants on the pastural mountain glades in the Tatra National Park
The aim of the investigations was to determine the exchangeable Al in the soils of the pastural glades in the Tatra National Park, as well as to estimate the influence of pH reaction of the investigated soils on the Al accumulation in the plant sward of these glades. Aluminium in the soils was determined in the 1 mol KCl solution after the Sokołow method's, and in the plants after the wet mineralization by the ASA method's. The Al accumulation in the sward (the overground parts and roots) of the pastural glades increases together with the decrease of the pH value and the org. C content in the investigated soils
Wpływ odczynu gleb na zawartość Zn. pn, Ni i Cd w roślinach wybranych użytków zielonych Pogórza Wielickiego i Podhala
The aim of studies was to determine the total contents of Zn, Pb, Ni and Cd in soil profiles and in sward plants on selected grasslands of Wieliczka Foothills and Podhale, as well as to estimate the correlation between the concentration of above mentioned metals in the soils, soil pH-values, and their contents in overground parts of the plant. The influence of pH on the absorption of investigated heavy metals by plants of grassland sward in case of Cd and Ni was statistically significant. The Cd content in dry matter of sward plants taken from the major part of investigated grasslands exceeds the admissible limit of this metal concentration in the fodder. Only in sward taken from carbonate soils, the content of Cd is lower than 0.5 mg/kg d.m