2 research outputs found

    Homeostatic plasticity and burst activity are mediated by hyperpolarization-activated cation currents and T-type calcium channels in neuronal cultures.

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    Homeostatic plasticity stabilizes neuronal networks by adjusting the responsiveness of neurons according to their global activity and the intensity of the synaptic inputs. We investigated the homeostatic regulation of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) and T-type calcium (CaV3) channels in dissociated and organotypic slice cultures. After 48 h blocking of neuronal activity by tetrodotoxin (TTX), our patch-clamp experiments revealed an increase in the depolarizing voltage sag and post-inhibitory rebound mediated by HCN and CaV3 channels, respectively. All HCN subunits (HCN1 to 4) and T-type Ca-channel subunits (CaV3.1, 3.2 and 3.3) were expressed in both control and activity-deprived hippocampal cultures. Elevated expression levels of CaV3.1 mRNA and a selective increase in the expression of TRIP8b exon 4 isoforms, known to regulate HCN channel localization, were also detected in TTX-treated cultured hippocampal neurons. Immunohistochemical staining in TTX-treated organotypic slices verified a more proximal translocation of HCN1 channels in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Computational modeling also implied that HCN and T-type calcium channels have important role in the regulation of synchronized bursting evoked by previous activity-deprivation. Thus, our findings indicate that HCN and T-type Ca-channels contribute to the homeostatic regulation of excitability and integrative properties of hippocampal neurons

    Organotipikus agyszelet tenyészetek optimalizálása és mikroszkópos vizsgálata

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    INST: L_200Az eredeti 3D szöveti szerkezetet megőrző organotipikus szelettenyészetek alkalmazásával áttekintőbb képet kaphatunk a CNS-ben zajló sejtélettani folyamatokról. Az optimális tenyésztési beállításokkal a szeleteket in vitro hetekig tartottuk fenn. IHC jelöléssel igazoltam, hogy megőrződik a szövetet jellemző citoarchitektúra, patch clamp méréssel, hogy a sejtek komplex hálózati aktivitással rendelkeznek. A szeletekbe részecske-mediált génbeviteli módszerekkel sikeresen juttattunk be DNS-t