42 research outputs found

    Juvenile hormone acid O-methyltransferase in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Juvenile hormone (JH) acid O-methyltransferase (JHAMT) is the enzyme that transfers a methyl groupfrom S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to the carboxyl group of JH acids to produce active JHs in thecorpora allata. While the JHAMT gene was originally identified and characterized in the silkwormBombyx mori, no orthologs from other insects have been studied until now. Here we report on thefunctional characterization of the CG17330/DmJHAMT gene in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.Recombinant DmJHAMT protein expressed in Escherichia coli catalyzes the conversion of farnesoic acidand JH III acid to their cognate methyl esters in the presence of SAM. DmJHAMT is predominantlyexpressed in corpora allata, and its developmental expression profile correlates with changes in the JHtiter. While a transgenic RNA interference against DmJHAMT has no visible effect, overexpression ofDmJHAMT results in a pharate adult lethal phenotype, similar to that obtained with application of JHanalogs, suggesting that the temporal regulation of DmJHAMT is critical for Drosophila development

    ホンガク ドウソウ カイイン ノ キンム ジョウキョウ : ジョセイ イシ シエン オ メザス ヨビテキ ケンキュウ トシテ

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    雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保のために,「男女雇用機会均等法」が成立し,妊娠や出産を理由として職場で不利益な取り扱いをすることは禁じられている1).さらに,「男女共同参画社会基本法」が施行され,2006 年には日本医師会に男女共同参画委員会が設立している2).しかし,我が国の女性医師の就労に影響を与える因子を検討した先行研究によると,性差による就労上の不利益を経験した女性医師が多く,就労格差を女性医師は強く認識しているという結論となっている3).このことは日本ばかりではなく,海外でも同様に報告されている4,5).特に,女性医師は男性医師に比較して,非常勤パートタイムで勤務することが多いと報告されている3,4).パートタイムで働く主たる理由は,出産と子育てである5).多くの女性医師が子育てを優先するために仕方なくパートタイム勤務を選択していることは事実である.また,母性を優先させる選択は職場での昇進・キャリアアップを閉ざすという結果につながる 3).しかし,一方で女性にとって出産や育児は非常に大切な母性の獲得であり,出産を経験した女性医師は医師を職業として選択したことにより満足していると報告されている6).これが女性医師にとってのワーク・ライフ・バランスのジレンマになっている.さらに,現在,医師を養成する大学医学部では,男女は平等に入学できるが,過酷な労働を強いられる大学病院では,女性医師は常勤勤務から離職せざるを得なくなるというアンバランスが生じている.本研究は,本学の女性医師支援のあり方を考える予備的研究として,本学同窓会会員の現況報告を検討し,さらに女性医師支援に関する先行文献を考察することを目的とした

    Moderate Hypothermia Has the Potential to Reveal the Dominant/Submissive Relationship in a Co-Culture System Consisting of Osteoblasts and Endothelial Cells

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    Microvessels in bone are indispensable for maintaining bone homeostasis based on a dynamic remodeling system. In cell-based tissue engineering, vascularization into the regenerative bone is a key strategy to avoid hypoxia and necrosis around re-implanted tissues. Previous studies have shown that direct contact between osteoblasts and endothelial cells stimulates differentiation of both cell types. However, no studies have revealed the dominant/submissive relationship. In the present study, we examined the effect of hypothermia on monoculture and co-culture to assess which cells tightly coordinated osteogenesis and angiogenesis in the co-culture system. As for osteoblasts, exposure to hypothermia suppressed cellular proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Evaluation of the behavior of endothelial cells showed that hypothermia should not affect basic functions such as proliferation and migration. Under co-culture conditions, both osteogenic differentiation and the formation of vessel-like angiogenic structures were suppressed by hypothermia, but the spatial organization of alkaline phosphatase-positive cell clusters, which tend to localize around microvascular lumens, was not altered. These data suggest that hypothermia attenuates heterotypic intercellular crosstalk which robustly depends on osteoblasts to inhibit both osteogenesis and angiogenesis in the co-culture system. Taken together, this approach will provide new insights into the relationship between osteoblasts and endothelial cells in tissue engineering

    Co-Culture of Osteoblasts and Endothelial Cells on a Microfiber Scaffold to Construct Bone-Like Tissue with Vascular Networks

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    Bone is based on an elaborate system of mineralization and vascularization. In hard tissue engineering, diverse biomaterials compatible with osteogenesis and angiogenesis have been developed. In the present study, to examine the processes of osteogenesis and angiogenesis, osteoblast-like MG-63 cells were co-cultured with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) on a microfiber scaffold. The percentage of adherent cells on the scaffold was more than 60% compared to the culture plate, regardless of the cell type and culture conditions. Cell viability under both monoculture and co-culture conditions was constantly sustained. During the culture periods, the cells were spread along the fibers and extended pseudopodium-like structures on the microfibers three-dimensionally. Compared to the monoculture results, the alkaline phosphatase activity of the co-culture increased 3–6 fold, whereas the vascular endothelial cell growth factor secretion significantly decreased. Immunofluorescent staining of CD31 showed that HUVECs were well spread along the fibers and formed microcapillary-structures. These results suggest that the activation of HUVECs by co-culture with MG-63 could enhance osteoblastic differentiation in the microfiber scaffold, which mimics the microenvironment of the extracellular matrix. This approach can be effective for the construction of tissue-engineered bone with vascular networks

    Potential Application of Protamine for Antimicrobial Biomaterials in Bone Tissue Engineering

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    Bacterial infection of biomaterials is a serious problem in the field of medical devices. It is urgently necessary to develop new biomaterials with bactericidal activity. Antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs), alternative antibacterial agents, are expected to overcome the bacterial resistance. The aim of this study was to develop a new intelligent material in bone tissue engineering based on protamine-loaded hydroxyapatite (protamine/HAp) that uses AMPs rather than antibiotics. It was found that the adsorption of protamine to HAp followed the Langmuir adsorption model and was due to electrostatic and/or hydrophobic interactions. In vitro bacterial adhesion and growth on protamine/HAp was inhibited in a protamine dose-dependent manner. Adherent bacteria exhibited an aberrant morphology for high dosages of protamine/HAp, resulting in the formation of large aggregates and disintegration of the membrane. The released protamine from protamine/HAp also prevented the growth of planktonic bacteria in vitro. However, a high dosage of protamine from powders at loading concentrations over 1000 μg·mL−1 induced a cytotoxic effect in vitro, although those exhibited no apparent cytotoxicity in vivo. These data revealed that protamine/HAp (less than 1000 μg·mL−1) had both antimicrobial activity and biocompatibility and can be applied for bone substitutes in orthopedic fields

    The construction of a microenvironment with the vascular network by co-culturing fibroblasts and endothelial cells

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    Introduction: Extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis and deposition in fibroblasts, and vascularization via endothelial cells are essential for successful tissue regeneration. Fibroblasts can produce both ECM, physical support for maintaining homeostasis, and bioactive molecules, such as growth factors and cytokines. Endothelial cells can secrete growth factors and form vascular networks that enable the supply of nutrients and oxygen and remove metabolic products. Methods: In this study, we focused on combining Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts (HPLF) and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) for tissue regeneration in clinical applications. Results: The fibroblastic and angiogenic phenotypes were promoted in co-culture with HPLF and HUVEC at a ratio of 1:1 compared to HPLF or HUVEC mono-culture. The gene expression of ECM components and angiogenesis-related factors was also enhanced by HPLF/HUVEC co-culture. Despite an apparent increase in the expression of angiogenic factors, the levels of secreted growth factors decreased under co-culture conditions. These data suggest that ECM constructed by HPLF and HUVEC would act as a storage site for growth factors, which can later be released. Our results showed that cell-to-cell interactions between HPLF and HUVEC enhanced collagen synthesis and endothelial network formation, leading to the creation of highly vascularized constructs for periodontal tissue regeneration. Conclusion: Successful periodontal tissue regeneration requires microenvironmental reconstruction and vascularization, which can be achieved using a co-culture system. In the present study, we found that fibroblastic and angiogenic phenotypes were enhanced by the co-culture of HPLF and HUVEC. The optimal culture conditions (1:1) could potentially accelerate tissue engineering, including ECM synthesis and EC tube formation, and these approaches can improve therapeutic efficacy after transplantation

    Acceleration of Osteogenesis via Stimulation of Angiogenesis by Combination with Scaffold and Connective Tissue Growth Factor

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    In bone regeneration, there are some important cellular biological processes, such as mineralization, cell organization, and differentiation. In particular, vascularization into regenerative tissues is a key step for the survival of cells and tissues. In this study, to fabricate biomimetic-engineered bone, including vascular networks, we focused on connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), a multifunctional protein which could regulate the extracellular matrix remodeling. By combination with CTGF and hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics (2D) or apatite-fiber scaffold (AFS, 3D), we have fabricated bioactive materials. The CTGF-loaded HAp ceramics could enhance the cellular attachment through interaction with integrin and promote actin cytoskeletal reorganization. CTGF-loaded HAp also enhanced the differentiation of osteoblasts by integrin-mediated activation of the signaling pathway. Under co-culture conditions, both osteoblasts and endothelial cells in the CTGF-loaded AFS were stimulated by CTGF, and each cell could penetrate the central region of the scaffold in vitro and in vivo. Direct cell-cell interaction would also improve the functionality of cells in bone formation. These results suggest that coupling between effective optimized scaffold and CTGF with multifunction could provide better mimicking natural bone by stimulation of angiogenesis

    Zoledronic Acid-Loaded β-TCP Inhibits Tumor Proliferation and Osteoclast Activation: Development of a Functional Bone Substitute for an Efficient Osteosarcoma Treatment

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    Osteosarcoma has a poor survival rate due to relapse and metastasis. Zoledronic acid (ZOL), an anti-resorptive and anti-tumor agent, is used for treating osteosarcoma. Delivery of ZOL to the target region is difficult due to its high binding affinity to bone minerals. This study developed a novel treatment for osteosarcoma by delivering ZOL to the target region locally and sustainably. In this study, we fabricated a novel bone substitute by loading ZOL on β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). The ZOL-loaded β-TCP (ZOL/β-TCP) would be expected to express the inhibitory effects via both bound-ZOL (bound to β-TCP) and free-ZOL (release from ZOL/β-TCP). To explore the ability to release ZOL from the ZOL/β-TCP, the amount of released ZOL was measured. The released profile indicates that a small amount of ZOL was released, and most of it remained on the β-TCP. Our data showed that ZOL/β-TCP could successfully express the effects of ZOL via both bound-ZOL and free-ZOL. In addition, we examined the biological effects of bound/free-ZOL using osteosarcoma and osteoclasts (target cells). The results showed that two states of ZOL (bound/free) inhibit target cell activities. As a result, ZOL/β-TCP is a promising candidate for application as a novel bone substitute