10 research outputs found


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    cat3 nCat has several meanings peculiar to Newfoundland and Labrador or at least, to the Canadian Atlantic area. Since one usage of _cat_ derives from _catamaran_, I will list these terms in sequence. _cat_ n. 1. _Nfld., S. & C. Lab_. [elliptical] A _catermaran_ (def. 1) q.v. 2. likely as short form for _catamount_, the European wildcat of Britain (< _cat a' mount_ "mountain cat" < _A.S. catt_ ; reinforced by Wolen _cath_, In., Gael _cat_, Latin _catta_; thought ultimately to be Celtic, but note Arabic _gitt_, Turkish _Kedi_, a cat] The Canada Lynx,_ Lynx canadenais_; its flesh or palt. Also called _gatamount, mountain cat [underlined], great cat_ q.v. 3. _esp. Lab_ [likely < British dial. _cat_, any furry, small cat-like animal (Irish, Gael. _cat_ is same dial. sense); see also under def. 2. Note English _polecat_ the fitch or "stinking marten".] A marten, fisher or mink, or the pelt of any of these. See also _cat house, cat killer, cat path n. 4. _sealing;_ _esp. Nfld._ [< cat n. (as above); likely infl by kit n., a young or small animal (?< _kitten_ or akin to Scots, N. Eng. _chit_, child) a) Sepcifically, (over) [reverse] a still-born whitecoat or harp-seal, its scalp or pelt. 5. _Atlantic Provs_. , _B.C. coast; rare_ [ellipt. (< the cat-urine odour characteristic of its crushed needles] A "cat-spruce"; a white spruce. 6. _esp. Nfld._ [ellipt.] The catfish, also called ocean cat and Spotted Wolf-fish, _Anarhichas minor._ 7. _esp. Nfld_ [ellipt.] The sea cat or Ocean Pout, _Macrozoarces americanus._ _Catamaran_ n. 1. _esp. Nfld_ [ <s.w. Eng. rural dial. _catamaran_, anything roughly or awkardly construct < cat, thing (< O.E. _catal_, chattel, thing) + *_amaran_, wild, rough botched (< AS _amarran_ v., botch, mar; ? reincforced by French _marron_, wild, untamed)] A runnered work-sled of any type, esp. a strong broad sledge with wooden runners used n haulng wood or lumber. 2. [supposedly < Tamil _kattumaram_, tied loga ( < _kattu_ v., tis + _maram_ tree) but perhaps as in def. 1] a) _Atlantic Provs.; archaic_ A long raft; b) _esp. N. Lab. ; rare_ Two kayaks or small boats joined together for seaworthiness. _catamaran_ v.t. _esp. N. Lab.; now rare_ [< the noun q.v.] Join two kayaks or other small boats together for seawothiness when travelling on the ocean.W.J. KIRWIN DEC 1972JH DEC 1972Used I and SupUsed I and SupNot usedWHITE-COAT, HARP, HOODChecked by Cathy Wismeman on Wed 15 Apr 2015; Reverse side of C_1362

    Hierarchical clustering of drought responsive transcription factors in cv. SP70-1143.

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    <p>Expression pattern of (a) MYB, (b) WRKY, (c) ERF/AP2 and (d) bZIP gene families, in both root and shoot of sugarcane <i>Drought</i> and <i>Bacteria&Drought</i> datasets. Both genes and datasets were clustered in Genesis software, using Pearson correlation and Average linkage. For specific analysis of each gene after hierarchical clustering, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114744#pone.0114744.s006" target="_blank">Table S4</a>.</p

    Water deficit assay of sugarcane cv. SP70-1143 colonized with the beneficial endophytic diazotrophic bacteria <i>G. diazotrophicus</i> strain <i>PAL5</i>.

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    <p>(a) Simplified pipeline for water deficit assay. (b) left panel shows qRT-PCR quantification of sugarcane colonization by <i>G.diazotrophicus</i> 7 days after inoculation in hydroponic solution. Bacterial 23S rRNA levels are presented relative to rice 28 S rRNA levels. Right panel shows root and shoot fresh weight measurements 14 days after inoculation and 1 day before treatments. (c) Phenotype of sugarcane cv. SP70-1143 inoculated or not with <i>G. diazotropicus</i>, 3 days after withholding water. Senescent edges are indicated by arrows and are shown in the amplified image from a WD+GD plant. (d) qRT-PCR quantification of sugarcane colonization by <i>G.diazotrophicus</i> after 3 days under water deficit assay. Bacterial 23S rRNA levels are presented relative to rice 28 S rRNA levels. (e) Phenotype of sugarcane cv. SP70-1143 inoculated or not with <i>G. diazotropicus</i>, after 40 days withholding water. Bar = 5 cm. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean. Asterisk mark statistical significance between GD-R vs CT-R (*p<0.05) and WD+GD-R vs GD-R (**p<0.01), performed by statistical t-test (unpaired).</p

    Summary of reads and genes (loci) mapped in each generated library.<sup>*</sup>

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    <p>* Bases in deletions or insertions were not counted here.</p>a<p>Number of reads obtained after Illumina sequencing and filtering.</p>b<p>Number of reads mapped against reference transcriptome.</p>c<p>Number of loci from a total of 87,827 loci mapped.</p><p>Summary of reads and genes (loci) mapped in each generated library.<sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114744#nt103" target="_blank">*</a></sup></p

    Overall summary of the differentially regulated genes in Sugarcane SP70-1143 in the tree datasets comparisons.

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    <p>*55 (root) and 34 (shoot) transcripts are down in <i>Bacteria&Drought</i> and up in <i>Bacteria</i>; 33 (root) and 73 (shoot) transcripts up in <i>Bacteria&Drought</i> and down in <i>Bacteria</i>.</p><p>**748 (root) and 1,304 (shoot) transcripts down in <i>Bacteria&Drought</i> and up in <i>Drought</i>; 453 (roots) and 951 (shoots) transcripts up in <i>Bacteria&Drought</i> and down in <i>Drought</i>.</p><p>Overall summary of the differentially regulated genes in Sugarcane SP70-1143 in the tree datasets comparisons.</p

    GO enrichment analysis of non-inoculated SP70-1143 plants under water deficit.

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    <p>TRAPID system calculated GO enrichment based on the <i>Drought</i> dataset compared to a background (p-value<0.05). (a) Number of GOs highly represented as up or downregulated, in shoots and roots. Graphs in (b) and (c) show enrichment level and p-value of selected GOs indicating drought pattern in shoots of <i>Drought</i> dataset, corroborating PageMan analysis (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114744#pone.0114744.s003" target="_blank">Table S1</a>). GO enriched terms are shown as (b) up and (c) downregulated in shoots of SP70-1143. For a complete overview, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114744#pone.0114744.s004" target="_blank">Table S2</a>.</p

    Hormonal responses to bacteria colonization and drought stress in sugarcane SP70-1143.

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    <p>Only differentially expressed genes (DEG) related to ABA, ET and auxin biosynthesis, signaling and response, present in <i>Drought</i> and <i>Bacteria&Drought</i> datasets, are indicated in the schemes of each hormone pathway. Expresssion levels (log2 fold change) are represented as colors and symbols. Red stands for downregulated and blue stands for upregulated genes. For each hormone pathway, the DEG are identified with numbers. For more detailed function of each regulated gene, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0114744#pone.0114744.s005" target="_blank">Table S3</a>.</p