Zasoby węgla w glebach Beskidu Śląskiego i Małego użytkowanych rolniczo


Organic carbon stocks (SOCs) were determined in 14 pedons of the Little and Silesian Beskids (7 from each one: arable land and grassland) and compared with the C-stocks occurring in the soils of Ciężkowickie and Silesian Foothills. They were similar to SOCs in the soils of the Silesian Foothills, but significantly higher than in the soils of the Ciężkowickie Foothills. The participation of SOCs 0–30 cm layer at the stocks of this element in the whole pedon was higher than in the soils of the foothills. Different types of land used (arable land, grassland) did not affect the quantity of SOCs in pedons and layers

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