10 research outputs found

    Operation and maintenance costs of offshore wind farms and potential multi-use platforms in the Dutch North Sea

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    Aquaculture within offshore wind farms has been identified as one of the many possibilities of smart use of marine space, leading to opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship. Offshore areas potentially pose less conflict with co-users than onshore. At the same time, offshore areas and offshore constructions are prone to high technical risks through mechanical force, corrosion, and biofouling. The expected lifetime of an offshore structure is to a great extent determined by the risk of failures. This chapter elaborates on logistical challenges that the offshore industry faces. Operation and maintenance (O&M) activities typically represent a big part of the total costs (e.g. 25–30% of the total lifecycle costs for offshore wind farms). The offshore wind energy sector is considered an industry with promising features for the public and private sector. Large wind farms farther off the coast pose high expectations because of higher average wind speeds and hence greater wind energy yield (in terms of megawatts per capital). These conditions entail additional challenges in logistics, though. One of the main hurdles that hinders use of offshore wind energy is the high cost for O&M. The offshore wind industry will have to solve these problems in order to achieve substantial cost reduction - alone or jointly with other (potential) users. It is precisely the logistical problems around O&M where most likely synergy benefits of multi-use platforms (MUPs) can be achieved. The offshore wind energy industry is eagerly looking for technical innovations. Until now they mostly sought the solutions in their own circles. If the combination of offshore wind energy and offshore aquaculture proves to be feasible and profitable in practice, there may be an additional possibility to reduce the O&M costs by synergy effects of the combined operations. Logistic waiting times, for example, can result in substantial revenue losses, whereas timely spare-parts supply or sufficient repair capacity (technicians) to shorten the logistic delay times are beneficial. A recent study suggests that a cost reduction of 10% is feasible, if the offshore wind and offshore aquaculture sectors are combined in order to coordinate and share O&M together. The presented asset management control model proves useful in testing the innovative, interdisciplinary multi-use concepts, simulating return rates under different assumptions, thus making the approach more concrete and robust

    The german case study: Pioneer projects of aquaculture-wind farm multi-uses

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    Most studies on multi-use concepts of aquaculture and wind farms explored cultivation feasibility of extractive species, such as seaweed or bivalves. However, recent studies also included the cultivation of crustaceans or fish culture in the vicinity of wind turbines. Consequently, new approaches combine fed and extractive species in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) concepts for offshore multi-use to reduce nutrient output and the overall environmental impact of aquaculture operations. In this chapter the findings of a series of mussel and oyster cultivation experiments over several seasons are presented, which were conducted at different offshore test sites in the German Bight. Sites were selected within future offshore wind farm areas for an explicit multi-use perspective. Results have demonstrated successful growth and fitness parameters of these candidates and therefore definitely proved the suitability of these bivalve extractive species for open ocean aquaculture. Another approach for multi-use in offshore wind farms is its use as marine protected area or even for reinforcement or restoration of endangered species, which need the absence of any fisheries activity for recovery. Current projects are testing this perspective for the native European oyster Ostrea edulis and the European lobster Homarus gammarus. From the technological point of view there are many options on how to connect aquaculture devices, such as longline and ring structures as well as different cage types, to the foundations as well as to install it in the centre of the free area between wind turbines. Next to the system design also experiments on drag forces originating from the aquaculture structure on the foundation and vice versa were investigated. Complementary to the biological, environmental end technical aspects, a number of studies were specifically targeted to address and include stakeholders, their attitudes, their interests and concerns over time. By this approach, the inclusion of stakeholders into the research process from its very beginning until today, co-production of knowledge could be fostered. Next to joint identification of the major impediments and concerns of offshore aquaculture under multi-use conditions, new issues and research questions were identified. Primary focus on the economic potential of aquaculture in offshore wind farms was shown for consumption mussels. The production of mussels using longline technology is sufficiently profitable even under the assumption of substantial cost increases. This is especially true, if existing capacities could be used. Last but not least, the EEZ is a special area-it is not a state territory even if a coastal state has its sovereign rights and jurisdiction. It is an area where three legal systems come together: International law, law of the European Union and national law. There are no mariculture projects in the German EEZ and no approval procedure has been completed so far. Some sites are not suitable for mariculture, especially because of nature conservation and shipping