28 research outputs found

    El Diario de Pontevedra : periódico liberal: Ano XXI Número 3478 - 1904 setembro 13

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    Initial and tissue-specific candidate mRNAs with expression levels ≥1 FPKM for the prediction of TINCR-mRNA interactions. Expression levels were derived from RNA-seq data of GTEx consortium (Expression Atlas ID: E-MTAB-2919). One-tailed Fisher’s exact test was applied for comparing initial dataset and tissue-specific dataset. P-values were adjusted for multiple testing with Bonferroni correction. Tissue-specific expression of TINCR was also detected by ROKU [12]. (PDF 19 kb

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    The Asbestos Sheet Nov. 1966

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    Initial and tissue-specific candidate mRNAs with expression levels ≥1 FPKM for the prediction of TINCR-mRNA interactions. Expression levels were derived from RNA-seq data of GTEx consortium (Expression Atlas ID: E-MTAB-2919). One-tailed Fisher’s exact test was applied for comparing initial dataset and tissue-specific dataset. P-values were adjusted for multiple testing with Bonferroni correction. Tissue-specific expression of TINCR was also detected by ROKU [12]. (PDF 19 kb

    Additional file 18 of Identification and analysis of ribosome-associated lncRNAs using ribosome profiling data

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    Table S11. Fold change values for cellular localization analysis in HeLa cells. (XLSX 154 kb

    Additional file 5 of Identification and analysis of ribosome-associated lncRNAs using ribosome profiling data

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    Figure S2. Frequency distributions of Ribo-seq read lengths across CDSs, 5 ′/3 ′UTRs, and lncRNAs (mouse). (PDF 10956.8 kb

    Additional file 10 of Identification and analysis of ribosome-associated lncRNAs using ribosome profiling data

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    Table S7. Analysis of ribosomal associations of mRNAs and lncRNAs. (XLSX 46.7 kb

    Additional file 5 of Computational prediction of lncRNA-mRNA interactions by integrating tissue specificity in human transcriptome

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    Number of tissue-specific lncRNA and mRNAs detected as outlier expression by applying ROKU [12] to RNA-seq data derived from NIH Epigenomics Roadmap project [15]. All expression levels were obtained from Expression Atlas (ID: E-MTAB-3871). In total, 4973 lncRNA and 16,164 protein-coding genes with expression level ≥1 FPKM were analyzed in this dataset. The values in parenthesses indicate the ratio of tissue-specific genes to total. (PDF 14 kb

    Additional file 14 of Identification and analysis of ribosome-associated lncRNAs using ribosome profiling data

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    Table S10. Alignment of mass spectrometry data to mouse trans-lncRNAs. (TSV 5.97 kb

    Additional file 6 of Computational prediction of lncRNA-mRNA interactions by integrating tissue specificity in human transcriptome

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    Initial and tissue-specific candidate mRNAs with expression levels ≥1 FPKM for the prediction of TINCR-mRNA interactions. Expression levels were derived from RNA-seq data of Human Protein Atlas project (Expression Atlas ID: E-MTAB-2836). One-tailed Fisher’s exact test was applied for comparing initial dataset and tissue-specific dataset. P-values were adjusted for multiple testing with Bonferroni correction. Tissue-specific expression of TINCR was also detected by ROKU [12]. (PDF 15 kb