349 research outputs found

    Anomalous Properties of Quadrupole Collective States in 136^{136}Te and beyond

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    The ground and low-lying states of neutron-rich exotic Te and Sn isotopes are studied in terms of the nuclear shell model by the same Hamiltonian used for the spherical-deformed shape phase transition of Ba isotopes, without any adjustment. An anomalously small value is obtained for B(E2;01+21+)B(E2;0^+_1\to 2^+_1) in 136^{136}Te, consistently with a recent experiment. The levels of 136^{136}Te up to yrast 12+12^+ are shown to be in agreement with observed ones. It is pointed out that 136^{136}Te can be an exceptionally suitable case for studying mixed-symmetry 1+^+, 2+^+ and 3+^+ states, and predictions are made for energies, M1 and E2 properties. Systematic trends of structure of heavier and more exotic Sn and Te isotopes beyond 136^{136}Te are studied by Monte Carlo Shell Model, presenting an unusual and very slow evolution of collectivity/deformation.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Novel Extrapolation Method in the Monte Carlo Shell Model

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    We propose an extrapolation method utilizing energy variance in the Monte Carlo shell model in order to estimate the energy eigenvalue and observables accurately. We derive a formula for the energy variance with deformed Slater determinants, which enables us to calculate the energy variance efficiently. The feasibility of the method is demonstrated for the full pfpf-shell calculation of 56^{56}Ni, and the applicability of the method to a system beyond current limit of exact diagonalization is shown for the pfpf+g9/2g_{9/2}-shell calculation of 64^{64}Ge.Comment: 4 pages, 4figure

    Sexual Difference in Color Sense in a Lycaenid Butterfly, Narathura japonica

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    The spectral sensitivity of a lycaenid butterfly, Narathura japonica, was investigated by electroretinography using an integrating sphere that could illuminate the compound eye from almost all directions. Samples were collected from three locations. Butterflies from different locations showed a similar pattern; the first, second, and third peaks (or a shoulder) were located at about 380, 460, and 560 nm, respectively. Males clearly showed the highest sensitivity at the first peak point. In contrast, females showed a higher relative sensitivity than males at the second and third peak points in all samples, and showed broad spectral sensitivity. This male-specific UV-sensitivity is discussed in terms of ecological factors

    Abukuma and Sanbagawa metamorphic belts in the Kanto district

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    '29th IGC field trip guide book' vol.5, C08: [Editors] Hirokazu Kato, Harufumi Noro「IGC巡検ガイドブック」 第5巻: [編者] 加藤 碵一, 野呂 春

    The Brieva-Rook Localization of the Microscopic Nucleon-Nucleus Potential

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    The nonlocality of the microscopic nucleon-nucleus optical potential is commonly localized by the Brieva-Rook approximation. The validity of the localization is tested for the proton+90^{90}Zr scattering at the incident energies from 65 MeV to 800 MeV. The localization is valid in the wide incident-energy range.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Mesonephric adenocarcinoma with a sarcomatous component, a notable subtype of cervical carcinosarcoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    ABSTRACT: Carcinosarcoma of the uterine cervix is less common than its counterpart in the uterine corpus. On the other hand, mesonephric adenocarcinoma is also a rare neoplasm in the uterine cervix, and it has been reported that mesonephric adenocarcinomas are often accompanied by sarcomatous components. We present a case of mesonephric adenocarcinoma with a sarcomatous component which arose in a 63-year-old postmenopausal woman. The hysterectomy specimen grossly showed an exophytic mass measuring 1.8 cm in the uterine cervix. Histologically, diffuse mesonephric hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma with malignant spindle cell proliferation was recognized, and therefore the tumor was diagnosed as “mesonephric adenocarcinoma with a sarcomatous component.” The review of the literature of cervical carcinosarcoma and cervical mesonephric adenocarcinoma revealed that 16% of cervical carcinosarcoma is of mesonephric duct origin, and that mesonephric adenocarcinoma seems to be more likely to have sarcomatous change. We think the presence of a sarcomatous component in the cervical biopsy specimen could be helpful in the diagnosis of mesonephric duct origin. VIRTUAL SLIDES: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/124399650391106