249 research outputs found

    Disjunctive Probabilistic Modal Logic is Enough for Bisimilarity on Reactive Probabilistic Systems

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    Larsen and Skou characterized probabilistic bisimilarity over reactive probabilistic systems with a logic including true, negation, conjunction, and a diamond modality decorated with a probabilistic lower bound. Later on, Desharnais, Edalat, and Panangaden showed that negation is not necessary to characterize the same equivalence. In this paper, we prove that the logical characterization holds also when conjunction is replaced by disjunction, with negation still being not necessary. To this end, we introduce reactive probabilistic trees, a fully abstract model for reactive probabilistic systems that allows us to demonstrate expressiveness of the disjunctive probabilistic modal logic, as well as of the previously mentioned logics, by means of a compactness argument.Comment: Aligned content with version accepted at ICTCS 2016: fixed minor typos, added reference, improved definitions in Section 3. Still 10 pages in sigplanconf forma

    GSOS for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects

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    Recently, some general frameworks have been proposed as unifying theories for processes combining non-determinism with quantitative aspects (such as probabilistic or stochastically timed executions), aiming to provide general results and tools. This paper provides two contributions in this respect. First, we present a general GSOS specification format (and a corresponding notion of bisimulation) for non-deterministic processes with quantitative aspects. These specifications define labelled transition systems according to the ULTraS model, an extension of the usual LTSs where the transition relation associates any source state and transition label with state reachability weight functions (like, e.g., probability distributions). This format, hence called Weight Function SOS (WFSOS), covers many known systems and their bisimulations (e.g. PEPA, TIPP, PCSP) and GSOS formats (e.g. GSOS, Weighted GSOS, Segala-GSOS, among others). The second contribution is a characterization of these systems as coalgebras of a class of functors, parametric on the weight structure. This result allows us to prove soundness of the WFSOS specification format, and that bisimilarities induced by these specifications are always congruences.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    Distributed execution of bigraphical reactive systems

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    The bigraph embedding problem is crucial for many results and tools about bigraphs and bigraphical reactive systems (BRS). Current algorithms for computing bigraphical embeddings are centralized, i.e. designed to run locally with a complete view of the guest and host bigraphs. In order to deal with large bigraphs, and to parallelize reactions, we present a decentralized algorithm, which distributes both state and computation over several concurrent processes. This allows for distributed, parallel simulations where non-interfering reactions can be carried out concurrently; nevertheless, even in the worst case the complexity of this distributed algorithm is no worse than that of a centralized algorithm

    Representing Isabelle in LF

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    LF has been designed and successfully used as a meta-logical framework to represent and reason about object logics. Here we design a representation of the Isabelle logical framework in LF using the recently introduced module system for LF. The major novelty of our approach is that we can naturally represent the advanced Isabelle features of type classes and locales. Our representation of type classes relies on a feature so far lacking in the LF module system: morphism variables and abstraction over them. While conservative over the present system in terms of expressivity, this feature is needed for a representation of type classes that preserves the modular structure. Therefore, we also design the necessary extension of the LF module system.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2010, arXiv:1009.218

    Bigraphical models for protein and membrane interactions

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    We present a bigraphical framework suited for modeling biological systems both at protein level and at membrane level. We characterize formally bigraphs corresponding to biologically meaningful systems, and bigraphic rewriting rules representing biologically admissible interactions. At the protein level, these bigraphic reactive systems correspond exactly to systems of kappa-calculus. Membrane-level interactions are represented by just two general rules, whose application can be triggered by protein-level interactions in a well-de\"ined and precise way. This framework can be used to compare and merge models at different abstraction levels; in particular, higher-level (e.g. mobility) activities can be given a formal biological justification in terms of low-level (i.e., protein) interactions. As examples, we formalize in our framework the vesiculation and the phagocytosis processes

    Formalizing a lazy substitution proof system for \u3bc-calculus in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions

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    We present a Natural Deduction proof system for the pro- positional modal \u3bc-calculus, and its formalization in the Calculus of In- ductive Constructions. We address several problematic issues, such as the use of higher-order abstract syntax in inductive sets in presence of recursive constructors, the encoding of modal (sequent-style) rules and of context sensitive grammars. The formalization can be used in the sy- stem Coq, providing an experimental computer-aided proof environment for the interactive development of error-free proofs in the \u3bc-calculus. The techniques we adopt can be readily ported to other languages and proof systems featuring similar problematic issues. \ua9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999
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