312 research outputs found


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    L’Assommoir et Mon voisin Jacques d’Émile Zola : étude comparée de la genèse des personnages secondaires

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    Les personnages de second plan sont parfois eux aussi investis de fonctions spécifiques au récit. Une enquête sur la genèse des personnages de L’Assommoir (1877) d’Émile Zola nous permet de trouver les traces de la programmation. Dans l’Ébauche de ce roman, le croque-mort Bazouge, annonciateur de la mort de l’héroïne, est aussi un ouvrier incarnant la machine humaine usée par le travail et la misère. Mais la cohabitation des figures de croque-mort et d’ouvrier semble difficile, Zola crée donc deux personnages et renomme l’ouvrier « Bru » pour donner à Bazouge l’autre rôle. L’origine de ces deux personnages se trouve dans le conte Mon voisin Jacques, que Zola n’a cessé de récrire (1865-1874). Le caractère ambivalent du protagoniste de ce conte, le croque-mort Jacques, sera réparti sur deux personnages secondaires dans le roman postérieur : Bazouge héritera du côté sinistre pour incarner la Mort et Bru du côté bonhomme pour se charger de la figure du mortel. La multiplication des personnages et la simplification de leur caractère sont en rapport étroit avec les procédés d’élaboration propres au genre romanesque.Secondary characters are sometimes in turn invested with functions specific to the story. An investigation of the genesis of the characters in Émile Zola’s L’Assommoir (1877) allows us to detect the traces of the project. In the novel’s draft, Bazouge the undertaker, a harbinger of the heroine’s death, is also a worker embodying the human machine worn out by work and poverty. But this coexistence of the undertaker and the worker’s figures was problematic, so Zola created two characters and renamed the worker “Bru” in order to give another role to Bazouge. The origin of the two characters can be found in the short story Mon voisin Jacques, which Zola constantly rewrote (1865-1874). The ambivalent personality of this story’s main character, the undertaker Jacques, is divided between two secondary characters in the future novel: Bazouge will inherit the sinister side, so as to embody mortality, and Bru the ingenuous side, taking over the mortal’s figure. The multiplication of characters and the simplification of their personality are closely linked to the elaboration processes specific to the genre of the novel.Auch die Nebenfiguren sind manchmal mit für die Erzählung spezifischen Funktionen besetzt. Eine Untersuchung der Genese der Figuren von Émile Zolas L’Assommoir (1877) ermöglicht es uns, Spuren der Planung zu finden. Im Entwurf dieses Romans ist der Leichenbestatter Bazouge, der Verkünder des Todes der Heldin, auch ein Arbeiter, der die für von Mühe und Misere verbrauchte menschliche Maschine verkörpert. Aber da es schwierig erscheint, die Figuren des Leichenbestatters und des Arbeiters zusammenzubringen, schafft Zola daraus zwei Personen und nennt den Arbeiter „Bru“, um Bazouge die andere Rolle zu geben. Der Ursprung dieser zwei Figuren findet sich in der Kurzgeschichte Mon voisin Jacques, die Zola mehrmals umgeschrieben hat (1865-1874). Der ambivalente Charakter des Protagonisten dieser Erzählung, des Leichenbestatters Jacques, wird im späteren Roman auf zwei sekundäre Figuren aufgeteilt: Bazouge erbt die unheimliche Seite, um den Tod zu verkörpern, und Bru die Seite des guten Mannes, um die Rolle des Sterblichen zu übernehmen. Die Vervielfachung der Figuren und die Vereinfachung ihres Charakters stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit den der Romangattung eigenen Erarbeitungsmethoden.Los personajes de segundo plano tienen a veces también funciones específicas en el relato. Una investigación acerca de la génesis de los personajes de La taberna (1877) de Émile Zola nos ha permitido encontrar las huellas de la programación. En el esbozo de esta novela, el sepulturero Bazouge, anunciador de la muerte de la heroína, es también un obrero que encarna la máquina humana gastada por el trabajo y la miseria. Pero la cohabitación de las figuras del sepulturero y del obrero resulta difícil : Zola crea entonces dos personajes y bautiza al obrero “Bru”, reservando el otro papel para Bazouge. El origen de estos dos personajes se encuentra en el cuento Mi vecino Jacques, que Zola ha reescrito incesantemente (1865-1874). El carácter ambivalente del protagonista de este cuento, el sepulturero Jacques, se repartirá entre dos personajes secundarios en la novela posterior: Bazouge heredará el lado siniestro para encarnar la Muerte y Bru el lado bonachón, tomando a su cargo la figura del mortal. La multiplicación de los personajes y la simplificación de sus caracteres están en estrecha relación con los procedimientos de elaboración propios del género novelesco.As personagens de segundo plano têm às vezes também funções específicas na narrativa. O exame da génese das personagens de L’Assommoir (1877), de Émile Zola permite-nos encontrar vestígios de programação. No projecto deste romance, o coveiro Bazouge, anunciador da morte da heroína, era ainda um operário que encarnava a máquina humana desgastada por trabalho e miséria. Mas, como a coexistência das figuras de coveiro e operário parece difícil, Zola criou então duas personagens, chamou ao operário “Bru” e reservou a Bazouge o outro papel. A origem dessas duas personagens encontra-se no conto Mon voisin Jacques, que Zola reescreveu incessantemente (1865-1874). O carácter ambivalente do protagonista desse conto, o coveiro Jacques, será repartido por duas personagens menores no romance posterior: Bazouge irá herdar a feição sinistra para encarnar a morte e a Bru caberá a feição mais simpática que carrega a figura mortal. A multiplicação de personagens e a simplificação do seu carácter são típicas dos processos de elaboração do género romanesco.A volte, anche ai personaggi secondari vengono attribuite funzioni specifiche al racconto. Un’inchiesta sulla genesi dei personaggi de L’Assommoir (1877) di Émile Zola ci permette di ritrovare le tracce di tale programmazione Nell’abbozzo di questo romanzo, il becchino Bazouge, annunciatore della morte dell’eroina, è anche un operaio che incarna la macchina umana logorata dal lavoro e dalla miseria. Ma poiché la convivenza delle figure di becchino e operaio risulta difficile, Zola crea due personaggi : chiama l’operaio “Bru” e assegna a Bazouge l’altro ruolo. L’origine di questi due personaggi si trova nel racconto Mon voisin Jacques, che Zola ha riscritto incessantemente tra il 1865 e il 1874. Il carattere ambivalente del protagonista di questo racconto, il becchino Jacques, sarà ripartito fra i due personaggi secondari del romanzo successivo: Bazouge erediterà il lato sinistro, incarnando la Morte, e Bru il lato ingenuo, rivestendo la figura del mortale. La moltiplicazione dei personaggi e la semplificazione del loro carattere sono in stretto rapporto con i processi di elaborazione propri del genere romanzesco


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    This is the first report describing neurogenic factor of Netrin-1 related to chondrogenesis or osteogenesis in a human cells. Netrin is a morphogenetic factor that induces a growth cone of an axial filament of the nervous system. However, the roles of Netrin in chondrogenesis or osteogenesis are not yet understood. We analyzed the relationship between Netrin and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) in chondrogenesis or osteogenesis, using a human chondrocyte-like cell line (USAC), which also retains multi-potency to differentiate into osteoblasts and adipocytes. Netrin-1 mRNA was decreased in USAC cells, though the expression was increased during osteogenic differentiation at the stage when osteocalcin mRNA were increased by BMP-2. Furthermore, inhibition of Netrin-1 gene increased Cbfa1 mRNA expression, and decreased Sox9 mRNA expression. We also found that Netrin-1was strongly expressed in immature chondrocytes of cartilage-like tissues that were formed in an exo vivo experiment with diffusion chambers. The se findings indicate that Netrin-1 and BMP-2 regulates in the stage dependent process of mesenchymal cell differentiation to chondrocytes or osteoblasts.骨芽細胞または脂肪細胞への分化多能を保持するヒト軟骨細胞様細胞系(USAC)を用い、軟骨形成または骨形成におけるNetrinと骨形成蛋白質-2(BMP-2)との関係を調べた。Netrin-1 mRNAはUSAC細胞中では減少するが、オステオカルシンmRNA濃度がBMPによって上昇する際の骨芽細胞分化時にNetrin-1 mRNAの発現が増加した。Netrin-1遺伝子を阻害すると、Cbfal mRNA発現は増加しSox9 mRNA発現は減少した。またNetrin-1は軟骨様組織の未成熟軟骨細胞において強く発現した。Netrin-1とBMP-2が、間葉細胞の軟骨細胞または骨芽細胞へ分化プロセスを制御すると考えた


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 俣野 哲朗, 東京大学教授 渡邉 俊樹, 東京大学教授 岩本 愛吉, 東京大学教授 川口 寧, 東京大学准教授 立川 愛University of Tokyo(東京大学

    マウス破骨細胞形成における抗微生物ペプチド Cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP)の役割)

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    Cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP) not only kills bacteria but also binds to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to neutralize its activity. CRAMP is highly expressed in bone marrow and its expression is reported to be up-regulated by inflammatory and infectious stimuli. Here, we examined the role of CRAMP in murine osteoclastogenesis. Osteoclasts were formed in co-cultures of osteoblasts and bone marrow cells in response to 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1a,25(OH)2D3], prostaglandin E2(PGE2), and Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands such as LPS and flagellin through the induction of receptor activator of nuclear factor-jB ligand(RANKL) expression in osteoblasts. CRAMP inhibited the osteoclastogenesis in co-cultures treated with LPS and flagellin, but not in those treated with 1a,25(OH)2D3 or PGE2. Although bone marrow macrophages(BMMs) highly expressed formyl peptide receptor 2 (a receptor of CRAMP), CRAMP showed no inhibitory effect on osteoclastogenesis in BMM cultures treated with RANKL. CRAMP suppressed both LPS- and flagellin-induced RANKL expression in osteoblasts and tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) expression in BMMs, suggesting that CRAMP neutralizes the actions of LPS and flagellin. LPS and flagellin enhanced the expression of CRAMP mRNA in osteoblasts. Extracellularly added CRAMP suppressed LPS- and flagellin-induced CRAMP expression. These results suggest that the production of CRAMP promoted by LPS and flagellin is inhibited by CRAMP released by osteoblasts through a feedback regulation. Even though CRAMP itself has no effect on osteoclastogenesis in mice, we propose that CRAMP is an osteoblast-derived protector in bacterial infection-induced osteoclastic bone resorption.2013博士(歯学)松本歯科大

    Idiopathic Plasmacytic Lymphadenopathy Forms an Independent Subtype of Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease

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    Idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD) is a type of Castleman disease that is not related to KSHV/HHV8 infection. Currently, iMCD is classified into iMCD-TAFRO (thrombocytopenia, anasarca, fever, reticulin fibrosis, and organomegaly) and iMCD-NOS (not otherwise specified). The former has been established as a relatively homogeneous disease unit that has been recently re-defined, while the latter is considered to be a heterogeneous disease that could be further divided into several subtypes. In 1980, Mori et al. proposed the concept of idiopathic plasmacytic lymphadenopathy (IPL), a disease presenting with polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and a sheet-like proliferation of mature plasma cells in the lymph nodes. Some researchers consider IPL to be a part of iMCD-NOS, although it has not been clearly defined to date. This is the first paper to analyze iMCD-NOS clinicopathologically, to examine whether IPL forms a uniform disease unit in iMCD. Histologically, the IPL group showed prominent plasmacytosis and the hyperplasia of germinal centers, while the non-IPL group showed prominent vascularity. Clinically, the IPL group showed significant thrombocytosis and elevated serum IgG levels compared to the non-IPL group (p = 0.007, p < 0.001, respectively). Pleural effusion and ascites were less common in the IPL group (p < 0.001). The IPL group was more likely to have an indolent clinical course and a good response to the anti-IL-6 receptor antibody, while the non-IPL counterpart frequently required more aggressive medical interventions. Thus, the IPL group is a clinicopathologically uniform entity that forms an independent subtype of iMCD